
Trin have missed more of the communal life but she was feeling internal peace, Her family treated her to the best table arrangement she's ever had in her life, Meanwhile she called her sister who have been with her boyfriend in his one room in the area and nursing her second son. She expressed gratitude to God for saving her sister from the jaw of the dreaded pandemic, Trin was still a little overwhelmed by the situation but she decided to resume her drug trade in the international drug market she was at before she got infected. She was pleased to know that no one in the shop found out about her antecedent predicament because their African mentality would have made them wanting to keep their distance. She relaxed back into the shop with the excuse that she took an unexpected travel but want the information about her travel to remain only known to herself and family, the madam who owned the shop and ran it with her elder sister who looked like her twin brushed off the excuse as nothing because they already got used to trading without her though they missed the fact that she wasn't around to run all the errands as she always did. They didn't even wait for her to seat down and they started sending her to go get some medicines ordered by a client inside the market, she zoomed off like always and the madam said to her sister "I can never miss anyone's errand skills more" and the sister replied "I couldn't agree more". Later that they she went home at about 5:00pm and after taking her bath, she ate and took out her book to write and she wrote: "Saying 'I am a piece of life' means one organization of thought and emotion but saying 'my life' is talking of three persons; me, my thoughts and my emotions.

Each of the above assumptions is left to your consideration and for your logic to decide which is right because some people have unconsciously became their thoughts and emotions while a few others knows the boundaries between thought, emotion, energy, consciousness etc which forms a full life. your thoughts and emotions can only earn you a living in this life but never let you earn a life or experience the fullness of it.

*know it that in this life one thought pattern either negative or positive through the law of hypnotic rhythm becomes an obsession, then a mood or emotion, then a character or personality, then a life. So each life can be traced back to the thought pattern through which it was formed*

*A mind that thinks not is a dead mind or a mind that is totally ignorant without a hint of anything, even itself because hint ignites curiosity and curiosity leads to longing or seeking to know (thinking) which in turn leads to knowledge*.

I've came to realize that if that of the source's quest for glory through unsolicited praise from consciousness is not stumped off and the source keeps consciousness, it will one day get conscious enough to find its source and eliminate it wittingly or unwittingly, rendering itself nonexistent in the process. existence will go back to how it was in the beginning (just nothingness). Its a ridiculous cycle of birth-death-rebirth or from nothing to something and then nothing again.

The nature of human intelligence is such that they can't accept impossibility, they choose to decipher what makes stuff impossible and get rid of it else they'll never feel rest.

Our memories are our greatest accessories which gives us a sense of identity, yet our greatest burden because it makes us unable to use 'chitta' (human cosmic awareness)

Science is the best religion I know of but it's a shame that the both sides (equal halves of mans way of seeking the truth) have been at loggerhead for centuries and I can't say exactly who the cause is and who is trying to protect who and the world by their ethics but religion have served its purpose and its time to move forward but the Elohims (Anunnaki) installed this enmity and still kept watch to maintain it so that humans won't break out of their control having discovered that our brains is some percentages above theirs'.

The divine one came so many times to teach us the way to be one with the source and infinite consciousness and be everything we want to be but due to our Neanderthal brains then we couldn't understand and we created mysteries out of it, so the enlightened one from our universe who we know as 'God' inspired science and we're still on our way to awareness through research, faith in science is faith in God just that people are too early to understand, science have started picking up the hints the enlightened one left when they discovered the laws of energy particularly the first one which states that 'all is one energy and all energy is a further extension of source energy'. these are my thoughts and no facts, left for your consideration!"

