joy in ordinary life

Trin came back together with Gloria, she was even more sick when they got home, maybe from over thinking and increased heart rate, 'the witch' as they nicknamed their aunt Christy because of her long painted nails which she somehow managed to keep though wardens don't, later forgave trin, not because of her health but because she was too angry that she could kill her and have to answer to her parents which is the second thing she seem scared off as opposed to human rights agency, she let her off the hook this time but promised her that she won't be that lucky next time if only she was merciful enough to let her repeat eat before strangling the life force out of her, trin was shivering in fear as she was saying these and Gloria feared for her sake.

But life isn't always bitter, there were better days too! their neighbors (the Mr Jonathan's family married to one incredibly obsessed Mrs Dorothy, Mr Jonathan was the warden often invited over to give trin and Gloria the lashes of their lives with a big military belt, as she was a junior staff to Mrs Christy).

His wife is so fat and lazy that she literally can't get off the sofa to do anything so he got her two house helps, a male and a female. Mrs Dorothy due to her size had voluptuous large breasts and the milk was a fountain! She in most occasions milk her breast into a jug and solicit the help of her house helps to help her drink it because she was heartbroken whenever she sees a drop of it go to waste since the toddler she bears seems to have had enough of it, this disgusting act aggravated to her forcing the house helps to drink this blob of a breast milk and the husband soon became so pissed off that he beat her up one faithful afternoon though he couldn't do much in the beating session because she was so massive. Mrs Dorothy became suicidal after the beating and all acts to restrain her from committing this abominable act was tantamount to nothing so they let her to her will. She dragged herself with a stool to the centre of her parlour while everyone was watching and crying and at the same time trying to call the police, she then tied a rope to her ceiling fan and with a stool got up to it, fitted her neck in and jumped off the stool, everyone present was so scared that they shouted but as they realized it later, the rope she used snapped and she hit hard on the floor and was whining in pain but the audience couldn't help laughing because the sight was so hilarious even at the exposition of her big sized panties because she was wearing a skirt the same size as a parachute.

she got really pissed off and miserable because of the laughter and made her way to an even firmer and bigger rope to prove her point of being willing to die, she took up the onus again and went for it, at first the rope held her but the fan unhooked from the ceiling, she landed on the stool and then to the floor and the fan made a free fall to her head and knocked her unconscious, the whole time everyone was laughing till they got tears in their eyes but at this reality stopped abruptly. they called an ambulance immediately and rushed her to the hospital, where she was admitted and treated for a period of six days before she recovered but when she came back, she made it clear that she's not forgiven her husband and will still get back at him, one way or the other! trin and Gloria were so overjoyed at this thrilling comedy since they set foot on the city, but they weren't to laugh much to the weekends because the next day was a Monday and they went to school as usual. after the morning lessons, it was break period at 11:20am , now trin was playing with her peers and discovered a balloon looking object lying on the floor of their abandoned classroom, they went there to play sometimes though it had been rumoured that a syndicate of hoodlums used that room for recreation as well and for other illegal activities and the police have been on their heels but with no fast approaching progress, she instinctively took it for a balloon and raised it to her mouth to blow it when she heard the break over bell, it was 11:50am now, she just needed to blow this banana shaped balloon, take it to class and make her playmates jealous but the teacher who was with a cane ordering the pupils to get into their classes took a detour into that room because she knew their were always stubborn kids in there who despite hearing the break bell will always like to last a moment or two outside, and of course they always had excuses! immediately she saw what trin was trying to do, she immediately recognised the rubber tube as a condom and yelled at trin to drop it to the floor, the poor kid was so angry and soon started to cry as to the reason why this wicked teacher would make her drop a piece of her joy, and the teacher showed no sympathy and with a wave of the cane drove her further away and into her class while she was soliloquizing in anger, the teacher later came back with her cane to check this tube and later realized that it have been used, she muttered " this is how this kids will be bringing troubles upon themselves and their parents, so this one could've drank the juice inside if I hadn't stepped in? kids and their innocence" she smiled and shakes her head side ways in disbelief as she leaves the scene, she then went to the proprietress office to officially launch this complain, the woman was shocked to her marrows and gave the district inspector a call and he gave his solidarity and promised to bring those syndicate to book and do justice to them, meanwhile she instructed the proprietress to do all she can to ensure her pupils don't go to that building for the time being till the criminals are apprehended, she thanked him and ended the call, the teacher who has been listening all the while as the call has been audible drew a deep sigh of relief and thanked the mistress for her fast action and called her by her pseudonym "action mummy" she blushed and waved her hand uttering "stop please" and with that the teacher left.

