C - 29

(This is the last chapter for namek, by the way do you like the Successor of GoD, I can make it two chapters a day but this fanfic will also be a two chapter a day, so tell me if you want that schedule of update)

Age 762, December 19

While the Namekians and it's guests had a celebration for the two who got revived. Frieza is in his ship fuming in anger from Vegeta's ship arriving at the namek until this day.

"That fucking monkey really betrayed me!, How dare they disrespect me like this!, You!, I want you to move this ship to the namek fast!, Or I will kill you if you are slow!" Frieza said while he pointed his finger at his subordinate who is nodding like a chicken pecking at it's food.

The attendant then type the coordinates towards Namek while sweating as feel Frieza staring at him with cold eyes, is there fiery eyes too?.

"All set, Frieza Sama" Said the subordinate as he sweat.

"Good, now get the fuck out of my sight before I kill you!" Frieza said in anger just thinking of Vegeta ditching him. While the subordinate nodded and run somewhere safe.

"Ohohoh, Vegeta oh Vegeta!, I hope you are having fun for your remaining life, cause I will hunt you down and if I see you, I will slowly and painfully torture you" Frieza said in a slow voice coming out of his mouth.

As the surrounding turn cold like a freezer.

"Wait for me Saiyans, cause your daddy here is coming for you!" Frieza said and look at the space.





Age 762, December 24.

5 days has pass since Frieza is travelling at the space, and he finally see the Namek.

Ryuu who sense the power level look up and think it's another frieza force but this time it's frieza which he didn't know yet.

As all the people that can sense ki also look up and see a ship floating above the sky.

"This!?, this power level is greater than the ginyu force!, Protect the kids!" Goku shouted while Ryuu who sense the ki, just look up and ki blast it, making the others dumbstruck but understand that Ryuu is still traumatize from the previous event.

The ki blast shoot towards the ship and hit it, making it explode like a firework, but they still sense someone that survive and it's frieza who has an angry face.

"You!, You little monkey!, Attacking someone unaware is unfair in fight!, does your parent's don't teach you how to fight fair!" Frieza said fuming in range.

Ryuu who see the 1st form of frieza flew like in a blink of an eye as he punch him in the stomach making frieza cough blood, Ryuu followed up with a knee attack at the same spot, making Frieza cough blood again.

"That is the prize for ordering your troops and killing someone I think of as brother and sister, this is for you to learn from the mistake you made" Ryuu then followed up with a slap at the face super hard that it broke the jaw of Frieza.

Ryuu's power level increase for the past 5 days had 450,000,000 PL, as he focused more on increasing his Base than controlling his ki.

Ryuu then slap the other cheek and breaking the teeth of frieza Who's in tears.

"Rat gid gray do to gru?(What did I do to you?)" Frieza said while fuming in anger and tears around his eyes.

"Huh, what are you saying, but who cares, I don't give a fuck about what you say, this is for the saiyans you destroy" Ryuu said with an excuse for beating him up.

Ryuu then break the left arm of Frieza who scream in a high pitch.

"Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!" Frieza said as he look at his limping left arm.

"This is for making the parent's of my dad die" Ryuu then break the right arm and it goes limp.

"This is for making the prince of saiyan do your own dirty work" Ryuu then proceed to break the right leg as Frieza scream.

"Aaarrrghhh, genuf is genuf!(enough is enough!)" Frieza then retreat as he transform into his powerful form, the original form.

All of the broken bones of Frieza heal, and he look at Ryuu to see Ryuu already at his face grabbing it.

"You did not expect a 4 your old to demolish you right?, Now suffer for the wrong doings you do" Ryuu said while his hair turn to yellow, making Frieza see the legendary super saiyan that he need to avoid at all cost and the thing he fears the most.

"What!?, The legendary super saiyan myth that is only seen for 1,000 years is real!?, Nonono!, this can't be happening!?, this is a dream!" Frieza who see the yellow hair and sense the full power of Ryuu said in fear.

"Wake up to reality, This is the thing you fear huh?, sad for you as more and more saiyans will achieve this transformation" Ryuu said with a fiery tone, no cold tone since it's for frieza.

Frieza who heard Ryuu talk, stare at him in fear as he imagine many saiyans with yellow hair walking around and see it in daily basis, making his whole body turn cold.

Frieza heat stop beating when he was imagining it, making Ryuu stare in confusion.

"What the!?, why you die like that, I wasn't done with you yet" Ryuu said and create the revival orb and string of life. Slamming it towards the chest of Frieza.

While this is happening the adults just look at Ryuu thrashing Frieza left and right.

"Uhh, I think the previous even make him overly cautious over evil person, we should not mess with Ryuu no more" Raditz said while they nodded at what he said and remember the past 5 days of training with Ryuu saiyan training.

