
"Finally!" I said as I placed the last file on the newly organized pile feeling a sense of relief.

I had at least five minutes left before we had to leave, way to go me.

I took the files off the desk and struggled with them towards Emilio's office grumbling as to why were these shit so damn heavy? Were they the declaration of rights or something?

"Mr. Martinez" I knocked before entering, "the files you wanted."

I was struggling at this point so I just dropped them on his desk with a loud thud.

He nodded without looking up from his laptop and I just left without another word.

I returned to my office and flopped my self on chair after stretching my aching muscles.

Who knew sorting files would have taken this long. I hadn't even had lunch yet and its almost time to go home.

I sat there rubbing my stomach dreaming of what to eat as my stomach grumbled.

I looked over at Emilio that was so engrossed with work and let out a small whiny cry.

I was really fighting the urge to barge into his office and demand food but I didn't want to get fired. I've caused enough trouble today already.

I laid back in my chair and stretched my poor sore and aching muscles.

I was really hungry and I felt my stomach growl every 5 seconds.

I was getting really impatient and had to restrain myself from leaving my chair until I was told.


Until I was told?

What am I some kind of trained puppy?

Oh hell no!

I hastily got off my chair and went towards the door of my office with my mind made up, but as I was about to open the door Emilio had beat me to it and my hand came in contact with his crotch area seeing that that was where the door handle was .

I quickly reclined my hand as if his crotch had burned me and he looked down at me," oh Emilio. I was just on my way to you. Can we go now I'm really hungry."

He was still looking down at me and I started to feel small by his intense gaze.

What did he want me to say sorry for touching him inappropriately in my attempt to get something to eat?


"Yes. The others are waiting down at the lobby. Shall we go?" he asked still looking at me.

I nodded my head yes and he gestured for me to head out first and he closed the door behind him.

He opened the elevator door and gestured for me to get in first and I did eyeing him suspiciously.

Why the sudden act of chivalry ever since we got back?

If this is his way of apologizing he will seriously have to try harder than that.

The elevator dinged at the lobby and I expected him to let me get off first but he just nudged me out of the way and got off first.

What? Has his chivalry run out? What an ass.

"Ah you must be Mrs. Martinez" said an older creepy looking man as I approached the group.

"That's me" I chuckled nervously and uncomfortably, "and its miss by the way. I'm not married."

"Well we will have to change that soon don't we" he said as he placed a hand on my back and I flinched.

"Ha ha yeah no thank you. I don't believe in love." I said as I shook off his hand and scanned the group for Maria.

To my relief there she was in all her glory chatting to what seems to be another creep, smiling and laughing awkwardly. I should go save her.

Is being a creep a requirement to work here?

"Hey babe. I was looking for you." I said as I slinked my hand between hers.

She looked down at me confused and I silently motioned for her to go with it, "baby hi. I'm sorry. I've just been so caught up. Shall we go?"

I nodded my head and as we were about to leave the creep spoke, "Oh two ladies. I'm into that."

I felt disgusted by his suggestive words and fought the urge to punch him, "were not. Sorry."

We both headed to where Emilio was and he looked at our conjoined hands and raised a brow, " what's this?" he asked as he crossed his arm.

"Oh its nothi-"

"Were a couple" I said cutting off what Maria was about to say.

He didn't look phased and just shook his head and went towards the exit.

Maria and I followed him and the other men to the exit.

Why was it that there was only men Head's of Departments?

Was this company not woman friendly?

I was so glad that I had Maria at my side.


There were cars waiting out front and it seemed to have been their personal cars.

I felt out of place when everyone got in their car and I was there standing.

Should I call a cab or?

"Marianna!" I heard Emilio called cutting off my thoughts.

He motioned for me to get in the car with him and I weighed my options.

There was no better option so I sighed and got in.

I was still mad at him and was giving him the silent treatment so I just stared out the window the entire time.

I had forgotten my jacket and it just hit me when we arrived and I got a glance at my hand.

It had gotten worse. The bruise was very big and angry looking.

Okay maybe it was not that big. It was the size of his hands, but to be fair he had big hands and it looked angry.

Looking at it reminded me of what happened today and I started to feel sad.

I even remembered that I fell off the chair and hit my back and then I remembered the stairs.


What a first day.

This was enough for a law suit.

I was still staring at the bruise when Emilio shook off his jacket and tried to gave it to me when we exited the car.

He must have saw me looking at it.

I looked him in the eyes as I reluctantly took the jacket and walked away feeling self pity.

I really hated him that I could cry and I did shed a tear.

I don't know why I was suddenly feeling so emotional and soft.

I must be really hungry.

I felt a hand holding onto mine and I flinched.

I turned around to see Emilio staring at me, "I'm sorry." He said softly with a genuine tone in his voice.

I pulled my hand away from him and he looked hurt but I didn't care, my pride and feelings were hurt first.

"There is nothing to be sorry about. What's done is done."

I pulled the jacket tighter across my body turning on my heel and went inside the restaurant.

Why was he sorry now huh?

I didn't want his sorry ass apology.

I should sue his ass.