A plunge of faith

madam bisi always asked her about how things went about in the shop because she's all accountable and have a very good memory when she wants to retain something. She was asking her if she knew the woman that bought medicines from her the day before, Trin replied that it was the woman that sells stockfish close to the market's gate, madam bisi was so relieved, the woman has bought a lot of medicine but she came mixed up with the crowd that often surrounds her in the evenings before the market closes but she bought on credit and due to the rush, she didn't remember to put down her name in the credit book and her memory was completely blanked out about that encounter. She called Trin early in the morning when she just woke up and asked her if she remembered anything about the transaction, Trin assured her that she'll think it up as she hits the market that day and she did. madam bisi was very pleased with her heart soothing answer, she's made a mess of herself asking her elder sister and sister's son who was waiting to be called to service for his youth service but is currently staying with them in the shop but no one could give her the answer that she sought. After verbally appreciating Trin for saving her, she immediately sent her to remind the woman about the money and she did that in a flash and she returned with the message that the woman said that she had no Money that morning but was going to pay up once she made some sales. madam bisi was calm after some mini grumbles. She sent Trin into the market to buy drug from the wholesalers for the day's retail sales. she does everything as instructed and each day she makes from eighty to hundred oscillations to buy medicines from the market's tablet line. After the days sales, she went home, took her bath like always and slept, there was virtually nothing to eat, she thought that she could afford a standard societal life considering the information she had in this internet age but her vision were far greater than what anyone can really imagine and living a standard life will make her famous and that's exactly what she doesn't need for the moment, she has things that she was yet to do before hitting the spotlight. She went to an elderly sister who lives in the compound who she has earlier connected to in a deeper level, she knew many things that normal people didn't know like, Adam's first wife, the nephilims and a lot of other religious myths that normally ordinary people don't know and that was exactly what Trin has always admired in anybody and coupled with that she is wise, she knew that its a broad gap between knowledge and wisdom, but this said lady has both knowledge, a great understanding and wisdom but at her forties is yet to be married, she was a Christian of Catholic decent maybe the only difference that sets her aside from Trin because Trin is not a person of faith though her father is a pastor and it has not been easy for her. This elderly lady by the name Juliet have gotten ill from over thinking about her status in life, she had no money at all and yet to be married at her age and Trin brought some medicines for her from the shop she works. Juliet accepted it with sincere appreciation and promised to take them before Trin retired to her room. In there she thought about the adventures she's made in life to make better her life, she thinks that her elders must love life a lot or have a whole lot of mental resilience because she was already getting tired of life considering the challenges she's faced and could easily bail out at any choking juncture but many people she knew lived hells in the planet but will get furious to any person who talks about death close to them. She thought about when she did a political gamble. That was when she was working at the fuel station, she had taken four months of her salary and half she borrowed from her mom and drew three realistic portraits of political aspirants in the ogbaru local government area where she lived, it was the year 2019 and these aspirants were campaigning for the house of senate (the only woman amongst them), federal house of assembly and representatives respectively but were of the same political party, people advised her to take the plunge that it will certainly click for her since she drew the three, there was no way all of them will disappoint her, she drew and framed the artworks. Though it was the first time she was doing such things and her agoraphobic lifestyle, she took the step with faith hoping that she'll only have to do that only once. The campaign manager had first taken her to the home of one of the aspirants and he showed love for the art piece and he advised her to bring it to the campaign ground which she did and when chance came for her presentation, she brought the three artworks and gave them each to the aspirants, but the female contestant sent her delegate who accepted the artwork with much love in her eyes, they shook hands with her and took pictures, the man running for the post of representatives who was a billionaire asked her the question:" did you draw this all by yourself?" and she replied: "yes". He then appreciated her and told her to meet his personal assistant so that they can schedule a meeting so he could give her something. But before she could finalize the appointment, the local touts in the area filled the arena and were demanding their own share of the national treasury and the security team had to escort the dignitaries off the scene. She tried all she could to make the man redeem his promise but all to no avail, he got his personal assistant's number but each time she called