4 years had passed since I got my power, and I had come to realize the satisfaction that came with gaining power after continuous hard work. Seeing the results of my training come into fruition gave a feeling that was quite addicting. I could currently travel at a little past the speed of sound, and could maintain that speed for around an hour before getting tired.
The speed and distance I could travel is subject to change, given more training, but at the current moment I was satisfied with my speed. As a 4 year old, I couldn't exactly start lifting weights, given the amount of suspicion that would be aroused, but now that I had turned 8, physical activity wasn't completely out of the question.
I began my exercises by doing pushups, sit-ups and squats. Increasing by 50 every day.
The speculation I faced from the rest of my family was high, and they often found amusement in teasing me for training. I remember one day I was doing my sprints up and down the street. My house was in a suburban neighborhood, so the streets weren't busy at night.
4 Months Ago
"Hey Edward! What are you doing?" My brother asked.
It was late at night and I had just finished my sprints. I answered with heavy breaths, my hands on my knees. "Training because I want to get stronger. Why do you ask?"
"Oooh, little Eddie wants to be a superhero, doesn't he?"
"Something like that, why?"
'Why does he care'
"That's adorable, but you know that mom will be worried about you, right?"
'Well duh, is this guy an idiot, of course she'll worry.'
"Yeah, I do, but superheroes live lavish lifestyles, and my quirk is suited for being one. Also, by training, I'll be strong enough that she doesn't have to worry."
"That's adorable! You acting tough is the cutest and most amusing thing I've seen in my entire life!"
Ticks appeared on my forehead. "Shut up."
"And you can't even admit that you're hilarious, that's even more funny!" My brother was bent over and had tears in his eyes.
"Sammy, I swear to god if you don't shut up right now, I'll beat you to a pulp."
He quieted down, but from the look on his face, I could tell he wouldn't let it go. He was an annoying brother, and he acted like an idiot, but I also knew that he was thinking about all the possibilities, and dangers that came with being a hero. I knew he cared, and it felt good knowing that my life had taken a turn for the better since I ate that fruit.
"Well, alright, I'll let it go, and I won't tell mom, but if you really want to be a hero, you should think about applying to a hero school when you graduate middle school."
I became familiar with the foreign concept of schools when I was younger, so I knew I had to apply to a high school after middle school, but I was confused at the concept of a hero school.
"Hero school? What's that?" I asked, confusion visible on my face.
"You know, like UA? It's a school that's really famous for teaching popular heroes. How do you not know this?"
"Shut up, I'm only 8, I'll think about this kind of stuff later, but it does sound fun."
'I'm technically 24, but whatever.'
The conversation ended on that note as Tommy was tired, and wanted to go to bed, but the topic he brought up was interesting.
'Hero school? Maybe I'll try my hand at getting in.'
With that I threw myself back into training.
After 5 more years, I had the power to lift about 3 tons, and my speed remained about the same since I was 8. I was currently 13 but something was still bothering me. I had been going to school, and learning things I was unaware of before, but my intelligence felt like it never increased.
'My quirk is called limit breaker, and it referenced being able to go beyond human both physically and mentally, so why do I feel like my intelligence remained the same?'
I still sucked at puzzles, and other things that required prediction and creative thinking, but I was an expert in all things math, English, science, Japanese, and all other core subjects. I was practically a genius, but that wasn't the intelligence I was searching for.
My classes were easy, buy riddles always left me clueless.
'Maybe it's because I've been doing more of those subjects.'
I decided that it would do no harm to try and improve my mental skills through puzzles for the rest of the time waiting for the UA test.
As I was contemplating these thoughts, I was walking down the street, when I saw a fire in an alley with a crowd of people surrounding it. Curious, I walked over.
I pushed through the crowd, bumping and elbowing people out of the way so I could get a look. 'These kinds of moments really make me miss my old life.'
I finally got through the entire crowd, the attraction was because some weird sewer monster was devouring a loud-mouthed, blond kid with spiky hair. The heroes that were there to save the day, weren't acting. I heard from one that their quirks weren't right for the job.
'That makes sense, but still, that kid is dying, shouldn't they do something?'
I wasn't planning on taking a step forward. It wasn't my job, I didn't know the kid, and honestly, from the way he was talking, he sounded like an asshole. His attitude was one of arrogance, and it reminded me of myself. I had matured a lot over the 13 years I've spent in this world, and I've realized that the way of the Celestial Dragon was mistaken. Arrogance wasn't the answer, confidence was, and this kid had loads of arrogance.
Suddenly, from behind, came running footsteps, and a scrawny, green haired kid came running out from the crowd. He had freckles, and large eyes, with tears in his eyes.
'Why is he crying? Does he have smoke in his eyes?'
He rushed forward, dodging the heroes, and spinning while throwing his backpack at the monster. The books flew out and hit the monster, while he started to claw away the sludge that was contaminating the boy. The monster raised a hand, about to crush the broccoli head to mush.
'He's pretty brave, but also really stupid.'
Suddenly, as I watched, a man with rabbit hair, and large muscles slammed into the ground, grabbed the kid with green hair, and punched the slime of the bratty kid, a smile on his face.
'All Might'
Wind rushed forward, caused by the by the speed and power of his punch. A mini tornado raised up into the sky, changing the weather.
'He's super powerful.'
The scene was over, and my interest in the broccoli haired kid diminished, and I went back home to work on my new puzzles.