Oh baby!

"Are you nervous?" asked Emilio, as we sat together inside the waiting room, and I shook my head no.

"No. Are you."

"A little." he responded, and I gave his hand a little squeeze to help him feel better.

"Miss Rodriquez?" asked a nurse walking up to us and I nodded, "the doctor will see you now."

"Oh uhh can he come?" I asked, and she nodded, so we both followed close behind her into the doctor's office.

"Okay Miss Rodriquez what can I do for you today?" asked the doctor, and I looked at Emilio, and he nudged me to go ahead, and speak.

"Oh we are umm uh, we are here today to see whether I am pregnant or not. I thought that I had made clear when signing the forms?" I asked, and Emilio nudge me once more, and the doctor laughed.

"Ha ha yes you did Miss Rodriquez, but it is protocol to ask again just incase you forgot to add something, or just had a question that you wanted to ask me."