C - 28

Age 762, December 19

Ryuu wake up in his room and look in around, confused.

"Huh, why am I here?, I should be with Eris flying towards the village...Ugh, I see, That's quite extreme of me to be quite exaggerated with the deaths of the two. I can just revive them with dragon ball, but why did I react like that, even just crying is okay but why?" Ryuu said in a low voice as he remember the events happening yesterday.

"Wait, if the dragon ball can revive someone, what if I use magic instead, it should do right?" Ryuu said and get out of his room to see his family worried face.

When they heard the door creaked, they look and see Ryuu looking at them.

"Ahh!, Ryuu!, Are you okay?, don't be guilty of what happen yesterday, it's not your fault, so don't blame yourself okay" Chichi said while rubbing the head of Ryuu and hugging him.

"Hmm, I'm okay now Mom, no need to worry about me, I just want to test out if I could revive the two, so please just stay here, and also bring their body here" Ryuu said as he walk outside and try to see an animal and make it a lab rat for his magic revive.

"Hmm, don't make it hard for yourself, just remember, it's not your fault they die" Chichi said as he let go of Ryuu who is nodding.

His family just look at Ryuu and also tell him to not feel guilty about it.

Ryuu just nod and try to find some animal or something that's alive. Ryuu who is searching for a minutes see a frog that was use for swapping with Captain Ginyu in Goku's body.

Ryuu killed it in a painless way he could, and he form a pure mana orb and put it to the frog.

Minutes later, the frog didn't move, even though it receive a pure mana.

"It didn't work, is it because it's just mana. What if I combine Ki and mana, will it work?" Ryuu said and his left hand glow in blue color then form into a blue orb, while his right hand has a green ki orb floating at the top of his palm.

Ryuu then merge the two and creating a yin-yang like symbol but it's blue and green instead of black and white.

Ryuu put the rotating ki-ma orb towards the dead frog and seconds later, it's wound heal, while his heart beat, then it stand still, not moving at all.

"It failed again, is it because I didn't put enough ki-ma in this thing..." Ryuu said and looking at the stand still frog and kill it.

"What is the thing I miss?, Body is just a container for the consciousness, Consciousness is equal to soul right?, but that's easy if it's true, and all who have the two energy can just revive the dead people, there must be something I don't know...If I remember correctly, if you die you go to heaven from the original db and it should work here the same" Ryuu said as kept looking at the frog.

"What if I connect a bridge or just a line that can make the soul of this body comeback... Let's do that then, it should also be a combination of ki and mana, since ki is a life force, while I don't know about mana, it should work" Ryuu said and he again make a ki-ma orb, but this time in one hand and his another hand is a string that would call the soul to comeback forcefully.(bs intensifies)

Ryuu then first put the orb and the next is the string as it shot through somewhere invisible, minutes later the dead frog get up and look around confuse but continue hop towards the Water.

"It's a success!, this mean, I can revive anyone with just this!, I should go to the ship and revive the two" Ryuu fly while his face has a smile in it.

Minutes later, Ryuu arrive and see the two bodies outside of the ship with a blanket in them. Ryuu then walk fast towards the two bodies, not minding the fact that many people will be watching.

Gohan who's close at the body look at the coming Ryuu.

"What will you do to Ivy and Acker, Ryuu?" Gohan ask while he look at the cold bodies of Ivy and Acker.

"Revive them with the ability I invented this morning, this will work, don't worry about any side effect that will happen" Ryuu said and created one orb to his hand then to his other hand is a string.

"Are you telling the truth!?, Please revive them Ryuu" Gohan said and hope that Ryuu said is true.

"Yes, don't worry I will revive them, cause it's my responsibility that they are dead" Ryuu said as he put the orb and string towards Ivy's body, then crate another string and orb and put it towards the body of Acker.

Minutes later, the wound in their heads close and their skin become rosy and their heart beats, The first one to get up and open the eye is Ivy, then next is Acker who shouted immediately.

"Ahhh, that's crazy and amazing!" Acker shouted and touch his head to see no hole.

"Shut up Acker, you are so noisy" Ivy who's head hurt said and touch where the hole from before they got attack.

"Huh!?, where's the hole?, We got shot right?" Ivy said almost instantly as she kept touching her head.

While Ryuu, the kids and the Adults see the two at their usual self, sigh in relief and run towards the two as they hug them while tears flowing in the eyes.

"Looks like you succeeded, Good job son" Goku said while patting the back of Ryuu.

"Thanks, if you all haven't told me yesterday, I might have already left and go somewhere that is dangerous, Thank you for being here with me, Dad, Mom, Uncle, everyone" Ryuu said as he smile and tears flowing.

"Aww, don't be sad, come here, let me hug you, I'm so proud of you two at becoming a hero to everyone and protecting your family" Chichi who is next to goku, hug Gohan and Ryuu.

The two look at each other, then to their family and nodded with a smile, while the kids that is celebrating the two who got revive join the hugging session, while Eris who is next to Ryuu, look at him and think.

'Ryuu is awesome, I should ask him to create a powerful weapon, and go adventure towards the space and create chaos' Eris thought while she is imagining the two of them firing a gun that shoots a big beam destroying mutliple building while laughing.

Next time on Reincarnated as the middle son of Goku.