
"Cue shopping montage." I sighed as we walked into the mall with her pulling me against my will to every store.

"Isn't this so fun?" she asked as she took up a dress from a rack and held it up to my body making her judgement then shaking her head no.

"So fun." I said dryly as she pulled me farther into the store taking off more and more dresses from the rack and held it up to my body still shaking her head no after inspecting everyone.

"Oh come mija cheer up. I've always dreamt of having a daughter when I was still a kid so that we could play dress up and go shopping."

"Well I'm sorry Marianna, but I don't really like spending hours in shops browsing through clothes especially since I don't have a job and should be using this time to find one."

"Oh hush child I am your mother and I am takin you shopping. Of course I will be paying for everything."

"But-" I tried to inject, but she shushed me and shook her head.