Build It Anew (2)

Outbreak referred to a phenomenon where the Obelisk retracted the Barrier of the area it had been isolating due to the overpopulation of the Demons staying in the area. An overwhelming amount of Demons would roam the world freely because of this phenomenon.

What one was afraid the most of this phenomenon was the fact that the Obelisk Masters, an abomination that could cause an unimaginable destruction by themselves, could also roam the world freely while leading the Demons.

Demons by themselves were already troublesome, let alone being under the lead of someone. As long as the Obelisk Masters were still alive, the Outbreak would never end.

To "end" the Outbreak, one had to kill the Obelisk Master leading the army of Demons. The moment said Obelisk Master was killed, the Demons would no longer have someone to command them, which would in turn make defeating them easier.