A leap of faith into uncertainty

"only God knows how long am gonna stay here before getting out and continuing my artistic journey in this short life, but as much as I hate to admit it, I like this reflections am having on my life" those were trin's thoughts as she laid on her back faced up, she took out her diary to write down some things and she wrote the date and addressed her diary fondly as usual and wrote: when I think about the nature of logic, I stumble upon this thought that goes thus; we often say that we've proven something logically beyond reasonable doubt that, that particular thing is what we say it is. Like the fact that we are humans; have we ever wondered what other conscious realities we're oblivious of their existence perceive us as, am certain they will not see us as the self acclaimed humans. they might see us as animals as we call other conscious beings below our intelligence or worst they might relate us to viruses because of our viral form of existence. the conscious entity with little level of awareness might think us to be gods just like we think of entities more knowledgeable than we are. But the question is: are we humans or gods when we can't decipher what we are or what existence is? I leave it like this; any form of existence living in our planet, earth as we call it, might earn the right to be called human if it stops living like a virus by destroying the planet and natural order and maybe in the future, discover what we really are, where we're from, what we're doing here and where we go from here, only then should an earthling be referred to as human, other than that we're equal to other biological animals. And when a human becomes conscious enough to know what existence is and how to manipulate it, the human earns the right to be called god. it is an existence of many realities and endless possibilities as we know at best and its very possible that we may evolve beyond what we are today into real humans and from thence into gods.

this leads to the definition of God by me. then what is God?

I can say that God is that ultimate or supreme reality with the highest form of consciousness or awareness, which have the ability to know what the totality of existence is and how to manipulate it at will! bye for today dear diary (she addresses and closes her diary) she then muttered to herself "at the end, true knowledge is in knowing that we know nothing and total ignorance is the most blissful state of mind!" she then consciously relaxes into her thoughts as if lucid dreaming, her thoughts trailed off to when grace started telling Mr Simeon that she doesn't like the nature of their newfangled environment and that the type of lackadaisical attitudes displayed by the indigenes when it comes to education and their voodoo minded inclinations might influence her kids in very negative ways, she said these for some while and Mr Simeon began to see reasons with her, he then decided to step into the uncertain but before doing that he had to do it cautiously, just like using a foot to check the depth of a stream. He first travelled around and his mind settled at the city of Onitsha where they initially exported their goods to, so he came back and informed his wife of his decision and she accepted it wholeheartedly but recognized that it was going to be hard for them and especially the children, because they don't know how to speak the ibo language which is predominant in Onitsha and blending in with the social life is going to be a real hard nut to crack but they persevered and believed that everything is possible and that it was all for the best. Mrs Simeon had to harvest her cassava which she had planted earlier that season, she with her family later peeled it, washed it and took it to the mill, there that grinded it, bagged it and pressed it for two days, it became very dried. Then they got it home and filtered it with a four cornered filter placed over a stainless basin and fried the dust on a pan, and they made garri! they made two bags and they knew it'd sustain them for long, they gathered their stocked fishes, bush meats and etc and prepared for take off, their neighbors became emotional because they just started bonding well. They then began their travel, they used the land transport and that was the first time the kids saw the great Niger bridge they've always heard stories about, it was so gigantic and a wonderful sight to behold for the kids, trin looked into the water from the bus and she became dizzy, she felt a sudden pull to the water and she hugged her mother tight. they got to their destination which was In a place called "fegge Onitsha" and Mrs Simeon was quite happy with her eyes, they got inside their four storied apartment which they were occupying the second floor and made themselves at home. the kids were quickly enrolled into a school by then grace was pregnant and her pregnancy was in the sixth month, before the end of the term, she gave birth to a girl and they named her kaima. but at the time the family started having little financial setbacks so Mr Simeon came of the opinion to send trin and Gloria to umuahia, abia state, Nigeria, to live with his elder sister who had no kids of her own and have been on his neck to send his nieces over to her. she was a chief wardress at the zone nine police command in afaraukwu, umuahia. grace after some reluctance gave in to the idea, the day finally came in 2007 and she kissed, hugged and bad her kids goodbye as her husband boarded a bus with them to umuahia. they got there and they loved the environment, it was very cool and without noise unlike the noisy Onitsha commercial environment, this place was plainly education based and civil service. they got to the woman's home, and her husband wasn't at home at the time. she lived in a rented bungalow. she was 6ft 2inches in height and she looked cruel, the children were scared and they wanted to follow their father home but the woman bribed them with gifts and they decided to stay.

It didn't take long after their father had gone home, she took them outside, took off their clothes and bathed the hell out of them, she said that they stank and she had to bath them with hot water, detergent and iron sponge. she had a TV set and a DVD player but the children never watched it became she won't allow it. They got registered into 'union primary school afaraukwu' and they were placed in the same class, primary four after some resistance from Gloria but the lady by name Mrs Christy enforced the will on her, maintaining that Gloria was a total dunce. So she had no option but to oblige, they barely ate and she trashes they with the cane occasionally and severely. whenever they failed in school as usual, she'll look for Bush sugar cane, (the bitter one) and flog them with it and she tells them that flogging them with the cane will open their brains to knowledge. whenever they resisted her trashing them, she'll start to cry as if they harassed her and she'll invite her coworker, a male in his early forties to deal with them with his thick military belt, which he uses on criminals. they faced a lot of horrors under her care and whenever they called their Mom and complained to her over the phone, her phone is always on call record, and she comes back, listens to the recording and pounces on them in rage, later she calls Mrs Grace and explains a whole lot of deceitful and treacherous things to her and tell her that the kids are the architects and she was only trying to correct them. meanwhile Mrs Grace will now give her the mantle that she is free to punish any of them as she deems fit when they go wrong because they're her kids as well. with that she pounces on them again with a pestle and hit the living daylight out of them!