Trin dropped her pen and paper and laid back on her bed, her life has never been fun, just the boring routine because she thought to herself that she had a purpose, she's never went out with any man her whole life. She often talks and acts rugged in front of her friends who are mostly females but she is entirely cool and different when she goes indoors, she talks dirty when she's with her friends because she knows her anatomy studies and she reads a lot online and can paint a real story about how she'd hit it off with some dude in a club when she's never been to one her whole life. She often have a storyline she have always thrown at her admirers as to the reason she don't wanna date them, she even tells them how she'd dated so many guys and she paints a dramatic story of how she caught them atop another chick and the audience will even sympathize with her but its all fabrications, she even told one dude who was hellbent on having her that she was a lesbian knowing fully well of how forbidden it is in the all traditional Africa but she had to say that to throw him off because she never wanted to do petty things as relationships, she believed emotions are for dumb people and that she can never get married to anybody, she can't seem to paint the picture in her head of growing old with one person without getting tired of the person, she don't see the freedom and adventure, her best of friends warned her about this mindset that it'd cost her her happiness in the long run but she was convinced that she'll be a hundred percent happy without meddling with emotions and getting smothered in cotton wool, she See's it as too much of a comfort and people who are emotionally dependent are not in total control of themselves, the stories she's read disgusts her, most about how people commit suicide or go insane after loosing a loved one or breaking up, she thinks that the person was alive before meeting the so called soul mate but had to die at parting and didn't chose to see the encounter as a privilege and a learning opportunity just like most others life brings everyday, to her it's all about chasing the moving target called perfection which makes her a better version of herself. She moved her thoughts to her sister who went after the most insignificant and flashy things in life not knowing that all things fade and what's most important today becomes meaningless with time. Gloria had grown a big Tommy when she could remember and her mother Mrs Simeon who was a member of a sisters circle have just activated her pineal gland and started to access conscious realities out of her dimension and she got messages about events which are about to happen from time to time. She invited her daughter over with her protruded stomach and performed some strange rituals on her, tying her up with a black cord and encircling where she stood with candles and cowries and after muttering some prayers she started untying the cords, at this Juncture Gloria was turning round as her mother untied the cords in a rotational manner before five minutes into the process, she threw up, she said she couldn't continue and her mother mocked her playfully that she couldn't stand and make twenty turns, how then does she expect to put to bed? Gloria was already crying as she continued the ritual. Her mother explained the significance of that ritual to her later on that it was about untying her from any spiritual cords that an enemy could have used to tie up her baby in the womb so she won't put to bed. She confessed that she felt so much strong and better after the ritual rite, Mrs Simeon then invited her to come for the next weeks cleansing rite and she thanked her mom who handed her some token as always before she left.

Trin was feverish one day and decided to stay at home and rest then from her fuel station job, she worked full day, from 5am in the morning till 9pm in the night. She woke up at 4:30pm as usual because she was used to it before reminding herself that she was going nowhere that day and she went back to sleep. at about 7am that day, she was awake but still tossing about the bed as she was feeling a slight headache typical of her fever, she was about to brush her teeth with a brush and go get some malaria and typhoid fever medicines from the chemist who lives around but before she got up her father came into her room and urged her to stand up that he has somewhere he'd want her to be, she complied without questions and went and brushed her teeth though she was curious as to what it might be but she trust her ability in handling situations that are off her expectations. They left the house that morning and took a tricycle to what a flat but below it was a chemist shop so she followed her dad who climbed the stairs to the second floor then when she went in, behold it was a hospital in there and there were beds everywhere and everyone seemed somewhere in between eight months pregnant or just gave birth. She was getting more perplexed before she saw her mother seated at a bench on a side in the room who signaled to her to come to the balcony and she went with her and her father walked in briskly, Mrs Simeon explained to her when they were off eavesdropping reach that she got a call at 12am that morning from Gloria's boyfriend that Gloria was already struggling with birthing complications and she had asked of the hospital as soon as possible and Mr Simeon had also come with her, she broke down in tears as she complained how Gloria has been struggling to give birth but all to no avail, she said Gloria have lost almost a bucket of blood and at some point in the delivery process, she even gave them the horrors of a white eye. The doctor have explained that her cervix was so tight and the baby couldn't pass through, she's passed out many times and got revived, now she was on a drip infusion. That was so much information for trin to take in but she tried to remain cool. Mr Simeon then told her that they've been tested to donate blood to her so it could help her in some way but the both of them were not compatible and they were hoping that she could opt in to get tested and see chances of her donating since they had no money to buy two pints of blood which was at seventy six thousand naira then. They further stressed that they did know that she's not been in good terms with Gloria since they had that fight but she should consider saving the baby who did nothing. Trin said that whatever had happened between them do not require her dying, she said that it was not that serious for her and they made for the doctor's office, but as they crossed Gloria's bed, she looked at the almost lifeless body and bony structure of her sister with her oversized belly, she thought to herself that if only her sister had waited more. They got into the doctor's office and they were asked to sit as the doctor ran major tests on Trin. He then asked Trin how old she was and she said twenty one though she was barely eighteen, she looked hard at her father so that his widened gaze will not make the doctor suspect anything and that made her father relax back and understand the reason behind her answer, he knew that if Trin had told the doctor anything short of eighteen, the doctor will cancel the procedure immediately so that he won't risk his career but Mr Simeon was amazed at how fast Trin was able to calculate that fact. the doctor later brought the test and she and her sister were a hundred percent compatible. Then they moved to the next procedure of laying her on her back and tying her hand with a strong rubber transparent cord, they plugged in the hose into her vein and her blood oozed into the pint with speed, she was surprised at how beautiful it looked, it was the first time she ever saw her blood that much. He filled the first pint and came back with another after handing the first one to the midwives to start the transfusion immediately, he got done with the second one and asked her if she was feeling dizzy, she said no that she was feeling even stronger. The doctor expressed surprise as to how a child of trins age could have such mental prowess and literally such amount of blood which continued rushing even at the second pint. They gave her a hand full of a cotton wool and a bub of it drenched in methylated spirit. she help it and though she was expressing that she was strong the doctor signalled to her parents to hold her and take her to the bench and give her the already prepared malt and milk and give her a load of vegetable sauce. She was been stuffed with the vegetables and after that, she whispered to her Mom that she want to start going home so that she would buy malaria medicine, her mother was horrified because she knew of malaria's notoriety in blood drainage. She knew that Trin was in huge trouble but she had to do what she did because of filial love. Trin has always been an embodiment of sacrifice. She was given a transport fare by her mom and as she was making for the door she came across Gloria's bed to take another look at her but Gloria grabbed her hand without much valour and winced in pain then muttered inaudibly, thank you Trin as tears dropped from her eyes, but Trin reassured her that everything was going to be alright and after standing for a while she went home. about fifteen minutes after she's gotten home, eaten and taken her medications which she sent a neighbor's child to buy. She laid down to relax, just then she got a call that Gloria has just put to bed a bouncing baby boy. She was so happy but wasn't in the best state of health to celebrate. The next day she wanted to go to work but her parents tried to restrain her that she just donated some blood and though the effects might not be immediate, it might hit anywhere. She reassured them that she was strong and that she needed to be at the fuel station so that she could assist in the storage of black market diesel purchased from porthacourt by owner of the company who owns three other fuel stations in the town but also reputable to be the stingiest man alive. He sleeps inside his truck most at times in the company to ensure that nobody stole from him and he lays down on his bare back to fix any faulty dispenser instead of calling an expert. Any failure in accountability results to imprisonment of his workers and he never used a car washing service for his one car. He used the services of the boys working in the fuel station in washing his hilux truck and never give them tips after they're done washing it, he even complains and threatens to fire them if the car was not sparkling clean and he'd rather refurbish his car than to buy a new one. He bought a very local Volkswagen third handed car once for her daughter's birthday and even his staff said that they can't accept the car. Though he was so mean to others but he took a likeness to Trin though he barely showed it for fear of complacency on the part of Trin. On getting to work that day, she helped in off loading and carrying the gallons of diesel and with a funnel pouring them into the underground tank marked 'AGO'.

