Positive Tests

"Hey welcome home." said Marissa, greeting me when I entered into the apartment, and I smiled nodding, "where's Emilio? Didn't he take you home tonight?"

"Yeah, he did, but I sent him home. It's already getting late."

"Oh okay, but did you tell him?" she asked following me to my room, and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Tell him what?"

"Oh nothing. Never mind. Pretend like I didn't say anything." she said about to leave, but I held her by the hand.

"Marissa, speak."

"Fine. I was just wondering if you had told him about the, you know." she said hinting at something I supposed, but I genuinely had no idea of what she was talking about.

"About what, Marissa? Just spit it out."

"About the fact that you're pregnant." she finally asked, and I froze, "Marianna? Are you okay? Oh God you're getting pale! Do you need some water!? Marianna? Marianna!?"