they continued to live like that for long and whenever their parents promised to come and visit, she will start treating them well so they'll appear pleasingly plump before their parents and she'll buy them gifts, promising them to buy them more when their parents go home only if they promised to never tell their parents about the maltreatment she's been giving to them, and they'll agree childishly. After the parents have visited and gone home, she resumes her torture where she paused. But one thing the kids cherished incomparably well was her cooking skills which were so superb but they still miss their mother's food. Mrs Christy prepares delicacies like bean cake, and with biscuit bone stock fish and meat she prepares the best soups of her tribe. At the end of the term, the kids failed again and we're disciplined mercilessly, they cried their souls out but they couldn't do anything about their blocked heads, trin was in A class and Gloria was in B and both of them took the last positions in their classes. trin started trying to learn when she couldn't stand the beatings anymore because she was fearful of the cane. she met the brightest students in her class to tutor her and her class teacher after classes and when she went home she just stares at her books without actually reading anything and when confronted by her aunt, she says she's reading with her mind. But a day came and trin after been punished by her aunt for no reason channeled the anger to her God and cried miserably in prayer and after the prayer, she went inside the house, opened her book and started reading it fluently, it was like she became enlightened, it was the first miracle in her life and her aunt was impressed to the core. The next day was school oral test and the students were expected to do a reading exercise. everyone did their readings, some made errors and were punished and when it got to her turn, the whole class got silent so that they could make mockery of her and laugh her to scorn as usual but this time around her academic turnaround was excellent, it was a bolt in the blues and everyone was dumbfounded after she had read the whole passage vividly without mistakes, even the class teacher had her mouth gaped open. later when she recovered from the shock, the ordered an applause for her and the class complied. since that day trin became a doyen of academic excellence in her school, that term she took the fifth position, the next term she took the third position and it got only better. on the other hand, Gloria was still struggling and trin will teach her at her convenience. But the maltreatment given to them by Mrs Christy skyrocketed when her husband came back from travel and started showing the kids excessive love at her neglect, he throws words such as barren at her occasionally and she could only relieve her anger after beating the children up.

she was beating trin one day and as she tried to flee to safety, she mistakingly matched the security dog in the compound, name 'Cindy', it got up with yellow sparks off her eyes and ran away but before trin could make a move she felt a sharp pain at the back of her leg, she took a look and saw blood dripping from behind her leg, only then did she realize that the dog had earlier bitten her , she panicked out of fear and as she was trying to patch it up with a piece of red soil, the landlords daughter who have been standing outside the compound watching the whole incident rushed in and confronted her, she was actually on her way to the compound to check something about the electric bills in the compound before she stumbled on that show. she then takes her by the hand after some persuasions to her aunt who acted all warm, welcoming and innocent after hiding her cane the moment she spotted the landlords daughter, the lady didn't fall for the calculated action, she reprimanded her in fury against flogging the kids again, else she'll be forced to report her to the Nigerian human right divisional headquarters in umuahia and she knows what that entails! she promised never to spank them again and the lady after some fuming decided to take her word for it. she then instructed her to take trin to the hospital to be injected with ATS against tetanus and she complied without argument. later the lady went home and with a hawk eye she looked at trin till the day ran out, the next day she took her to the hospital where she was injected. the physician massaged her buttocks with his hand, applied spirit to a piece of cotton wool, wiped the surface and injected her, but it stung trin so much that she stiffened her butt muscles a little bit and she was immediately adviced by the doctor to repel her muscles to avoid catastrophic damage to her leg and she immediately complied, luckily for her, everything was fine with her except her leg which belongs to the butt she had stiffened earlier felt shorter than the other and she started tipping, the doctor noticed immediately and applied some ointment to the area and massaged her buttocks and legs to normality but after as they were going home that day, trin got motion sick from looking at the bus's floor as she was lapped by her sister on the public transport, she tried to take her attention off and look outside but the road side grasses that they were speeding past got her so dizzy that she felt like throwing up, she tried to cover her mouth in a flash as she noticed what was trying to happen to her but before she could, it escaped her mouth and nostrils and spread on her laps, on the wig of the passenger seating on her front, on the seats, a little bit on Gloria's body and on the bus's floor! Mr Christy out of anger started shouting at trin and calling her a witch and slapped her in the feat of her anger, the passengers went on rampage for her devilish display of character by maltreating an ill child, the passengers cursed her till she got down before reaching her bus stopping destination to avoid the insults and fired shots at trin with blaring hot eyes as she expressed disgust at her and promised that she'd skin her alive and she'll watch her wear it once they got home, trin was terrified to the bone marrows while Gloria continued to clean her up on their way home while she shivered, they passed a train station and trin though sick couldn't helped been stunned because it was so amazing to her, they got home that day and Mrs Christy had already forgotten all that happened or so she acted!