C -30

Age 762, December 25.

Ryuu and Goku is training from his created dome so that the ship don't get destroyed by the shockwaves.

"Hey Ryuu, how did you transform into a yellow and green hair?" Goku ask as he spar with Ryuu who's power level suppress to match with Goku's power level around 12,100,000 PL.

" Just focus all your attention on your back and powered up, that would make you ssj, Dad" Ryuu explain the same way Cabba explain to Caulifla.

"Is that it?, I thought it would be harder. I will try it then, ahhhHhHHHhHHHH" Goku then do a squat position as he focused all of his attention on his back and powered up as well.

Goku scream so much that ryuu block his ears from the noise with magic. Ryuu see Goku's eyes turning into green then back to black, and with a final scream of Goku, his aura change and his hair turn to yellow, while his power level multiplied by 50x.

"Wow!, so this is how you transform into a super saiyan!, this feeling is so cool"Goku said as his power level increase to 605,000,000 PL.

"There is more ways how to transform, through sheer will, through grief, and the tingling in the back, there is more to discover of how to transform into ssj, Dad" Ryuu explain which make Goku confuse by the ways of transforming into ssj.

"That's quite a lot of ways, anyway, let's spar but this time in super saiyan" Goku said and get into battle stance.

Ryuu nodded while he transform into a super saiyan but he suppress his power around Goku's level.

Goku attack first with a straight and Ryuu dodge it easily and kneed Goku at his stomach making him cough saliva.

Ryuu followed up with a kick to the neck, which Goku block it in difficulty, as he slid through 2 meters from Ryuu.

Ryuu then punch Goku right around the face, but Goku dodge it by leaning backward, but Ryuu form the punch into an elbow strike towards Goku chest. Goku cough as he feel his out of breath for a short time.

Goku fall down on the ground as his ssj1 disperse.

"*cough*, That's a nice way for attacking, feint punch then elbow strike me when I lean backward, that's awesome!" Goku who's down to the ground said with excitement.

"Do we continue or not?, Why don't we maintain the ssj1, until we can do it 24/7 in this form" Ryuu said as he help Goku up.

"We can do that. Then let's maintain the ssj1 until we arrive at our destination then" Goku approve as he go into ssj1 and feel the lost of stamina.

Ryuu nodded and go into his lssj, his body go bulk but not much like Broly, instead more like in lean type of bulk muscle. Goku look at his Son, who grow taller when he transform into Lssj 1, height from 3ft to 5ft 1inch or 91.44 cm to 154.94 cm.

"That's cool!, you look like my little brother but with green hair instead" Goku said and look at the muscle of Ryuu.

"Hehe, I'm your son after all" Ryuu laugh a bit and punch around the dome.

Goku and Ryuu then spar inside the dome, not minding the shockwave it do outside since they have dome.






Age 763, March 14.

Ryuu and Goku are currently sitting at their chair looking outside as they see a planet, their destination for today.

"2 months to 3 months had already past, we have finally arrive at planet Yardrat" Goku in super saiyan form said as his base power level increase from 12,100,000 to 400,000,000 PL for the past months.

"Hmm, what do think Mom and Brother Gohan are doing. Are they okay at home?" Ryuu said while in Lssj as he look outside, his base power level increase to 2,350,000,000 PL or 2.3 billion.

"They should be okay, Gohan is strong you know, he can defend themselves and there is your little girlfriend Eris, taking care of them too" Goku said as he tease in his last sentence.

"She is not my girlfriend, I only found her when I was treasure hunting" Ryuu said not affected by Goku's teasing.

"Ahh, you are always serious son, you should have fun sometimes, who knows maybe you can have a girlfriend" Goku said while looking at the planet Yardrat, as they finally entered it's atmosphere.

"Girlfriend is a time consuming, I only like training, researching and that's it" Ryuu said with serious look.

Goku just nod and let his son be, while Ryuu is thinking about his twin brother.

'Is Rol okay, I hope his okay and not mourn for me, it's already been 4 years and more right?' Ryuu thought and the ship finally landed at the ship station for space ship.

Goku and Ryuu got out and pay by creating the currency of the universe, which Ryuu has seen from Tang.

"How can we help you, Sir and your brother?" A Yardrat said as he look at the two who looks like brothers.

"Ahh, sorry!, We are here for training, and no this is not my brother, it's my son, Ryuu, Name's Goku" Goku said as he shook hands with the Yardrat.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but what do you mean about training here?" the yardrat said.

"We are just here to learn your techniques, we heard from someone that you have a good techniques all around the universe, we can pay for the cost of learning your techniques" The one who answered is Ryuu while he created money from his pocket.

"No need, we can let you learn the techniques of ours, but remember you cannot be greedy cause you will die if you learn too much, We are just testing you if you are an evil person, Name's Grat" Grat the Yardrat said with a smile.

"I see, then we will thank you for your hospitality" Goku answered.

"Please come with me towards our Leader, he can be the only who can access our techniques" Grat said as he let Goku and Ryuu follow him towards a big building.

Ryuu, Goku and Grat walk towards the big building, and Grat flew towards the highest floor of the building, Ryuu and Goku followed quietly, as they also see many Yardrats working around.

Seconds later, Grat and Co. have arrive as Grat opened the door. They walk inside and see the look of the leader, it's Grat they are following.

Ryuu and Goku look at the two as they see the one they're following disappear and the leader called them.

"Hello there Ryuu and Goku, the one you are following here is the clone I created, anyway come with me, so what do you want to learn?. Movement type, illusion type, Attack type, Teleportation type, Fusion type, etc." Grat the leader of Yardrat said while Goku is confuse of what's going on, while Ryuu is surprise a little.

" What is the best techniques that can be use in our daily life and also when fighting someone stronger than us" Ryuu said as Goku is still confuse of what's going on.

"Hmm, the best thing for your daily life that you can go in a blink of an eye would be instant transmission, and for fighting is fusion type, but we also have illusion type to confuse enemies. Also we have a movement illusion type, it will look like you are just walking but the enemies will see mutliple of you" Grat explain the uses of the different types of techniques.

Goku and Ryuu listen the explanation as also telling Grat what they would learn, Goku would learn the instant transmission, while Ryuu would also learn instant transmission with Rhythm Echo, the one killua use from getting the ball to Netero.

The training started immediately when they pick the techniques of their choice. The reason why Grat taught the two even though he only met them once is because he see that they are good people with good heart.

Grat just let them learn their techniques since sharing is caring and they are a peaceful race.

Next time on Reincarnated as the middle son of Goku.