The transition

Trin recovered from her trail of thoughts and went out of the room she was in, she started to talk to the other patients in the hospital and get acquainted with them. she though had doubts in her mind but she took the initiative and she got to know her neighbors and any others as well, she was very happy because she'd discovered that there were some intellectuals in the hospital as well, she really loved talking to people who are nerdy and have sharp IQ! she was smiling from mouth to ear and went when she headed to her quarters, she got inside, sat in her bed, took out her phone and started chatting with her friends, she seems to be breaking her claustrophobic condition she faced when she got through the death and resurrection trauma, she chatted many who express how they've missed her and with that she thought she's rediscovered her creative skills and brought out her pen, and started making a sketch, she was a great artist, had lots in her mind she was trying to accomplish, if a person builds reputations on what they're about to do, she'd be the best creature in the multiverse, she was a hyper realist artist, a poet, song writer and scholar, she sketched a realistic parrot standing on a twig and she suddenly felt a stroke of love in her mind and started to write bellow the drawing she titled it the language of affection as she wrote: "your beauty is unmatched in all realms; I feel so eternally indebted to you that of all persons, you chose this unworthy me. The way I feel lacks reasonable mental expressions, I want us to get so fond of each other that we have no urge to respect boundaries. Am drawn to you like bees to the sweet nectar of a flower. if I can walk a mile for myself; ten thousands will I walk for you. what I feel for you is so real, the affection emanating like light from me, I hope you feel the same way? To the world you might be one person, but to me you're the world. you might have seen one nicer and better than I am, so do I; but I have never met anyone like you, thanks for being you. The mere thought of seeing you in the embrace of another person makes my heart sink and gives me goosebumps, my only selfish desire is to have you all to myself. I adore your velvety goddess looking flawless beauty that is so glamorous and ravishing and is gorgeously graceful of all flesh, your beauty intoxicates hearts of stone such as mine and your innocence is the dagger that bleeds my senile heart, yet you came in purity to pollute me.

Can you be the Athena to my Odysseus? my heart keeps on probing in hopeful anticipation, can you give me your hand and walk this path with me no matter how tough it gets?

I've always boasted of how complete I am till I met you, then I realized that my fragility and vulnerability is likeable to that of a lonely chick left lonely in the flooding rain, constantly seeking shelter alas all to no avail.

Let me sing sambas of love and celebrate my immaculate pair in the mountains peak and in the market place unabashedly till the sun rises from the south. this love is printed in my bones and casted in the tablets of my heart"

she sighed and thought to herself that it would've been more nice if she knew less than she did already and she could've easily fallen in this connection that defiles logic called love, she loves and congratulate people in love but she can't wish to be in love because she is too involved with the knowledge of existence in its entirety than to settle for a piece of the cosmos, she chose the exploration and boundlessness! she kept her diary and pen and she intentionally lay back and like a yogic mystic relaxed into her past.

