Weekends are for clubbing

"Ah" I sighed as cracked my fingers in neck enjoying the little relief that followed.

What a long week.

The seemed to have doubled since the incident on Wednesday and he still hasn't said word to me since then since as well, but I really didn't really care to be honest. I didn't need to talk to him.

I met Maria at her desk for we had agreed to go out to a club since it was my first week and it was literally so hard and I really needed a release or I would explode.

"You ready to go?" I asked, and she nodded and linked her hands with mine, but as we were both about to leave Emilio called out behind us.

"Miss. Rodriquez, I'll take you home."

Oh now he speaks to me? I though sighing as I turned around.

"Umm no thank you Mr. Martinez. Maria and I aren't going home just yet."

"And why is that?" he asked coming closer with his hands in his pockets and eyebrows raised.

"We decided to go to a club." I answered and he tilted his head to the side in obvious disapproval.

"I'm coming with." he said walking passed us and we looked at each other confused, "are you guys coming or have you changed your minds?"

I sighed and and gestured with my head that we should just follow him to outside where he was waiting for me to go in the car.

"I'll meet you there." said Marianna walking in the opposite direction to her car, and I got in the passenger's side of the car, and he got in the driver's side and started the car.

"Where to?" he asked looking over at me with one hand on the staring wheel and the other on the gear stick, and I got a little distracted as my eyes wandered looking at his stance and then he snapped me out of it, "Miss Rodriquez are you listening?"

"Huh? Oh-right. Sin city." I said embarrassed as my face grew red and I covered my face with my hair looking out the window.

He pulled down the hand brake and placed his hand behind my seat and slightly turned his body towards me as he reversed changing direction then we were off.

What is this? I asked my self as I felt my heart still beating fast from his previous actions and I was confused as to why I was so turned on by a simple thing such as driving.

It must be the period hormones I thought, but then my annoying subconscious said, "you and I both know that it's not your damn period for that ended this afternoon. Admit it, you think that he's hot."

"Oh shut up you I do not think that he is hot." I snapped in my mind, but she just wouldn't shut up.

"You do think that he is hot and you do like him. You might be fooling your self missy, but you are not fooling me, not even Maria. Admit it!"

"Just shut the fuck up!" I exclaimed loudly as I hit myself on the forehead in frustration as I began to breath rapidly.

"Is every thing okay Miss Rodriquez?" asked Mr. Martinez and I looked over at him mortified for I had briefly forgotten that he was here.

"Oh-uhh yeah I'm fine. I was just-umm. I was just." I said trying to think of a lie, but he just chuckled shaking his head.

"It's fine. You can just keep it to yourself. We are almost there"

I nodded sighing as I mentally face palmed myself.

We luckily soon after arrived at the club, and Maria was in line waiting for us.

"Hey." I said jogging over to her as Mr. Martinez walked slowly behind.

"Hey." she answered, "I didn't know that it would have been so crowded tonight. I haven't been here long though."

"Why are you waiting in line in the first place?" asked Mr. Martinez and Maria looked at me as if asking what he meant, but he just excused himself and went up the to bouncer, "excuse me ladies. This won't take long."

I looked at Maria confused, and she looked just as equally confused shrugging, and we both turned our attention to the front of the line where we saw Mr. Martinez and the bouncer chatting, dabbing each other up and laughing.

He turned back to face us and leaned his head in the direction of the door that led inside signifying for us to come and go in, so Maria and I walked passed the bouncer smiling with our arms linked.

As expected the club, was quite full with people all over the dance floor, but we followed Mr. Martinez to the VIP area where he not surprisingly knew some people.

"Hey Emilio my brother." said one of the guys coming up to him and dabbed him up smiling with a glass of what I'm guessing to be Whiskey.

"Hey Mariano. It's been a while my brother." said Emilio smiling and talking casually and I looked at him confused for I have never seen him talk this freely or informally before. He seemed at ease and honestly, I like this look on him.

"Ouu and who do we have here?" said another guy walking up to us and I smiled as he gave me a warm smile.

"I'm Marianna." I said as he took my arm and placed a kiss on the back.

"Mmm Marianna. I lobe how your name rolls off my tongue."

