
"So?" he asked after what felt like an eternity of silence, "what will your answer be?"

"I'm not going anywhere Emilio." I responded, and he nodded trying to hide his smile, "we are in a relationship, and I want it to be my last. I will not be a coward like you said and run away at the first sight of trouble. You an I should be a team. A unit. One mind, body, and soul. I love you Emilio, and I want to grow old with you. I do not expect you to be perfect, for I myself am not."

"Let's have a baby. Let's start a family." he said, and I froze.

"A what now?"

"A family. Let's have a son, or a daughter, or both." he continued on, and I grimaced as he continued speaking, "babe? Are you okay? You're looking a bit pale."

"Huh? Hmm yeah I'm fine. I'm fine its just umm, isn't it a bit hot in here?" I asked as I began to fan myself.

"No the temperature is fine, but are you sure that you're fine? Your chest is heaving up and down rapidly as if you just came back from running a marathon."