Trin's pieces of knowledge

Trin woke up as she discovered that she was drifting from thought to sleep in the hospital bed she was laying, she then allowed herself to sleep off and rest.

Mr Simeon at home had left for church and his wife to her shop, it was a Thursday afternoon and the weather was harsh, Brian, kaima and destiny have gone to their schools. kaima was in senior secondary class one and destiny in junior secondary class two, while Brian was in primary two. back in the hospital trin was done sleeping, she wore her sports uniforms, got a bottle of chilled water and went out on a run, she ran a long distance, wearing her nose mask as precaution given by the hospital, she later came back sweating profusely. She took her shower and dried her hair, then went for lunch, she happened to be the only one in the lunch room, exactly what she'd wanted, she made an order, it was bean cake and fruit drink, after she was done eating, she felt a little stuffy because she over ate, she made for her room, went in lay down and started thinking about how long she was really gonna stay in there because she was getting tired of it, the injections and decorum. Everything was exaggerated! she then brought out her diary and pen and wrote down a date and she titled the thing she was about to write as "Time" then she began: "Have it in mind that anything like worst, atom, best and perfection are the worst illusions of all time because the ideology often prevent us from moving a way further with reference to time. The worst and best of things are due to the times an entity exists in; their is always still room for getting worse or better and so is the case of perfection.

The atomic theory of our time can still be altered, the reason anything is atom to us is because of the time and the materials available for dissecting a particle so any time into the future will shake our ideologies because only time makes things the way they are.

What is time then? to me time can be defined as that immutable, unconscious constant that holds existence in a pattern, that is endless and decisive of all activities and occurrence related to each sector or point in its endless ocean." she further started; "let me take you to other definitions I've formulated with my mind, and below are a list of them:

What is water?: water is that undefined element or constant in existence just like every other, that is unquantifiable per unit, and none resistant of most solid and liquid materials that's not greasy and is most vital for preservation and sustainability of forms of existence with conscious and unconscious consciousness.

What is nature?: Nature or the nature of existence is the orderly arrangement of certain characteristics that often looks random in reality with reference to a point in universal time."

She then went on: "Time as I know it is endless and spherical because we never know the beginning or end of it or it has none. we can go to the same point of this constant which we've been in before but with exactly different design meted out by nature and existence, that's why we chose to depicted it with past, present and future, because of the nature of existence or environment at the time, using our history as a basis of evolutionary judgment.

The most effective words I've ever heard of are: mind, science, possibility and existence.

Art in its purest form is a universal language which is self explanatory and generally accepted as a means of expression between conscious beings!" After writing those, she felt a little bit relieved and thought to her self that the world was going to hear her voice someday, she believed that totally with no doubt. She laid down motionlessly trying to relax into her thoughts, she couldn't for a moment because her adrenaline was firing up but in what seems like about three minutes she got relaxed after some regulated breathings and started remembering the most important days in her school, and they were mostly the days she attained exploits and won laurels for her academic excellence, there was a particular day she loved though she was given nothing of importance. It was the day their agricultural teacher who happened to be a concrete-minded teacher like the rest in her school, came into her class and asked them to define farm animal husbandry without first teaching them about it and she was about to start whipping them when trin remembered that she's read that a night before and she tried to remember it sequentially and was muttering her rehearsal, when the teacher pointed at her for soliloquizing, her heart beat and blood pressure soared to great heights, she choked on her saliva as she swallowed hard. She was directed to the front of the class to define it in front of the class and her failure will attract fifty strokes of the elastic wooden cane. She stuttered a little then she began: "farm animal husbandry is the science and art that involves the integration and rehabilitation of animal improvement in such a way that the intensive or extensive livestock farmer improves, both in maximum productivity and profitability", the teacher was stunned and trin got a thunderous applause from the students though they weren't ordered to do so by the teacher, after lessons that session, most of her classmates clustered around her and praised her for saving their flawless butts which would have been trashed into a bloody mess. the teacher later invited trin to the staffroom, praised her in front of the other teachers who testified to her unimaginable memory and intelligence, she was later given some token by the teacher which was almost half her school fees, she went home with it and gave it to her parents who verbally told her how proud she's made them and prepared her favorite delicacy, she and her siblings ate to their parents delight. Their parents only watched and drank some wine because in Africa, noodles are meant for kids, and that was trin's favourite!

Another of her thoughts centered around when the computer teacher came into class and wrote a language in the board, the language was so unique that the class thought it to be a mixture of French and Arabian, the teacher asked them to tell them what that language signifies and which country owns it before she could start her lessons for the day. Everyone in the class was mute and the majority in the class turned their heads towards the directions of the bright students in the class with hopes of getting a savior but none surfaced. just then an odd thought struck trin, she thought to the Hollywood film she watched some days before and it was the terminator part two titled 'judgement day' she remembered when the T-1000 got soaked into a chemical and blocked up then the brazen Arnold schwarzeneggar looked towards the other machine with a pointed gun to its head and made the utterance "asta labista bebe", and it struck her that it was the answer she was looking for, and to say that it was the computer teacher that was in the class she indicated her interest in answering the question by raising her index finger, the teacher pointed at her and she got up and answered : " the language written in the board is no human language, its an algorithm, a machine language! " the teacher was shocked and she demanded a round of applause from the class to the little genius which they delivered heartily, once again trin have saved them like always, the teacher now asked her of how she managed to figure out the answer and she gave the credit to the movie she watched, the teacher then urged the students to watch educative movies with an educational mindset and not pornography as the teens has always been caught sneakily watching, she congratulated trin, thought them and left the class, she went to the staffroom and recounted the event to her co-teachers and they gave no surprise look, they echoed that they knew trin was always capable of what is out of her assumed class, she was a prodigy!

