Build It Anew (End)


Three seconds after Basil hugged Clarissa, his surrogate sister, Iliana opened the door of his room. She looked at the scene presented before her eyes in slight surprise, before sighing in relief.

Basil smiled faintly at her, and let go of Clarissa. He immediately walked towards her, and embraced her tenderly.

Iliana buried her face in his chest, then let go of her hug after a few seconds. Looking at him silently for a moment, she made him understand that she was going to say something that he might not like.

"Dad is having an audience with the King," Clarissa suddenly remarked. "... In case that you are wondering."

"What kind of matter requires the King of Braxtein to meet my father?" Basil looked at Iliana.

"It has something to do with your reward for your achievements in the Outbreak," Iliana answered.