After work that day she was feeling so exhausted and she started feeling heavy and pains all over her body but she kept it to herself thinking that it was nothing serious!

Trin was done with her thoughts for the day as she got up to study her book, it was a list of drugs, their inductions, dosage and prices as she learnt in the market. She tried to look at her social platforms but all flashed at her were investment platforms in the news feed, she was a little but insecure about how google gives the result of her searches to her social platforms without her consent. Her feed was filled with so much of crypto, nft, bitcoin and etcetera because she searched for that the previous day and all the art she loved very much were all gone, she had to search all the art plugs she knew so that Facebook and IG her favourite platforms will work on that to give her the results she seeks. She searched; ibex collection, ibex art insiders though she was a member of the group, she searched Michelangelo, Raphael, Williams Holman, Christopher wren, Damien Hirst, Jeff koons, takashi murakami (takashipom), David choe, Chuck close, emmanuele dascanio, Marco grasdi, auleriolo roderiguz she wasn't sure of the spelling though but Facebook gave it to her through suggestions, peter boetang her first online artist, jono dry, Jeffrey appiatu, Albert dorgbazi (pencil master), Theopencil, Mayor olajide art, wariz Kareem olamilekan ( waspa art) ebube onyenwe (her art mentor) arinze Stanley, kelvin okafor, Fabiano millani, ago filade, chiamaonwu joy, Gabriel picart, Javier arizobalo, isimi taiwo, Andrews art, Kristy partridge, Clio newton, ykim, drawing Kim, Philip weber, Andrew tischler, Michael knepper, Marcelo barenghi, and so many others.

She searched galleries like Christies, Sotheby, Philips, Chinese evening sales, Tate, the Louvre, British museum, Arcadia gallery, hyperrealism masters, pencil academy, Enoch's gallery, Nike gallery, gorgosian gallery, true African art, Jonathan livines gallery, contemporary art magazines, new York gallery etc.

She searched art competitions like Boyne's emerging artist award and other art competitions with prices up to ten thousand USD because she had so many big artworks in mind and she knew that one of them was going to make a major hit. having done that to her satisfaction, she pressed her power button and kept her phone, then she slept off.