Good Girl

I had slept through most of the night last night only having to get up twice. The first because of nightmares and the second because I heard noise outside my door.

I was startled when I checked the time to see that it was only 8pm and I opened my door to find my purse with all belongings inside.

I smiled as I went to bed knowing that it was Emilio and he came all the way here after work to drop off my purse.

How sweet.

I woke feeling better for I had made it through day one of my period so the cramps won't be as bad, but they will still be there.

I got dressed this morning in all black and left with my hair in it's natural waves.

I don't know if I was expecting for Emilio to pick me up or not but when he didn't I was kinda disappointed.

I walked to the bus stop on the main street and hailed taxi to take me to work.

The company was only 20 minutes away from my apartment on a good no traffic day and I was grateful for that.

I paid the taxi driver when I arrived at work and he smiled but I didn't return the gesture.

I was in a sour mood so I didn't have the energy to fake my smiles.

I stepped through the front door of the building and I went to greet Maria, "hey"

"Hey you feeling okay?" she asked with sympathy and shook my head yeah.

"What happened when he took you home?" she asked as she answered a call.

I waited until she was finished before answering, "well nothing much he just took me to my bed, fluffed my pillow and oh, he also met my cockroach friends Jeff and Sam. Good times."

She blinked at me twice as if saying you're joking right and I held a straight face.

"Oh. Well that was umm uh unexpected." I shook my head in agreement.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" she asked after a few seconds and I shook my head no, "okay I was just about to order would you like anything? It will be on me."

She took out her phone as if ready to order so I gave my order, " I'll have an Ice latte grande with a blueberry muffin and a glazed donut please."

She nodded and proceeded to order and I just stood there.

I don't usually eat breakfast but it would have been rude to refuse her offer and besides, no one has ever bought me breakfast before.

I went inside the elevator and pressed my floor getting off when it dinged.

I walked down the empty corridor and approached the door of me and Emilio's office.

I decided to enter his and say good morning because it seemed like the right thing to do.

I knocked before entering but didn't wait until I got a response, "Good Morning sir."

He didn't give me a reaction, a nod, a head tilt or nothing.

I frowned as I walked towards his desk tapping two times.

"Yes Miss. Rodriquez?" he asked sounding annoyed.

What was his problem?

He wouldn't even look at me, "I just wanted to say thank you for taking me home yesterday and thank you for bringing me my purse. Well then I'll be off."

I said said as I turned and exited the office.

I plopped myself on my chair and checked my computer for what is scheduled today.

He had a lunch meeting with the shareholders that I needed to accompany him to then he has another meeting at 3 with the board and luckily I didn't have to go.

Seems like a pretty chill day.

I think I'm going to like working as a P.A.

After 5 minutes of busying myself with reading spreadsheets and tax statements out of curiosity I heard a knock on my door and it was my breakfast delivery.

"Delivery for Miss. Martinez" said the handsome young man as he handed my coffee and pastry.

I smiled at him as I took my food and he blushed. He was kinda cute.

I turned to head back into my office and I saw Emilio giving the delivery a death glare.

Right. I forgot that the glass was see through.

I shrugged not even going to bother trying to figure out what his problem was and took a sip of my latte.

Thank you Maria.

The blueberry muffin and donut were so good that I almost had a foodgasm.

I haven't had those in a while.

After cleaning my hands and mouth I got back to reviewing the tax statements and boy did this man made a lot of money.

I checked the pay slip spreadsheets and all of the employees had impressive pay which makes sense because this company was renowned for it's success and their top tier staff.

I started dreaming about what I would do with my first paycheck and it distracted me for a while until Emilio walked into my office, "I want coffee."

"Okay then order one or make it. You're a big boy."

He looked at me with a blank expression and arms crossed and I sighed as I went to his office and made him some.

I was surprised that even trusted me with making his coffee giving what happened on Monday.

I snickered at the thought and he came to lean on the counter next to me with his arms crossed.

"Why are you laughing? Is coffee funny to you?"

My smile faded into a scowl and a thought to reenact what happened on Monday crossed my mind, but I held my hands together tightly as not to get in trouble.

I had brewed enough coffee into the mug so I handed it to him and was about to leave his office when he pulled me by the arm into his chest and I collided with a thud.

I was startled by his sudden act and I found it hard to form a coherent sentence, "Wh-sir excuse me? What are you doing?"

He pushed my back against the the counter as he placed his mug down and locked me in with both his arms.

His grey orbs peered down in my soul and I gulped at his closeness towards me for his chest was touching mine and my breathing was rapid.

I felt hot and I felt a drizzle of period blood dripped on my pad.

Oh God.

"Do you have a boyfriend Miss. Martinez?"

My brain took a while to process what he said and when it did I shook my head no.

"Are you looking?" he asked as he inched closer.

I shook my head no again and he got closer.

I closed my eyes as I awaited his lips on mine but they never came.

"Good girl" was all he said as he stepped away and took his coffee with him.

I was left flustered and panting and I ran out of his office after excusing myself to the bathroom.

That was so embarrassing and it was not cool.

Why did he lead me on? He had a fiancé and all.

I got so mad that he would consciously play with my feelings that I hit the counter of the sink too hard causing a bruise on my hand and I yelped out in pain.

I turned the tap on and ran my bruised hand under the cold water for a few seconds until the throbbing stopped and then returned to my office as if nothing had happened.

I decided to kill sometime until it was time for the meeting by watching some funny baby fails on YouTube and boy was I distracted.

Kids falling off of slides was quite entertaining.

Wait no I mean oh no, those poor kids.
