Panic attack

I sat at the table next to Maria and Emilio seeing as it was the only seat available.

Everyone at the table were chatting away as they were well acquainted with each other already, and were quite comfortable.

I on the other hand felt awkward and out of place again so I just smiled ever so often and silently ate my food.

Emilio too was quietly eating his food and I was too aware of his presence next to me.

Everything he did irritated me like why does he have to use a knife and fork when eating?

Does he thinks he's better than us?

He definitely is, but still.

I rolled my eyes at him and stuffed a piece of well done stake into my mouth, mmmm so yummy.

"Say Emilio it must be nice working with that sexy lady huh? I must say she looks better than your fiancé!" said the guy from earlier and everyone with a sesame seed sized brain laughed.


I hate every fiber in them.

Emilio gripped his fork a little too hard after hearing what he had said.


Was he mad that the old geezer was right?

I do look better than his fiancé mental hair flip.

Another one of the creeps which I didn't bother to learn their names because I don't care piped up next to Emilio, "I know right. She's so hot if she worked in my office I would keep her all to my self."

The idiots laughed again and I gagged losing my appetite.

These old men are really cocky, and really smelly.

"Hunny why don't you take off your jacket? It must be hot under there."

He was right, whatever his name was.

It was really hot but I didn't feel like explaining my bruise.

The six other participants looked at me expectedly minus Emilio who just glanced and blankly awaited my next move and I felt uncomfortable.

"Umm okay" I said as I slowly took the jacket off their eyes never leaving my body.

The whole table gasped as they saw the mark on my hand.


"Oh my God what happened? I never saw this before" asked Maria as she held my hand inspecting it.

"Its umm an allergy." I lied

She frowned and inspected it further, "it doesn't look like a n allergy rash. It looks more like a handprint?"

"Yeah probably from a fun night." said one of the pigs and I lost it.

These dim witted misogynistic pigs have gone way too far.

I took my cup of half drunken wine and threw it right in his face, "Oops. I'm such a cluts."

I batted my eyelashes as I covered my mouth as an act of apology.

His face reddened not only from the wine stain but anger and embarrassment from the rest of the table laughing.

Even Emilio chuckled and I smirked in victory.

"You bitch!" he yelled as he stretched his hands across the table and grabbed me by the collar.

I was startled by his sudden act of violence that I froze when I saw his hand rose to deliver a blow across my face.

I closed my eyes and waited for the impact but It never came and I opened my eyes to see Emilio gripping my attacker's hand hard with a hard look on his face.

"Boss she started it. You can't possibly be taking her side!" yelled the man as he tried to break free of Emilio's grip.

He twisted his hand and the creep let go of my collar.

I stood there breathing heavily as bad memories of being in foster care resurfaced and I felt myself having a panic attack.

"Mariana? Mariana!?" I heard Maria called from a distance even though she was right beside me gently shaking my shoulder to bring me back to reality.

I was lost for a second, but then I blinked twice and came back to reality.

My heart beat had steadied and I was able to see and hear clearly again.

Maria helped me to sit on the chair while Emilio escorted the man out of the restaurant with all eyes on him.

I had caused a scene.


I started to tear up and Maria hugged me, "you poor thing. You must have been so startled. Its okay he's gone now."

I sobbed into her chest and she patted my back.

Her hug felt comforting as if it were a mother's love.

I have never felt such love or any love at all so I stayed in her arms soaking up the warm feeling because I knew that I wouldn't get another chance like this again.

"Is she okay?" I heard Emilio asked from above.

I pulled away from Maria's embrace and hung my head as I spoked, "I'm sorry for all the trouble that I have caused today. I keep messing up and I completely understand if you want to fire me."

He was quiet after my speech then I felt his hand wrapped around my wrist and I looked up to see him peering down at me with compassion in his eyes, "lets go. I'll take you home."

I nodded my head "okay" and allowed him to pull me up from where I was sitting.

I grabbed his jacket from off the floor and bid Maria farewell, "Ill, see you tomorrow."

"Okay. Be safe." she called out as Emilio pulled me towards the exit.

We stepped out into the chilly breeze and I gently shivered.

He took his jacket from my hands and placed it over my shoulder while we were waiting for his driver.

We luckily didn't have to wait that long for the ride and I was glad for I was starting to feel awkward and guilty all over again.

He opened the door for me and I went in and knitted my arms together as he got in and closed the door.

"Where to?" He asked as he opened a button of his shirt and undid his cuffs.

"18 Mahogany drive."

He told the driver where to and we were off into the night to my small run down apartment.

Could this night get any more humiliating?

I should have just lied and told him a fake address, but then I would had have to walk home in the night all alone.

Well what's done is done.

We were on our way anyway.