C - 34

Age 764, August 15.

"I see... So that's what is happening in your life, when living here. I'm happy that you like it here" Ryuu said.

"I should go now, cause my training with the z fighters is getting late. Sorry for not having enough time for you guys, See ya later" Ryuu said while the kids just nod and disperse when Ryuu and Blossom fly towards the look out where he see Raditz and Vegeta training, with Kana and their daughter Belle. Raditz must have told Kana about the incoming threats and Kana wanted to see the training.

He also see Gohan and Eris training with each other. Then to Nappa and Piccolo sparring with each other.

Landing on the look out. Blossom and Ryuu walk as Blossom ran towards Pico to play.

Seconds later, Goku and Chichi arrive with a happy faces.

'There must be something special happen to them. To see them so happy with each other.' Ryuu thought and Goku and Chichi see him walking towards the group who's training.

"All saiyans!, Please stop what your doing!" Goku shouted and they stop and look at him with a questioning look. But when they see Ryuu has arrive make them shudder and act normally after.

"Thanks Dad. So... To those who want to back out just step back and go to the left side while the one who want to continue our saiyan regime, please go to the right side" Ryuu said while pointing where they would line up. All saiyans move towards the right side and none go to left side.

"I see... Looks like you all will join my saiyan regime. Be ready cause I will not go mercy on you all, except for the humans of course since they will not benefit from my saiyan training" Ryuu said while Chichi ask Goku.

"What does he mean about Saiyan training, is it good?" Chichi ask while looking at Ryuu.

"It's good and effective training for saiyan but little effect for humans" Goku explain briefly.

"I see, doesn't that mean that it will be a good power boost for saiyan?" Chichi said

"Yes it will be but this saiyan training is a brutal one" Goku said with a smile.

While Goku and Chichi are talking, Ryuu is increasing the gravity of all fighters, even chichi who will be joining the training and only has around 100 to 200 power level.

Except that she will not be put in a 2x gravity but instead it's a weighted clothes around 300 kg, making it harder for chichi to move around but she persist and work for it. Making Ryuu, Gohan and Goku worried that she might get hurt, but she just that she is doing okay. And just let her be.

All of the saiyans are in the gravity of 120x of earth, making those who has a lower power level have a difficulty in moving, while the humans and piccolo are in a 110x gravity.

"Looks like you all are getting a hang of the gravity. All saiyans come closer cause I will teach you a super saiyan" Ryuu said as Gohan, Eris, Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz walk closer and surprised by what Ryuu said.

"What do you mean about super saiyan?, Can we really achieve the super saiyan, Ryuu?" Raditz ask doubtful of what he said.

"Yes, cause Dad already achieve it when we travel around the space, you just need to focus on your back and power up." Ryuu said and they just nodded since their's no harm in what Ryuu said.

Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, Gohan, and Eris. Focus on their back and powered up as they gritted their teeth.

Seconds later of focus. The first one to appear in super saiyan is Nappa because he is older and already accumulated enough S cell, and the second one is Raditz and Vegeta at the same time, while next is Gohan since he is a hybrid and that means he can accumulate faster S cell, and the last one is Eris.

Who's aura kept changing to azure then yellow then to azure again and then it become yellow.

'A variant super saiyan?, it must be' Ryuu thought when he look at Eris who's hair yellow.

"Looks like, all of you succeeded... Let's begin our training then. Mom, you can just train somewhere since we might reach you when we fight" Ryuu said in a worried tone as chichi nodded and walk weakly towards Kana with baby Belle.

"All of you fight me" Ryuu said as he go super saiyan, and they nodded when feeling the power Ryuu is emitting.

With that. All saiyans attack him, Vegeta and Goku punch each side of Ryuu who just block it, while Eris kick the head of Ryuu who duck the attack and hitting Goku instead, Raditz fire a ki blast towards Ryuu who receive it with no damage in his body, and Gohan sweeping the legs of Ryuu who jump to dodge.

Ryuu then grab both of the arms of Goku and Vegeta and slam them with each other, then he grab Eris leg and slam him to the ground and fire a ki blast towards Raditz who block it with a little damage, While rushing towards gohan and slam him to the ground.

While they are fighting. The watchers feel the pain they feel instead and just look in pity.

Tien who finally see why it's called saiyan training finally decide to avoid Ryuu when he mention about saiyan training.

The fight continues with Ryuu dominating them all, Gohan getting thrown like a small stone, then smashing the heads of Goku and Vegeta, and also doing a hulk smash towards Nappa and then grab it's leg and smash him repeatedly on the ground. Then he punch the stomach of Eris and grab the hair and smash her face to the ground.

Making it an equal to all of the saiyans. Ryuu just smash, slam, kick, punch and many more to the saiyans and also healing them repeatedly, everytime someone is in near death.

By the end of the hellish training, all of them except Ryuu has their power level increase.

Nappa - 50 million

Raditz - 65 million

Vegeta - 65 million

Goku - 5 billion and 100 million

Gohan - 15 million

Eris - 10 million

Their power increase in a large margin that they might get addicted by the saiyan training. But also fear the saiyan training at the same time.

Next time on Reincarnated as the middle son of Goku.

Will the androids win in the next three years? or will they be beaten up like Ryuu did to the saiyans?

Find out on the next chapter tomorrow.