Saturday morning

The next morning, Saturday morning, I was in bed like I usually was when I heard the honking of a horn, but I ignored it, then later heard a knock at the door.

"What the fuck?" I groaned annoyed as my head pounded from an hangover headache and I rolled around in bed not wanting to get up, but I forced my self out at the sound of the second rounds of knocking.

I groaned as I wiped the sleep from my eye yawning as I walked to the door.

"What?" I asked as I opened the door thinking that it was one of the nosy neighbors, scratching my leg, and yawning once more, but froze when my vison cleared and I saw who it was at door.

"Is this how you greet all your visitors?" he asked, "and I thought that I told you that I wanted to see you in my office bright and early, but it is now already," he said looking at his wrist watch "10:00 am."

"M-Mr. Martinez I" I said still startled by the situation, so I just closed the door in his face and ran to the bathroom, and frantically ran my hand though my hair at how messy it was, and aggressively brushed and fixed it as best as I could and quickly brushed my teeth, then ran back to the door and calmed my breathing to open the door and try it again, "Mr. Martinez! What brings you here?"

He was not please as he folded his arms and glared down at me, then brushed passed me entering my house without permission.

"Umm come in I guess, but mindful that this is called trespassing." I said closing the door and folding my arms and stood behind him as he looked around, "what are you even looking for huh? Nothing has changed since the last time you were here."

"I already told you. I am here to find out as to why you aren't in my office just like I have told you to."

"Told me to? When did we even have that conversation?" I asked confused scratching my head.

"Last night in my car when I brought you home from the club after your whole drinking competition with a stranger." he said and that jogged my memory.

"Oh yeah. Now I remember how much of a dick you were to my new friend Juan. He was such a nice guy."

" 'Nice?' 'friend'?" he asked scoffing and stooking his tongue in his cheek, "have you any idea of stranger danger Miss Rodriquez?"

"I was not in danger Mr. Martinez, he was simply being kind and buying me drinks that's all. God knows how good drinking felt after the week I've had." I said rolling eyes and folding my arms.

"Are you that dense Marianna!?" he yelled and I flinched, "he was only buying you drinks to take you home. No guy is that kind to stranger."

"And what if I wanted him to take me home huh? What if I like danger? What if I want to be tied up and drugged by some lunatic huh? Why do you even care!" I yelled back and his jaw ticked.

"Go get dressed." was all he said as he fixed his tie and walked passed me.

"I need a showered first incase yo haven't notice sir." I said and he froze.

"Go-ugg. G-get in the shower and make it quick." he said stuttering obviously uncomfortable by the thought of me being naked and I scoffed going to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

What was he uncomfortable about huh?

I was hot.

It would be a blessing and it would certainly make his day if he saw me naked.

I had thought that he had already left by the time I was done, so I came out wrapped in only a towel, but there he was standing in my living room looking out of place, and I gasped upon seeing him.

"Mr. Martinez why are you still here?" I asked and he turned around to face me, but quickly turned back around.

"Miss Rodriquez why aren't you dressed?"

"I am going to, but as you can see I need to walk by here to get to my room." I said in a duh tone and he sighed.

"Just, just hurry and get dressed pleased." he said, and I walked to my room and got dressed in work clothes, then brushed my hair and applied some deodorant and perfume then grabbed my purse and went to meet him outside in his car.

"Let's go." I said sighing, and he nodded not looking at me and put his shades on.

I have to admit, he did look hot.

No snap out of it Marianna, this was just the hangover talking.

We arrived at the office, and there were only a few other workers there, and they greeted us and we walked by and we went straight to the elevator got off then went to his office.

"So boss, what do you want me to do?" I asked and he took off his shades finally looking at me.

"Where is my report that I had asked for about Wednesday lunch meeting?" he asked and I grimaced for I had totally forgotten.

"Right. I am so sorry sir, but it must have slipped my mind. I will to it now." I said running to my office and got to typing.

"I do not like the wording of this report. Do it again." he said throwing the paper into the shredder and I frowned, but without whiny or hesitating I went to do it again, "I don't like this one." he said without even looking at it, "again." I grumbled under my breath on my way out and he must have heard what I said for his response was, "is there a problem Miss Rodriquez?"

"No sir." I said smiling through my time, and got to typing once more.

"Again! Again! Again!" he said over and over and over again, and I was holding onto my last bit of patience when he said, "fine. I guess this one is doable. I'll let it slide this time since it's already lunch time. Let's go." he said and I exhaled in relief as I followed closely behind him out of the building and to his car.

Unlike all the other times that he had treated me to a meal, this was the first time that it wasn't a fancy meal, and I was glad, for I was too hungry for the small but expensive portions of fancy restaurants.

This restaurant was homey and the food smelt and looked delicious.

"I will have a cheeseburger and a small fries please." I ordered and he looked and he rose a brow at me, "what?"

"She will also have the soup of the day, a strawberry milkshake, the chicken alfredo oh and uh change that fries to a large please and I will have the burger combo. That's all thanks." he said smiling to the waitress, and I looked at him with my mouth opened.

"Sir why would you order that much food for me?"

"You left you house this morning without breakfast and I have been working you all morning," he said and smiled feeling a little flustered, but then he side, "besides. You're all skin and bones. I can't have a worker that looks like she is malnourished."

My smile faded and the butterflies as I scowled at him, but he seemed to be unaffected my my glares for he was busy on his phone.

I shot daggers at him as I cursed him saying all sorts of profanities in my mind, but quickly forgot about all my hatred towards him as the waitress placed my food on the table.

Mmm thank you Mr. Martinez.

Don't you dare worry, I shall clean all my plates so that you will get your money's worth.

Oh no need to thank me, I'm just such a good employee.