I giggled and he smirked and he moved onto Maria.

"I'm Maria" she said smiling and he looked her deep into her eyes as he kissed her hand and she blushed.

"It is a pleasure to meet you ojos de angel (angel eyes). I'm Manolo." he said before returning back to his place on the couch, and I covered my mouth looking at Maria as I silent squealed, and she blushed even harder underneath the party lights.

"Ojos de angel" I teased playfully shoving her arm.

"Stop." she said embarrassed, and I looked over at Manolo who was staring intently at her, and I shoved her over to him, where I forced her to sit beside him.

He was so sweet and attentive to her, and I liked his vibe so I left the two of them alone as I went to the bar, for she seemed comfortable and relax and was enjoying his company.

"Can I have a sex on the beach please? Shaken not stirred please." I asked the bar tender as I sat on the stool, and he nodded and began making it.

"So it's your cocktail hour huh?" I heard a voice asked from beside me, and I turned to see a quite handsome man looking at me and I smiled.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I guess so. I like to start off with something sweet and not too hard to just warm up my body you know?" I asked, and he nodded chuckling as he came and sat closer, sitting on the stool right next to me.

"I'm Juan."

"I'm Marianna." I answered shaking his outstretched arm at the same time the bar tender came and gave me my drink, and as I was about to fish the money out of my purse, Juan beat me to it, "no no that's okay. I was going to pay."

"It's fine. First rounds on me. Why don't you just make it up to me by taking a few shots with me? Second round is also on me." he offered, and I decided why the heck not. It was free liquor anyways.


He smiled and ordered a few shots of vodka, and I sipped down my drink getting my throat ready to feel the burn.

"Oh my God you're so cute!" laughed Juan as I scrunched my face up after drinking my fifth and final shot.

"Ackk." I said as my twisted from the bitterness and my throat burned and I felt a little nauseous from drinking all five in one go.

"You really can hold your liquor huh?" he asked chuckling once more, and I deeply exhaled turning the shot glass over.

"You have no idea."

"Hmm. Is that so?" he asked and I smirked, "well then in that case," he said signally over the bartender, "how about another round."

"Oh you're on-"

"No. No you're not. That is enough for you tonight." said a voice from behind me, I groaned.

"Ugh come on daaad! It's Friday night and weekends are for clubbing. Don't be a buzz kill."

"Yeah man, don't be a buzz kill" said Juan and Emilio folded his arms as he glared at him.

"Miss Martinez you have had enough to drink with this stranger, and now I think that it's time for you to go home. You have work in the morning."

"Errk!" I said imitating a buzzer sound, "the last time I check Mr. Martinez, this was a weekend and I do not work on weekends, only go clubbing.: I said giggling.

"You are clearly drunk, and the last time I checked, I was boss and the last time I checked you were my PA so if I say you work weekends you do so go home.

"Psshh." I said rolling my eyes, "I'm not drunk see." I said and attempted to walk in a straight line, but found myself crashed into his chest, "mm Mr. Martinez you smell nice, and you, and you" I said squeezing his arms and touching his chest, "do you work out?"

"Okay that is enough. I'm taking you home." he said taking by the arm and I sighed.

"You're not the boss of me!" I snapped pointing my finger at him, as I pushed his hands off me and walked up to Juan, but then I felt Emilio's hands around my waist, then I was thrown over his shoulder.

"Look man, she doesn't want to go with you leave her alone." said Juan trying to stop him, but Emilio just pushed passed him without saying a word and I waved goodbye to Juan smiling as Emilio carried me outside.

"But Maria, my Maria." I said as he strapped me into the passengers side.

"She'll be fine. Manolo is taking her home.

"I don't wanna go home. I wanna party." I said pouting as I folded my arms as we arrived to my house and he groaned

"Marianna will you get a grip. Get out now and go to bed!" he yelled and I looked over at him pouting and he sighed, "I said get out."

"Fine!" I said unbuckling myself and I got out slamming his door shut, and was walking up the steps when he called out.

"Oh and Miss Martinez I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning in my office."

"No you wont" I was about to say, but he quickly drove off and I scoffed.


If he thinks that I will go to work tomorrow then he has mand a sad mistake.