She remembered taking her entrance examination and also her first school leaving certificate examination before choosing a school to attend, she was immediately accepted into the prestigious girls secondary school Abagana, it was miles away from home and she had to take public transport and that means a lot of money to her family coupled with the fact that she'll be travelling such long distances everyday, the risk sounded overwhelming to her parents but trin convinced her parents on the reason why what she stands to gain from this school surpassed any of their fears, the school had a lot to offer to its students, it was established in 1965 and have birthed many dignitaries in the country and abroad, its academic and athletic feats were second to none in the state, she expressed a great affiliation towards this school and her parents really had to give in to her demands, they went to her school for clarification and to meet with the administration as to know about her class and list of books she'll buy as a newbie and when to start. The administration gave her a test, the same they gave to any student that comes for registration but in an entirely different manner of question presentation because they were careful enough to know that the students who have been examined might share the questions they were asked to those who were still waiting to be examined. They gave her the test and she shocked them with her scores and efficacy in English language which was not expected of a teen her age and her social class, they asked her to remind them of the class she wanted to get enrolled into again which she gladly rephrased and they signed her in though they think that her intellect exceeds that class, they called a student in the school who pointed her to the direction of her class and she took note of it. The next day she went to the Carpenter's shop, he was working on her book locker and her seat, she paid and took it home when she realized that he's done an amazing level of craftsmanship with the wood and gave her more than she expected, she also thanked him. In the same time Gloria was running hers as well and she got to be accepted into the best school in the town they lived, it was a missionary school, that went by the name st kizito secondary school, it was the second best in the state and it boasted of high infrastructural amenities and state of the art sport field and qualified teachers also a regional reverend father, she immediately got her locker and got admitted after the parents paid the exorbitant amount demanded of them and loads of long notes and about three pairs of school uniforms, sandals, beret, and tie also traditional wears and etc, each to be used in an occasion that attracts it. Their parents were happy they were done with Gloria's first term tuition and hopefully the better part of the terms expenses and focused on trin, she on the other hand went to school with her locker and got ushered into her classroom by her primary school bosom friend by the name Daniella, she's registered a week before and was quite settled in and showed trin around to all places of interest in the school, she was an artist from an art family though not very bright educationally but she tries her best, she was also good in sports too, particularly football, trin got wind of her tuition and she was excited it was way lower than what she anticipated, the fees were so cheap, she was so excited and soon broke the news to her parents who gave the money to her to pay on the next day, she did as she was instructed by her parents when the next day finally arrived and she got her school fee teller from the bursary department. She went to class to start with the lessons but the first subject was maths and she was very bad at it, the teacher yammered on and soon went out, she borrowed her friends books and copied most of her notes, also wrote corrections for the assessments and assignments she didn't take part in because it was considered a fail, she then got the books into her locker, it was 11:20am and the break bell went off, she was happy to spot one similarity between her primary and secondary school in the time they went for break. she took the time to study the school environment, the gate and security personnel, the large field rumoured to be the largest in the state, the beautifully trimmed flowers, and Melina trees under which students sit and tell stories also eat their snacks during recreation. she noticed the up to date computer lab though she was no fan of that, the ultra modern library that is her playground and the big event hall, and also the principal's office. she took out the pamphlet of the schools anthem that was earlier passed to her and she recited it as she went and sat along with her friend and class mates who introduced her to two others; Regina and Essence, they exchanged pleasantries and started talking about their previous schools and school related gists, they talked about a boarding missionary school where only girls school like theirs but rumors had it that the students there called up an ice cream vendor to their hostel and raped him till he died, they then threw him off the school window oblivious of the fact that they were being watched by the school security agent, he later reported it to the reverend father who was the school's proprietor but he had to ensure the continuity and reputation of his school by refusing to utter the truth about what happened to people, he invited the police over and bribed them, they got the dead man out of the premises, and contacted his family through his phone which was once taken by one of the students but later returned to the principal as he said the police insisted I'd help their work. the parents and siblings of this about 22years old man cried bitterly at the police station and they demanded justice, the police went to the school premises and arrested everybody in the neighbouring compound and set them up as the perpetrators of the crime, they were tried and sent to jail. This story made trin's hair stand at attention, she feared for her sister who was at a missionary school and silently prayed for God to look after her. The break over bell rang and the students went into their classes, trin was having a very hard time following up things! the business studies teacher in class that day painfully narrated the heart wrenching story of how her only daughter who was in the university was brutally raped by a gang of six, they were the schools cultists who have always been pressurizing her to be their girlfriends, they approached her one after the other and she turned them all down, so did the female cultists who asked her to join them as well but she refused and after attending the campus fellowship one faithful day and was heading for her lodge, a man who she immediately recognized as a part of the fraternity confronted her with a gun and moved her to the bushy area in the school where they used her till she fainted thrice while they revived her and continued, she shouted and pleaded till she lost her voice but they paid deaf ears, a lecturer took that path, saw them and ran away immediately and they continued as if nothing happened and the saddest part of the incident was that the girl got pregnant and was diagnosed positive to four different fatal STDs, she later drank poison and died in her lodge after leaving a note about what happened, her mother said, she gave her some hints through the letter she wrote about the syndicate and she provided the police with that information and they've been using it for their investigations, she was in tears the whole while and the class were not left out either, trin was broken and was contemplating in her mind about what it was about rape stories on her first day to secondary school, the teacher ended her marathon speech by advising them to always be careful in whatever place they went and left them with the four things that must certainly kill everyone, she stated: "if a woman does not kill you, what you eat doesn't kill you, where you go and who you go out with does not kill you, your knowledge, quest and tongue does not kill you, that means you'll live long on earth! the students were thrilled at the piece of wisdom, they really learnt a whole lot and trin jotted what the teacher said most of the time because she just converted one of the exercise books she was bought into a jotter! other teachers came in class that they but it wasn't much enlightening, the dismissal bell soon went off and they packed their assignments into their bags and rushed to the Assembly ground where the smartly dressed and eloquent Senior prefect, conducted the assembly, they sang the national anthem, school anthem and pledged to the country. Then the principal spoke to the students and welcomed the newbies once more and told them to watch out for the traffic when they go home and don't get into trouble, they all responded in the affirmative and were dismissed.

At home Gloria and trin gisted a whole lot about the events in school and was soon reminded by their mom to take off their uniforms, wash it and iron the dried ones on the ropes in preparation for the next day. They've agreed to their mother to start Hawking a week after they might have settled with school activities, and Mrs Simeon couldn't agree more. Mr Simeon came back from work they greeted him in a manner they never did before, they were very happy, he understood and gave them what he bought for them on his way back, they thanked him but he cut them short, he said he owes them the appreciation for taking it upon themselves to help out In the financial status of the family, he thanked them a whole lot, held them to his bosom and kissed their foreheads. later they ate and in the night they got ready for devotion and trin led the prayers, she appreciated God for the recent developments in their lives in the educational sector, also how their finance seems to be just enough for everything they wanted to do and pleaded for forgiveness of sins, she also asked God to continue to abide with them and direct them in all they do, meanwhile the landlord's incantation gong was disturbing her prayers as she then cut it short, they were done with the prayers and she intentionally went outside as if to pee while she listened to the landlord babbling on and pleading to his deities never to allow any of his tenants to surpass him in any way whatsoever, he was still doing his enchantments when trin hissed, shooked her head and silently sneaked into bed so as not to attract any attention because her family seemed to be already fast asleep!