She went to so many competitions for her school and emerged victorious because the principal gave no room for second place, she was awarded the strictest disciplinarian in the state, so students and teachers alike feared her, she organized a welfare union for the students and the dignitaries that are members of this board award scholarships to the students at the end of each graduating session. She got acquainted to trin because of her level of intellectual prowess and character which was somewhat refined and sets her aside from her peers, she often invites her offer to her office and demands her opinion as a student of the school on how to handle the students and make out the best versions out of them and each time trin gave a satisfactory answer to the principal who became so fond of her, she later advised the principal to regulate the canning in the school because the pupils were getting addicted to it and most students can't come to school each day and go home peacefully without committing an offence so as to create an avenue to get canned. The principal took an insight into what this adolescent was saying and realized that she couldn't be more correct, she thanked trin who said she was always glad to help in any little way she can. The principal then instigated the regulatory ban and only teachers who have had a temper examination pass are free to cane any pupil but not more than three strokes, the students were overjoyed by this development but they never knew the force that triggered that movement!

Trin was always very neat to school and never came late, she was also regular. she always spent her break periods in the library because she enjoyed reading the most and she read so many iconic books like Gulliver's travel, the treasure island and she also looked at animal world books, an encyclopedia of animals and their interactions with nature. She never failed also to run home immediately after dismissal hours because she was mindful of her family's financial situation, though the school often helped her pay her tuition because of the competitions she went and and triumphed in their representation, they often celebrate her and any competition without her seemed like an epic fail. Once the students in the schools were told to write an essay of two thousand words, such a feat was a marathon to the students in the senior secondary classes but she took part in the challenge, not to disgrace her seniors but to push her bounds and she excelled, she won the essay competition and was awarded a three term tuition by the welfare union. Another skill she had was drawing, she learnt it from a male best friend when she still lived with Mrs Christy, the boy who happened to be teaching her how to read at the time also taught her how to draw, the boy was an incredible Biro artist, he drew bike racers at top speed, he drew everything including the motorcycle engines and the shadows from the racer and his bike, a feat unattainable by any primary school child at the time, he taught her with a pen but she chose the pencil since it allowed her more freedom, back in her present school she could draw the governor of the state from the back of her exercise book which she'll then redraw from memory once she's mastered the image, she could draw at least six of it so that it gets into her memory and whenever the teacher comes into the class she's always the person to come out in the board to draw any illustration out of the textbook because she was more outspoken and when she wasn't in the right frame of mind to draw her friend who was also a good artist draws for the class.

Back in the present day trin was an aspiring hyper realism pencil artist who when given the right support she needs will become the greatest artist that ever walked the face of the planet, she knows a whole lot about art history, the art market and different art styles, of all periods she loved the Renaissance the most and her favourite artist is Leonardo da Vinci, her respect and admiration for him knows no bounds and best rap artist is Eminem, she loves the very best at any point in time and these individuals are not short of her expectations in any way, in fact they always exceed it. she had a slight tint of luck with the ibex collection, the best super realism art collection in the planet and they paid her two hundred and fifty US dollars through an art related vision funding program they did. Mr and Mrs Simeon are not in support of her career choice because where they lived in Nigeria, their is no value to art, only business. She invests her all in it and learns from different best of best she could get in contact with through their social media handles and websites but she don't get the recognition she deserves. She is never the type to give up if not, she'd have long given up, she continued to gain more knowledge from where she thinks are the two largest universities on the planet,(Google and YouTube) She's learnt mostly from these platforms, movies and life events as well and she loves to access knowledge that is marked dangerous and destructive, she's read, the seven books of moses, the forbidden book of Enoch, the book of Thomas, the Flavian signature, the light shall set you free by milanovich and McCune, the necromonicon, the grimoir of the dead, mind mastery by alux, the scientific account of the eternals and Yahweh by a westerner, the holy blood; holy grail, twelve dimensions of reality, the multiverse hypothesis, quantum physics, theories of reality (8d crystal and golden ratio, pixellation, information composed reality, encyclopedia of religion, Ben carson and in her romantic series she loves Nora Roberts trilogy 'the last boyfriend' the most, and she also listens to so many people she deems fit to call gods amongst men, she listens to harbinger of the last covenant, sahdguru of adiyogi, osho, Alan watts, Bruce Lee's philosophies, socrates, Aristotle, sun tzu, Lao tsu, Morgan freeman, Prof wole Soyinka, Napoleon hills interview with the devil, anthrum the deadliest film ever acted, the human centipede, cast down Armageddon, ways to ensure immortality by 2050, artificial intelligence and the technological singularity and etc.

Her brain was exploding and Africa as far as she was concerned was still living in obscurity, savagery, they were Neanderthals and still dwelling in the technological dark ages, she wished she was born south Korean because of the peace she feels when she watches their dramas and she loved America and Italy as well.

As she was pondering on the diversifications of her mind atop her bed in the hospital she thought she was being cocky and hard to remind herself that true knowledge was in knowing that she knows nothing, her mind became at peace, she's always open for acceptance to any possibility and she's never surprised when she knows that she lives in a universe of infinite possibilities!