Tower of Legacy (6)

"Big Sister Hou…she is going to fight with Brother Ye…."


Danzel, Diana and Mei Qi turned to Xiu Li and looked at him in puzzlement. They hadn't heard about Basil's temporary name, so they didn't know to whom he was referring.

"It's Brother's female name—Xiao Hou Xin," Shirley explained.

"Oh…that is quite an overbearing name," Mei Qi commented. "It is very characteristic of him…or her, in this case."

Tian Long hummed in interest. "I wonder how well that Ye kid will fare against Hou'er. Of course, I am even more curious about how Hou'er fights."

"Why don't we bet, Uncle Tian?" Clarissa suggested.

"Five minutes!" Julia declared. "Senior will clean the field in five minutes!"



"Darn it, these lasses. I will take three too."

Danzel and the others watched in amusement as Tian Long and the lasses put their bet. They were extremely confident in their bet.