Atleast it make them have a power level ranger from 10,000,000 minimum and maximum 13,000,000 PL because of Ryuu repeatedly thrash them around like a ragdoll when Ryuu is training.

Back to Ryuu who is reviving Frieza back to life, see frieza breathing and looking around in confusion.

"Snap out of it, I'm not done with you yet. You will be my new toy to break, I hope you last longer" Ryuu said and throw him to the ground creating a big crater.

Frieza cough again and thought about the same dialogue Nappa did when they go to Earth.

'Why am I here just to suffer, is this my karma of what I did in the past?' Frieza said and see Ryuu as an angel who tried to help him get up but instead reality is sometimes cruel when Ryuu punch him to the face breaking his nose, then to his arms being broken again, then to his legs.

Ryuu continued this punching session for many many hours until it's lunch since Frieza arrive at 5:00 am and Ryuu thrash him at 5:21 am.

"Hooh, that is a nice feeling, I should do it once in a while, huh, his dead already, oh well goodbye" Ryuu said and a ki blast appear and aim it to Frieza and let go of it, making a circle that make even the body of his got disintegrate by the blast and no remaining remain.

Ryuu then flew towards the village and tell them that they will go back to earth except himself since he want to learn instant transmission and he might get an idea through using magic.

"So how's frieza, is he a good fight for you" Raditz said as he see Ryuu landing infront of them.

"His quite fragile, I didn't even use that much power and he just died when seeing my hair turning yellow, but I revive him and punch him again and again, that should do it for his evil deeds and he should be traumatize by now if he is alive" ' and already having a mental breakdown at hell' Ryuu said and thought.

"Anyway, we should go home to the planet earth since we have already made a vacation here for a month now, but I will not join you guys, you can go by yourselves cause I want to go somewhere to see if the other planets are interesting." Ryuu continued and making the people who heard him shocked and ask.

"What do you mean by travelling to the other planets?" Goku said while he thought he should join Ryuu in this travel.

"What I mean is that I want to travel to see something interesting, I might learn something that is helpful in combat" Ryuu said.

"But what will you use in travel?" Chichi said and understand that his son want to get stronger through travelling somewhere, which she agreed to it silently.

"The ships of Tang and the kids, so will you let me go to travel around?" Ryuu said as Chichi just nodded.

"Can I also go Chichi, just to make sure Ryuu is doing Good" Goku said excitedly and Chichi think then approve which make Goku hug her and kiss her in the lips.

Which make Chichi blush as all the people cheer.

"What about me!, Can I join with you Ryuu?" Eris who is left out said to Ryuu.

"Hmm, I don't think you need to, since you might cause chaos all around the planets and being hunted down by an organization, so just stay with my Mom and Brother, and protect them, that's my request I hope you accept" Ryuu said while patting the head of Eris which in turn make Blossom get angry for stealing the spot that is hers.

"Hey!, that's my brother's lovable pat, that's already taken by me!" Blossom said as she bonk Eris and take the spot of patting.

"Ouch, okay okay, it's your's, are you happy now?, anyway I will accept your request then, in the meantime I might learn something from Bulma san at the earth" Eris said as she rub where the bonk is, which is in her butt.

"Good, I hope you don't cause chaos there or I might train you in my saiyan regime" Ryuu threaten her with his saiyan regime which is simple, just some near death experience and heal then repeat, simple right?.

"No!, I don't want your stupid saiyan regime!, I promise that I will not cause chaos at the earth, you happy?" Eris said as she imagine herself being in near death experience for all the years she cause of chaos.

"I'm happy now go, since me and Dad will go to somewhere to see something interesting and train too" Ryuu said as he see Goku already finish with flirting with chichi.

"Let's go son, hehe boi, I can't wait for this adventure!" Goku said while rubbing his hands together.

Ryuu nodded and take the space ship out, while Elder Guru, the namekians and the people he originally travel with wave at them, as they also get into their ship with the kids on board.

"Goodbye Ryuu, Goodbye my Guests, I hope you visit us next time in a while, and Piccolo, make sure to merge with Kami so that you can be complete and become stronger than ever!" Elder Guru said while the Namekians also wave their hands, Ham and Nail also wave towards the to ships flying.

In the next moment, the two ship parted ways into their own direction, Ryuu pick the coordinates of Yardrat, even though the language is not the same as the previous spaceship. He can just translate it with magic and magic saves the day again.

What a useful thing to have. While the space ship where Gohan who wants to go back to earth with Chichi, has their coordinates to earth but this time no mistake of picking the coordinates.

Next time on Reincarnated as the second son of Goku.

Will Ryuu and Goku safely arrive in their destination the same with Chichi and Co. or will they stumbled something dangerous?.

Find out in the next chapter of Reincarnated as the second Son of Goku.