Tower of Legacy (End)

"Tsk…that son of yours is too impatient," Zimo clicked his tongue as he watched the unfolding scene in the alternate reality. "He has successfully turned such an amazing Artefact into a useless ornament!"

"He is…a little bit too young to think rationally," Tang Xin countered.

"No. He underestimates people too much. That is what you have to pay if you are arrogant."

Daoists sought the highest comprehension of Dao as they cultivated. They incorporated Dao as much as they could into their lives—to the point that they were heavily reliant on Dao. To cripple a Daoist, one could suppress his Dao. Because of that, Mirror of The Inverted Sky was fearsome.

Ye Xiu was being rational by thinking no one should be able to utilise their Dao as good as he did in the alternate reality. What he had failed to understand, however, was the fact that not everyone was reliant on their Dao.