Jeff and Sam

I woke up to find my self in the front seat of Emilio's car strapped in.

"Where are we going?" I asked as as I fixed my hair and top.

"You fainted and Maria said it would be best to take you home. Are you okay?"

He sounded genuine and I suddenly felt shy, "you shouldn't have. I'm fine" I said twisting my fingers out of habit.

He tisked and shook his head, "you fainted in front of everyone. It would have looked bad if I just left you there."


Because he was my boss.

I scrunched up my nose and rolled my eyes and proceeded to look out the window.

And here I thought he cared, silly me.

Silly silly me.

I stared out the window through out the entirety of the ride until we pulled up in front of my building, "well this is me. Thank you again."

I proceeded to undo my seat belt then found that I had left my purse at work.

"Shit!" I said out loud as Emilio rounded the car and opened my car door.

He looked me confused as I stepped down out of the car as he held the door, "Why? What's the matter?"

"I left my purse at the office" I said as I ran my hands threw my hair.

My purse held all my important stuff including the key to my apartment but luckily I have a spare under the mat so I slowly made my way inside with the help of Emilio at my side.

If I were a stranger passing I would think that we were a pregnant couple and that is exactly what my nosy ass neighbors, "Umm Excuse me young man, but what is your relation with this umm ah young lady?" asked Marcela as we met in the halls.

Out of everybody here I hated her the most. She was always in my business and tried her hardest to get me kicked out.

"Hi Marcela lovely seeing you," I lied straight threw my teeth forcing a pleasant smile, "me and this young man have no relations what so ever and we both would like it if you minded your business okay? Okay bye bye now." I said as I brushed past her making sure to bump into her shoulder.

She called after me obviously not giving up on not aggravating me. I swear this woman needs a man.

"Of course you two have no relations because why would such a handsome young man get involved with you? He's probably doing charity work oh and by the way Mr. Handsome I have a few light bulbs that needs changing if you know what I mean." She winked and I gagged.

"Old hag be on your way. Don't you have like menopause to deal with?"

I smirked as I saw her gaping like a fish at a loss for words.

Ha ha I win.

Marianna 1 Marcela 0.

I took the key from under my welcome mat and opened the door grateful that I had done a little cleaning this morning and Emilio stepped in after me taking his time to observe the place.

This was my first time having people over let alone my boss.

"So you live here huh?"

"Yup" I said popping the 'P'

"And your neighbor she, she's something else."

"Tell me about it" I said as I took my jacket off and laid on the couch

These cramps were deadly but I'm going to tough it out without meds because I don't want to overdose since I was already taking over the counter sleeping pills.

Five minutes had already passed and Emilio was still here, "umm aren't you going to leave or do you need to be escorted?"

He clicked his tongue and came and stood over me, "do you need anything?"

I thought about it for a while and decided to just use him since he was here.

"Ouu-ahh-yeah. My tummy hurts so much that I can't walk could you take me to my room please?"

I groaned and rubbed my stomach in hopes that he would sympathize with me.

His chest felt nice and I wanted to feel it again.

Call me a slut I don't care.

I know you would have done it too if you were me.

He sighed but he still came and lifted me off the couch and brought me to to my room and this ass hole had the audacity to plop me on the bed like I was sack of potato.

I scowled at him as I adjusted myself under my sheets, "could you refluff my pillow please?"

I sweetly batted my eyelashes and did as I asked with disgust on his face, " you call these pillows? You should have asked me to burn them that would have been better."

I avoided his remark and laid in bed and he stood there watching me.

"What?" I asked getting annoyed.

"Nothing." he said as he swiped a finger over my door frame.

I decided to ask him for one more favor before he left.

Something that would no doubt give me a good laugh.

"Hey Mr. Martinez could you get something in the bathroom for me please?"

"Umm okay. As long as it's not anything gross."

I smiled as I had something planned, "it's not gross I promise. I just need my lip balm. I must have left it there this morning."

He eyed me suspiciously as I was still smiling, "why are you smiling?"

"Hmm? Oh nothing. Must be the hormones. You know how us women are when we are on our periods."


He was off to the bathroom and I prepared myself for his scream and he did indeed deliver.

I laughed as I heard his startled scream as he rushed towards my room.

I tried to stifle my laughter but I couldn't, it was just too funny.

"What the fuck is wrong with this place? You seriously need to move now. Like now!"

I couldn't contain my laughter anymore and I exploded in fits of laughter. Who knew a grown man would so afraid of an insect so tiny as a cockroach.

Tears welled my eyes and Emilio pouted, "what's so funny? I could have died."

"You're so cute. They are my friends Jeff and Sam" I said as I wiped my tears chuckling, but then immediately stop due to a sudden sharp pain that jabbed me in the stomach.

"Ah." I cried as I toppled over in pain.

Emilio rushed to my side and held my shoulders, "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

I let out a frustrated sigh as I tried my hardest not to snap, "I'm on my period not dying!"

"I'm just trying to help jeeze."

"Then don't!" I snapped before I could stop myself.

He removed his hands from around my shoulders and stood then adjusted his tie clearing his throat, "well then. I guess I better bet back to the office. I'll see you tomorrow. I'm sorry for over stepping."

And with that he left without another word and I felt guilty.

I sighed as I fell back onto my bed and practiced breathing.

I know he was only trying to help but I've only known him for two days and he wasn't the best person ever.

He was my boss so there was no need for him to play nurse.

My stomach cramps had died down a little so I crawled out of bed to get a hot pack and took a quick shower then returned to bed.

Today was another embarrassing day and I'm pretty sure this will go down in history.

Let's see if I can make it to the end of the week, I thought as drifted into slumber.