C - 35

Age 764, September 15.

One months had past since they train and their power level increase for the past one month.

Here are the increase of their power level.

Ryuu -210 billion

Goku - 10 billion

Raditz - 2 billion

Vegeta - 2 billion

Nappa - 1 billion

Gohan - 650 million

Eris - 600 million

Chichi - 9,000 PL

Tien - 2 million

Yamcha - 3 million

Krillin - 5 million

Piccolo - 16 million

Chi-Chi's the lowest one because she has such a low PL in the beginning that it's harder for her to train in a 4x gravity with 50 weighted clothes.

While the others increase their power level into millions and the saiyans... Well let's say they pay a description for training and become super strong in just one month and the price is their will to endure the training.

*Flash back seconds before knowing how to transform super saiyan so easily*

*Vegeta Pov*

We are currently adjusting from the gravity, Ryuu put us. While Ryuu is standing 5 meters away from us.

"Looks like you all are getting a hang of the gravity. All saiyans come closer cause I will teach you a super saiyan" Ryuu said as Gohan, Eris, Me, Nappa, and Raditz walk closer and surprised by what Ryuu said.

'Super saiyan!?, But how!?, Isn't super saiyan is a transformation that is hard to achieve?, How can he teach us super saiyan?' I thought and Raditz ask.

"What do you mean about super saiyan?, Can we really achieve the super saiyan, Ryuu?" Raditz ask doubtful of what Ryuu is saying.

"Yes, cause Dad already achieve it when we travel around the space, you just need to focus on your back and power up." Ryuu said and the others just accept it and nodded to what Ryuu is saying.

"What!?, Super saiyan is that easy!?, My whole life is a lie!, This.. this is bullshit!, How can becoming super saiyan is easy!, Ryuu!... Tell me the truth about how hard to transform into super saiyan!?" I ask Ryuu and not believing that so easily.

A super saiyan can only appear every 1,000 years and why does he think that achieving super saiyan is easy, it's impossible. There's not even a super saiyan in planet Vegeta and he said that achieving the myth, the legend is easy. That's bullshit.

"Yes, The super saiyan is easy to achieve. You can achieve it so easily just by focusing on your back and power up. So do your best Vegeta san" Ryuu said while looking at the group who's trying to achieve super saiyan.

'This!... This is all a lie! A dream!... When I wake up. Ryuu will tell me that it's hard to achieve and only the chosen one can achieve it!.' I thought but when I see Goku transforming into super saiyan like it's the easiest thing to do make my knees turn to jelly and hit the ground and kneel.

'Why!?, Why is it so easy to transform into super saiyan!?, What about the legend of super saiyan!?. Are all of it are false!?...This... The legend is all a lie... What hardship... What griefs to achieve to super saiyan... All of that is a lie!?... I don't wanna even know if there's more to the super saiyan!' I thought while they look at me for being dramatic about super saiyan being easy.

*Vegeta Pov and end of flash back*

Ryuu is currently watching the training of the z fighters, including Chichi, Eris, Nappa and Raditz to z fighters.

"Ryuu!, Is there a higher form than this super saiyan?" Eris said while circling Ryuu.

"There should be... You should try since it's not gonna hurt you anyway" Ryuu said while knowing that there is a higher form which he already achieve in the past month of training.

He also achieve ikari when he transform into ssj2.

"I see... Then let's try it together and when we achieve it, We will go somewhere and cause something fun. Wouldn't it be cool" Eris said while jumping around while in her mind is different fun.

Picture it as Eris and Ryuu going around firing the 69 weapons and destroying mutliple building while laughing. That's what in Eris mind when she thought of something fun.

"I'll consider it... But you should train now or I will smash you to the ground." Ryuu then threaten Eris with his hand on her head.

"Okay!, I will train now... Bye bye" Eris said while jumping like a bunny.

"What a childish girl... But Eris really is a genius or should I call it mad genius when she literally can create a robot that would fly and destroy building for fun and laughing while flying" Ryuu said while looking at Eris training.

"You must like Eris, Ryuu. Cause you kept looking at her everytime she train. That's my son" Chichi who see Ryuu looking at Eris walk and said to him.

"What!?... No way in hell would I like that girl!. She's just a kid!" Ryuu who's startled by his mother said while avoiding her gaze and his ears turning red.

"Oh really?... Then why are you avoiding looking at me and look at your ear turning red.. Ayee!. GOKU!!.. Look our son,Ryuu is in love!" Chichi tease him while calling over Goku who's training with his son, Gohan.

"Oh really!... That's nice!. Go get her son!. We support you!" Goku knowing that Chichi is teasing Ryuu also followed.

Gohan who know that they are teasing his brother also join and well everyone join the teasing of Ryuu.

"We support you brother!, Good luck on getting with Eris!" Gohan said as Ryuu stare at them with a dangerous look.

"Yeah we support you two!" Krillin said.

"Go get her, Ryuu!" Yamcha said.

"Be a good lover to her Ryuu!" Tien joined.

"Goodluck with getting her, Ryuu!" Raditz said while laughing.

"We are here for you two!" Nappa said.

"Go get him, Eris. We support you two" Piccolo said while looking at the two blushing kids.

"Hmph, Good luck kid" Vegeta as always said.

"Ahh!, Your training will increase 2 no 4 fold!, You better watch out. You better not cry!" Ryuu said while flying somewhere.

Eris also fly somewhere with a blushing face and destiny will just let this two meet.

"Oops!.. Looks like your saiyan training will increase 4 fold. Good luck saiyans!" Chichi said as she run away from them and train.

"Good luck in your training tomorrow, Saiyans" Krillin, Yamcha, Tien and Piccolo said.

Hearing what they said make them regret teasing Ryuu and just continue their training with a low morale.