A battle between woman and the uretus

I ran to the nearest bathroom mortified and spun my skirt around to get a better view, "Oh no. Why now?"

My period seems to have had no home training.

It always shows up at the worst times without warning

"You did have warning" said my annoying self conscious.

She was right though.

I did get warnings but to be fair I always have stomach cramps when hungry or need to poop also.

I sighed as I turned the tap on and proceeded ti0 scrub the spot and luckily the spot was not big for I had not been sitting down.

Was it there when I got out of the car?

Oh no!

I swear on my life that my cause of death will be from excess embarrassment one day.

Why was I like this?

I left out a sigh of relief when I saw Maria burst through the doors of the bathroom with pads, tampons and a new underwear, "hey you okay? I didn't know which one you used so I got you both."

I took the pads and avoided the scary looking tampons, "thank you."

She handed me a wet wipe and I proceeded to wipe the spot as clean as I could.

"Done" I said as I finally got the spot clean and took the skirt off to dry it under the dryer.

Maria stayed with me in the bathroom all while I was there and I was grateful.

"Hey thanks again for your help. You should get back to work now. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble."

I went inside the stalls and changed into the clean panty and pad.

I threw my dirty one into the sanitary bin after wrapping it neatly in sheets of tissue.

She was gone by the time I was done so I just grabbed my dry skirt from under the drier making sure that it was set straight on my waist then left the bathroom as if nothing had happened.

I went back up to my office in the elevator and went to sit at my desk.

The pain was racking but I tried to keep my composure and fought the pain.

I laid back in my chair and stretched my legs to lessen the pain and it helped a little.

I hate periods but at least I wasn't pregnant.

Emilio barged into my office as I was relaxing as if he owned the place.

Well yeah he owned it but still.

"Ms. Rodriquez you just got here why are you already sleeping?"

I rolled my eyes and groaned and straightened myself, "my bad sir. I was not feeling well."

He placed some files on my desk and examined my contorted face from dealing with the pain, " do you need to see a doctor?"

I shook my head no and started on the files. It was just mild cramps I will be fine and I didn't want him to know that I was on my period.

That was TMI.

"Well okay then. I think you know what you need to do with these" he said pointing to the files and I shook my head yes. He was about to leave when he stopped, "don't forget our meeting at 10" and with that he left.

I started on the files busying myself with sorting, organizing, stomping and signing to distract myself from the pain.

It was about 9:55 am when I was finished with my task and I made my way to Emilio's office.

"Ready to go?" he asked as he looked from his laptop.

I shook my head yes as I placed the files on his desk.

He took his jacket from around his chair and we were off to the conference room.

It was as huge as expected with a 10 desks well I'm guessing at least 50 chairs on each side and at end of the room a single desk with a chair, no doubt for Emilio in front of the huge glass at the end of the room.

Emilio and I were the first there so he sat in his chair and I stood in the corner awaiting the rest of the employees.

My guess by the size and the amount of chairs in the room seeing as it is the general assembly hall and the fact that this was a marketing company I would say that there were over 1000 employees and that was a lot of people

I started to feel nervous as people quickly started to fill the room as it was already 10 and Emilio tapped the desk in an annoyed manner as he had said 10 and everyone was not here as yet.

At 10:05 am I'm guessing to what must be the final person stepped in and Emilio signaled for the doors to be closed.

Everyone and I mean everyone was here from the Head's of Departments to the janitors.

Everyone looked so expensive and grim anticipating what the big boss has to say.

I stood there in the corner nervous from the amount of eyes ever so glancing at me and the cramps that were kicking my ass.

Emilio got up from around his desk and I saw everybody physically held their breaths, heck even I held my breath even though I knew that I did nothing wrong.

"I know you all might be wondering why I called you all here today so suddenly" he started and everybody got to mumbling.

He held up his finger and the room went dead silent, "last night I took Miss. Rodriquez out to dinner to welcome her to the family along with my H.O.D's and let's just say we had to let one go."

I gasped along with the rest of the employees as he said for I didn't know he fired the guy. I felt bad for I had been the reason. He must hate me now.

I scanned for Maria and I easily found her as her beauty was unmatched. She smiled and I forced a weak one as I felt a hard jab of pain in my abdomen.

Emilio had been talking about the importance of respecting women but, I was in too much pain to listen.

"I know a lot of you are wondering who Miss. Rodriquez is so let me properly introduce her to you all."

He signaled for me to come to his side and I took a step to, but found that I had fell to the floor due to gruesomely excruciating pain.

I heard the employees gasped and Emilio and Maria came to my side.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Emilio asked sounding panicked.

"She's fine. She will be okay. Just, just take her home and get her a hot pack. Lady problems."

I felt strong arms lifting me off the ground and I snuggled into their chest.

The pain was kicking my ass and I was losing badly.

I fell sleepy from the pain and groaned out feeling all groggy and lightheaded from said pain.

"Shh its okay. Ill get you home" I heard the person carrying me said and with that I snuggled farther into their chest as I fell asleep from exhaustion.