to explain herself, she would be given the excuse that the man who had been awarded the post he was campaigning for was busy and couldn't attend to anyone, that they'll get back to her. She tried and got the other man's number who was campaigning for house of assemblies from the campaign manager but he didn't budge, on one occasion she was told that he was still setting the problems he had with the office he was campaigning for but after he settled the problem in court and got awarded his first government car which is worth over thirty million and more, he refused to listen to her plight. She couldn't reach to the other woman even when she posted on social media, so she was so devastated but she knew that somebody in the radar might have taken the Money as many people suggested to her if they gave out any at all. She couldn't cope with activities for the moment so she decided to make an adventure and grace her uncle's home who had been inviting her over for almost four years then, her father took her to his place and the family prepared a delicacy and welcomed her, but she was surprised at the environment the family lived though, because she's heard so much about them to be living in an unbelievable uncompleted building but their demeanor made her agree to visit the second time, she came and passed the night but before she knew it, her father went home, calling and telling her on her uncles phone that they'll get her a couple of clothes with which to stay with but while she's yet to make an agreement with them that she was really staying. She had to wear her cousin's clothes before her father could get her some new clothes the next week. She has three cousins currently living with her uncle and wife, but it seems that her uncles wife was not particularly happy by her visit. Her uncle who was a core traditional man, loves to be greeted in his native language and failure to do that attracts punishments. her cousin who worked in the bakery in the prestigious Benson idahosa university ugbo road Benin city helped her through the influence of her uncle who also was a security personnel in this establishment to secure a job but her incredibly crafted application letter worked wonders also but in Nigeria knowledge without degrees or connections is as good as nothing. She got the job and she was been paid thirteen thousand naira only, which was next to nothing, she didn't come with her phone also because it was involved in the political gamble she did and staying without a smartphone was the hardest pill to swallow for her. Everyone in the bakery is normally gifted two small breads by the end of the day and at Saturdays, they're given a big bread and she never fails to go home with it and eat it with the family though their was always no food for her to eat each time she returns, her cousin often ate his at the bakery and come back to eat hers with the family because he had a large appetite that can be traced to his love for marijuana though he was nineteen years of age. The last born in their family was thirteen years, the same age with kaima but as time went on Trin realized that this albino who was a little bit bright because of the foreign cartoons she watches was so full of herself that she has no respect for anybody. Trin had hoped to endure anything that might come her way so that she could save money and go back to where she came from and if 'akash' can help her, she wishes to connect to her destiny helper in this large and rich city known for its art and class and royalty. She continued to work from morning till 5pm every single day and on Fridays they work overnight and goes home at 5am on Saturday, she hates the heat that the oven will produced, it was so large and they'll get firewood from the parking store which are sometimes wet, spilt them into sizeable portions and burn them in the opening made at the extreme base of the oven. it has three compartments for the filling of doughs which have been oiled and inserted into a designated pan then with the use of a paddle, the pans are systematically loaded into the oven, the oven will then be closed while they continue working till it starts smelling saucy before they bring it out and throws them apart, they then bring out clean boards and they'll bottom up the pans unto the boards and this was done so carefully so that much loss is not incurred. the breads are arranged on the board and taken inside the ventilation room, they're left for some moments before the packaging in customized nylons so that the vapors won't mess up the products and other workers at this time goes to the storeroom to get more floor, vegetable oil, yeast, sugar, butter and ice block from the fridge which is then fermented and the accurate quantity is poured into the mixing machine while the mixing manager monitors it till its okay, it is then cut into sizable scaled proportions before getting moulded, oiled with a mixture of vegetable oil and butter, then inserted into the pan and parked for about ten minutes, with the help of the added yeast, the dough rises in the pan and fills it to the covered brim before its inserted in the oven, most of the bread are sliced. She works her self till she's so exhausted and sweating all over, soon she started smelling as horrible as others who worked there before her. She got to meet a very good friend who said she's also from Onitsha, the placed Trin lived, they hits off quite often in their local language when at work to the disgust of the other workers who also switched to their language to get the two girls jealous but they're always to immersed in their discussions to notice anybody.

