Chapter 8 Revenge

People should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage they will get their revenge; but if you cripple them, there is nothing they can do. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a way that you do not have to fear their vengeance.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Tyrese had went home and over the course of the next month he grew more violent every day. The only thing on his mind was killing the man who had hurt his best friend. He had made it his way of distracting himself from everything.

6:17 pm

Tyrese had walked the streets for several hours after going on a jog to clear his mind, now deciding to head back home he sees a familiar car parked near a brothel. It was the car that had belonged to the man from the bar he had fought a few months ago. Tyrese decided he'll wait for the man to come out then he'll make his move.

9:03 pm

Tyrese had waited hours keeping an eye on the brothel and finally his target had came out of it smiling with two women. The man gets in the vehicle giving the women a paper through the window just before he had sped off. Tyrese walks up to the two women and ask for the piece of paper they had been given. They weren't willing to hand over the paper, so Tyrese snatched it away from them and ran off as they cursed at him. While looking at the paper smiles and ran to the location written on the paper

11:19 pm

In a dark and secluded alley a man had asked Grayson "Where are they?"

Grayson responded saying "They're probably a little late but they should be here soon just be patient"

Tyrese turns the corner to where the two men had been and walks up to them. Grayson recognizes Tyrese and is shocked at seeing him but because of their last encounter Grayson had been confident in his ability to killing the boy.

Grayson taunts Tyrese saying "Are you here to fight me over that boy. His body breaking sounded so wonderful after each hit"

Tyrese not saying a word keeps on walking towards the man looking at him with a blank stare

Grayson taunts Tyrese some more "Maybe I should have killed him instead of crippling him, don't worry I won't make that same mistake with you though"

Tyrese now standing directly infront of the man face to face. As they both make eye contact Grayson spits in Tyrese face yet Tyrese has no reaction. Grayson annoyed by the lack of emotion the boy is giving uses his power to swipe at Tyrese with his bear claw arm and Tyrese ducks the attack. Tyrese activates his power his legs swirling with the black and red mist as Tyrese crouched down he jumps head butting Grayson breaking his nose.

The other man who had been calm until now activated his power, growing and becoming three times his size before he had been quickly doubled kicked from above and landing head first into the concrete. Tyrese stood over the now unconscious man and began stomping on his head repeatedly crushing it.

Grayson collecting himself after what happened to him, looks to see Tyrese repeatedly stomping on his now dead partner. Grayson now taking this seriously uses his full power to attack Tyrese who had his back turned to him. Tyrese senses the incoming attack and moves out of the way jumping from wall to wall circling around Grayson in and unpredictable pattern. Grayson unable to keep up is kicked over and over again.

Each blow becomes increasingly harder and the intervals between every kick grows smaller to the point to Grayson it feels like the kicks are near instantaneous. All Grayson could do is keep his gaurd up and defend hoping his healing factor and overall defense can last until Tyrese has exhausted himself.

Grayson collapses to the ground coughing up blood and feeling his clothing being torn off, revealing all the bruises his opponent had just dealt to him. Stopping his brutal assault Tyrese hangs off a wall with one arm while looking at Grayson. Grayson looks up at Tyrese and sees his body being covered in more of the transformation than before.

Tyrese head being the only thing that's humanly recognizable about him now had been nearly turned into a anger driven beast of pure rage. Tyrese then crouches again on the wall preparing launch himself to attack again jumps at Grayson again but is hit by a projectile tearing his right arm off. Tyrese collapses in pain but focuses back on Grayson again, Fredrick drops on top of Tyrese kneeing him in his back. Tyrese in his feral state looks back at Fredrick and is getting ready to attack again with his remaining arm but another projectile hits Tyrese shoulder instantly tearing off his other arm. Tyrese is then knocked out from a blow to the head from Fredrick.

Picking up the unconscious Tyrese Fredrick tells Grayson "I'm sorry about his behavior tonight, but if you attack him in retaliation I'll bury you myself"

Suddenly the two men could hear vehicles coming from the every direction towards their location. Fredrick speaks into an earpiece and tells someone to give him some cover fire so he could escape with both Tyrese and Grayson.

Samantha responds "I'm the best pitcher in the world you'll be good just do it quick"

As Samantha had said that her arm which was that of a gorillas began tearing off pieces of the building she stood on. She took aim and started raining rubble upon every CDU vehicle nearing Fredrick and the others. Fredrick sees a nearby man hole and pulls Grayson near it telling him to go inside. Grayson jumps in and Fredrick not too long follows behind him.

The CDU eventually make it on the scene and are searching for the Chimera but only see the one man that had been killed earlier.