Chapter 9 We Create Our Own Monsters

"Sometimes mortals can be more horrible than monsters"

~Rick Riordan

"What the fuck were you thinking dumbass!" Khora says while slapping Tyrese.

"Wait, wait stop he hasn't even fully recovered from his injuries"

Khora turns her attention to Fredrick and then starts yelling at him as well.

Tyrese still hurt now laying on the ground tries crawling away using his chin. Khora looks back and sees Tyrese trying to get away but she places her foot on his back asking him "and where do you think you're going?"

Later that day

"You're all better now right?" Khora asked Tyrese as his limbs began to slowly grow back.

Tyrese replies "Yeah thanks for the meat and thank you Fred"

Fredrick angered says "I told you to call me Rick not Fred"

Tyrese ask "What's the difference?"

Fredrick replies "There is a big difference it's two completely different names" Fredrick

Tyrese then says "It's just a name no need to get upset over it and besides take the complement atleast"

Fredrick complies saying "Ok sure you're welcome but just don't call me Fred"

Tyrese tells Fredrick "No promises"

Khora ask "What would've been your plan if you had killed Grayson and brought the entirety of his gang's wrath upon yourself, you're lucky that the S.C.U showed up"

Tyrese replied "As long as I got my revenge for my friend I would've accepted what happened afterwards"

Khora ask "Even if it brought the Daniels family into the forefront of your dispute"

Tyrese just remembering that they had been watching him ask Fredrick why'd he been following him around.

Fredrick replied "Cause Khora wanted me to and besides we had to keep you out of trouble"

Tyrese then ask how Fredrick was able to keep an eye on him and not be seen himself. Fredrick laughs and says he has a long distance biokit. Tyrese ask Fredrick what's a biokit and Fredrick tells Tyrese it's what the CDU call the power that they use.

Tyrese asked Fredrick another question  relating to what his power is. Fredrick snickers and said that his ability makes him blend in.

Tyrese just thinks to himself "that's the most vague answer ever".

Khora interrupts and ask Tyrese about his animal ability. Tyrese says he doesn't know what he is exactly but it's a bird of some type. Tyrese then ask Khora about her ability, Khora smiles and says her power is rare, she has a mixture of several animals. Tyrese ask what they are and Khora responds they are a cat, bird and a gorilla.

Khora then goes on to explain that she's a long range fighter. Tyrese confused of the description looks Khora up and down noticing her muscles saying but you don't look like it. Khora laughs and says that's because she trained her body in order to handle hits and not to be weak herself if she had to get up close and personal.

Khora then grabs Tyrese by his now partially grown stubby hands and says "There are three types of chimera powers, each varying from chimera to chimera. There are short ranged which you are. Those are the ones who has a physical ability to turn themselves into their animal and then there are the long ranged chimeras who have abilities that are not on the user but instead it's more of like a second entity that can be telepathically controlled by the user. Then there is what is a slightly rare occurrence of chimeras being mid range which means they have both of these powers in which they aren't nearly as good as a long range chimera nor are they as physically strong as a short range but they are more adaptable"

"That's the first I'm ever hearing about these types of chimera powers" Tyrese says while moving one of his stubby limbs to his chin.

"Well there is a bit more I should teach you then, especially since you've been so reckless lately" Khora utters with a very serious tone.