Meanwhile trin was not happy the whole day in class she was still pondering the reason to the teacher's reaction if not sheer wickedness as she and Gloria was going home, Gloria fell back with her friends and trin couldn't wait for anybody so she sped off, she didn't even greet anybody on her way home as usual but as she reached the gate to their compound, she stopped abruptly because she was stunned by the sight she beheld, a cobra snake was crawling and hissing at Cindy, the cobra was atop the glass protected fence but it did nothing to her fragile and slow demeanor, Cindy's puppies were terrified so that started barking with their small voices, trin decided to watch on carefully, partially out of fear now, Cindy scaled through the fence in defence of her kids and bit the cobra on the neck, she jumped down with the cobra twisting and struggling to get off her grip and she used her legs to hold it still to the ground for about two minutes and it died, she then checked on it with her foot to see if it really died and she confirmed that it did, then she signalled on her four puppies to come over, they immediately rushed over to their mom and started playing all around her, jumping and scratching her with their teeth, and kicking the cobra up and down! just then trin noticed some blood dripping from Cindy's body and behold it was a really deep wound, the glasses in the fence she scaled through left her with that, it was a very severe cut in the mid section of her beasts, Cindy noticed it but didn't want to kill the joy her puppies where having though she was in pains, she played along, later she excused herself and hid below the hart tank in the compound situated near the flowers and held up by eight enormous stones, she lay down below whining in pain.

Trin later made this matter to be known to her aunt, who informed the owners and they in turn invited a veterinary doctor over who administered some treatments, but flies will always go perch on the wounds and sting her, she'll use her teeth to catch them when they're close to her in the air at intervals while she rolls on her back, her puppies will also come to suckle on her breasts and sometimes touch her wounded area, she screams in pain while her puppies get their mouth off her breasts in inquiries but she will feign that nothing happened and they will continue suckling!

As days span into months, they got news from Mrs Grace that she was pregnant again despite their financial situation at the time and this time around, she gave birth to another girl, they named her destiny, the news was a source of joy and they couldn't wait for the holiday to go visit and carry the baby, they were so excited. But Mrs Christy whose countenance have changed from this wonderful news to a terrible one because she was yet to conceive a child of her own, in fact she had never got pregnant, she became more wicked towards the kids, she beats them up for the slightest mistake and they rued the day they came over to hers. Mr and mrs Simeon's financial situation got driven to the mud as a result of inflation in the marketing system, they were forced to relocate to a remote area called umudioka in dunukofia local government area of anambra state and they settled in a village called "akpom". The place was very calm and beautiful and the main occupation of the inhabitants was agriculture and trading, the compound they lived in belonged to a traditional practitioner, Mr Simeon with his savings bought a motorcycle which he will always use to go to the local market and carry goods for traders to earn an income which was just enough to feed the family for two days, mrs Simeon did nothing at the moment, she takes care of her kids, she at this perilous times wished she was in good terms with her parents and her husband had no wealthy relation who was capable enough to help them so they had to put up with whatever the day had in stock for them, they often went to bed in empty stomachs most of the time and most a times they had to make due with the little that was available, this went on torturously to what seemed to them like forever, the area was mosquito infested and they tried and bought one second handed mosquito net for Grace and the babies and Mr Simeon will sleep out of it because it wasn't spaced enough, he slaps himself till the next day and wakes up dizzy because of lack of sleep and had to go to work because if he did not their bellies will sing them awake the night that follows!