Mr Stephen her uncle was a high level drunkard who's finances gets shoved in the hands of alcohol vendors as he staggers his way home every single day, his salary is always awaited to settle his bills and only a little portion for the family needs. His second eldest son was named Daniel, he was somewhat responsible, a portrait of the Prudence one displayed by the family's eldest son before he traveled to south Africa. He was said to be very responsible and he bought any meaningful thing in their home before singlehandedly generating the funds for his travel documents, he calls on them from time to time and also sends them money. His immediate younger brother Daniel picked up the mantle as he left, his salary has always been used to settle the family's needs even as he's struggling to get the funds to use in paying for his Jamb tuition. Their mother was working as a cleaner at the university also and her spare time she uses for drycleaning services. They managed themselves in the mosquito infested uncompleted heated building till Trin came, Mr Stephen would ask for her own money as her father and use it as he wished and Trin would say nothing because that was the price she had to pay for living under their roof and scarcely eating their food. They made a slave out of her, though the last son with artificial dreadlocks who smokes never supports any of these maltreatments and Trin was a learned girl who hates discrimination and slavery to the core of the word, she never imagined she could be a victim for the second time. The cooking was shifted to her though she was always exhausted from the torturous labour. She fetches water on her head, which she's never fancied and she takes the heavy gas cylinder and filled it at a market that's almost two miles from home and it gets dead heavy when filled. she cooks on firewood sometimes without kerosene to aid the lighting process even when it rained and the woods are wet, she's expected to make a sumptuous meal with almost no ingredients. She was forced to start attending the same church the family were attending and whenever she calls her father with her friend's phone and explains things to him though she doesn't want to go home yet before accomplishing anything, her father calls back her uncle and cautions him, this aggravates matters for her and she's subjected to more physical and mental oppressions. She was now the dry cleaner who washes all the clothes and suns them, later in the night when the electricity company closes the circuit, she irons them and seals them in water proofs and then put them into a 'Ghana must go' bag while everyone sleeps healthily. She sleeps and wakes up early with swollen eyes and washes her dishes, fetches water before going to work, but everything became more pointless to her because the vacation she came for so that she can look for an art gallery at her convenience was nothing that she's expected, she never had no money because the family will always bill her out of it, not to mention her smoking cousin who always scams her off her money to buy hemp for him and his friend, four other boys, the same age as him who often meet in the bush to smoke on a place they call AP. Abel's father as he works on the security team has warned his son and friends to stop smoking many times but the boys were addicted to savagery and stubbornness, they prefer the gangster way of life, their favourite rappers included; offset, quavo, takeoff, xtentation, ketashi 69, young thug and Abel's best rapper was 21savage. They play these artist songs loudly on their mp3 while smoking and most at times Mr Stephen will go and give these boys information about the police raids on hemp smokers and he'll lead his team in a wrong direction so that his son and his crew will make it to safety, he later returns and cautions his son again but that was just for talking sake as far as Abel was concerned, he was also a cultist of the junior vikings confraternity and he keeps their orientation books which he writes in block letters on the back "THE CAPPINGS AND BOOK OF BOOKOSIS BY ASO SPIDER NOWISH ABEL". He hides the book in his bag which he locks with a key with his marijuana and moulding papers and alcohol, also stolen stuff and latex condoms.

His mother condoles all he does blindly and all acts by his elder brother Daniel to get him on what he believes is the right track were met by mockery as Abel will always address him as 'pastor! pastor!' in a mocking tone because of his angelic lifestyle, he was almost feminine in his character and he belongs to the church choir group.