Private Plane

"Okay, so you have everything that he might need right?" I asked as I got finished with loading Mateo's stuff into my dad's car.

"I should think so will all the bags he has." he said, and I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I just never left him alone for so long."

"It's okay, I understand. He will be fine." he said reassuring me, but I knew that he would be, for I trusted him, and my mom,

"I know I know. Well I have to go. Give me a kiss sweet heart." I said to Mateo, and hugged him tight before I had to go.

Oh shoot.

I was going to be late for my flight.

"Hello?" answered Emilio.

"Hey, I'm on my way. I'm not late am I?"

"Late for what?" he asked, sounding genuinely confused, and I furrowed my brows, for now I was confused,

"Umm for our flight? Am I going to be late for check in? I just dropped off Mateo, and my farewell's took a bit longer than I had anticipated."