There neighbor by the name uche who lived directly adjacent to them was a middle aged man who lived as a bachelor and he trades in Cameroon peppers, he buy's them in bags and spread them in the sun to get dry when its humid and he ties it up into measures quantities which he supplies to his customers in the local market. the peppers had a very harsh aura which makes anybody in close proximity to sneeze, and the breeze blows it into the eyes as well but uche was used to it, also if it comes in contact with the skin especially the private region, the victim acts like a mad man that escaped from a mental home. And Mr Simeon's family were mainly the victims to this disaster because they were his closest neighbors, kaima herself was already walking and he often go and play with the peppers and uche tries to chase her off but once in a while she succeeds in stealing concealing the one she'll use for her playful cooking in her leisure and she often messed it up in her eyes as she will cry almost the whole day till the effect dissipates!

Meanwhile trin and Gloria were also experiencing the worst days in their existence, they were not allowed even a breathing space by mrs Christy, and one faithful day when she had left to work to get her own share of the years ending party of their prison because it was Christmas time and they often kept a huge amount of the food items brought for the prisoners which included bags of onions, stock fishes, loaves of bread, cooking oil and so on, so she couldn't miss it for anything in the world!

Trin used this opportunity an took a neighbors phone and called her mom, she lamented bitterly with heartfelt expressions that the people in the neighbors house couldn't help the tears dripping from their eyes, she lamented for about ten minutes then she gave a yawn, the infectious yawn spread across the room like wild fire in harmattan season, she continued till fifteen minutes while her mother in the other listening end of the call, continued to shed tears uncontrollably, she then promised her that the next day she was coming to get them, but trin expressed her fears that her mom reassured her that she'll shock her and her wicked aunt out of her wits, she agreed and thanked her, asked about her baby sisters and her father, after confirming their wellbeing she bade her goodbye and ended the call. she then thanked the woman and she and others dear expressed their sympathies, they dashed her some token and she thanked them and left in joy and hopeful anticipation, she told Gloria the good news and she praised her courage and intelligence!

The next day they went to school and waited till break period to get together again and talk about what was going to happen as they anticipated, they talked at length till the bell went for break over and they dispersed to their classes, it was about 1:00pm when trin looked out of her class window and saw a tricycle dropping her mother off, she excused herself from the class, went behind the classroom as if to pee and took a detour to Gloria's class and signalled to her through the window and she got the gist, she got took an excuse as well and went outside, they also went off to the direction of their mother and took her off the premises, only then were they able to hug properly and display long vaulted emotional affections, she kissed them in the face over and over again and started to cry, she apologized for sending them to that heartless witch and her children in tears told her that it was never her fault, that they were in dire situations at that time and nobody expected her to turn out a black mamba.

she they later went into their classes and got their bags, Gloria's class prefect asked her where she was going to with her school bag and she said that the teacher that just left the class told her to bring her bag, the same explanation trin gave to her class prefect because they had earlier planned it out!

They left and meet with their mother and she took them to an eatery where they ate to their brim and flushed it down with a delicious mountain dew drink, they traveled a long distance and saw so many amazing sights on the way and they got to their destination by 5:00pm that day, meanwhile mrs Simeon's phone had about twenty missed calls from mrs Christy! she looked at it and smiled in jest then shook her head and went inside with her family. The kids were so happy to behold the babies they've been long awaiting for, trin took kaima while Gloria bore destiny in her arms smiling to their faces, later that night when Mr Simeon came back from work and expressed joy seeing his beloved children, he sent the kids in the compound and bought them gifts and gave to his kids as well, he then heard of his wife's escapades, only then did he reach out to his phone in his pocket and saw the missed calls from miss Christy as well, they laughed her to scorn. Mrs Simeon later called her back and explained to her that she was in the market the whole while and that her husband was riding his motorcycle to make some cash as usual, just then mrs Christy's worries aggravated and she started to cry lamenting how she waited for the kids to return all to no avail and later went to their school to check on them but the school was long dismissed, later she called their class teacher and they gave accounts of how they left school before dismissal, just then mrs grace cut her story short by starting to throw a faked tantrum and started crying, she was acting and her husband and two kids were laughing inaudibly, she threatened that if she didn't see her kids when she borrow transport money from her neighbors and come over to her place, she'd reap her into shreds. she laid threats on top another and finally ended the call and switched off her phone, her husband already did the same, they cheered and applauded her for a wonderful acting, they laughed till late in the night, prayed together and went to bed!