Chapter 10 Two Worlds Collide

A lion's work hours are only when he's hungry; once he's satisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together.

"The newly established base of operations for the C.D.U headquarters has already begun hunting down the Chimera that have been plaguing our City of New York for so long" a news reporter says on live television.

Tyrese watching this remembers the Daniels family and thinking of how worried they must be that he hasn't gotten back yet.

Walking into the room where Fredrick had left Tyrese, Khora sees him shed a tear.

"I should've been more careful and not been so reckless last night right"

"Not really, you did much better than you did the last time you fought that guy and besides the C.D.U built up their forces much faster than expected"

"So you're not mad at me for attacking that guy?"

"Why would I? He attacked an innocent person who was your friend. I did give you the go ahead as well didn't I"

"Yeah, I just wished I killed him because now it feels as though it was for nothing"

Fredrick interrupts their conversation and ask to speak with Khora in private.

As Khora gets up to leave she gives Tyrese a kiss on his cheek.

"Go back home to that family Ty, they've got to be very worried by now"

"Ok sure"

Fredrick and Khora walk into another room within the building. As Khora gets in she shuts the door and locking it.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk in private"

"It's about the C.D.U"

"What about them?"

"I don't think we'll last very long in this city with them organizing themselves like this at the rate they're going. I have my eyes within their base and it isn't looking to good"

"What do they have?"

"It's not what they have it's more of a who"

"Go on"

"They're bringing in an executioner"

"Why the fuck would they want one of them stationed here of all places"

"I don't know but it's going to get very dangerous around here soon"

"Without Gi and the others this will get hectic, I'll have to make a deal with Ramsey"

"You really want to make an alliance with him?"

"What choice do we have with an executioner on their way"

An hour later

On his way back to the the apartment Tyrese is walking along a crosswalk. As he gets to the opposite side the lights change to red but he sees a little girl run into the now ongoing traffic as she chases behind a ball, her mother shouting her name in desperation to call her back.

Without thinking Tyrese began to run over to the girl as quickly as he could, the girl caught up to her ball and picked it up but as she rose back up she saw the bright lights of a car now coming towards her. Before she knew it she was swiftly picked up and carried back over to the sidewalk.

The car that almost struck the girl stopped suddenly at a fair distance away. The driver got out and asked if both Tyrese and the girl had been ok.

"Yeah we are"

"Are you sure kid"

"Yeah I'm sure the girl isn't hurt either she's ok"

The mother of the young girl pulled her daughter hugging her tightly and began crying

"Eve, please don't do that again I almost lost you"

"I'm sorry mommy, please stop crying "

Tyrese looked at the ball upon the ground next to him and picked it up.

"Hey, this yours" Tyrese says with a smile as he shows the girl the ball

"Yes it is thank you sir"

"I almost forgot to thank you young man for saving my little girl, I don't even know how to repay you"

It's fine you don't need to mam

"But I insist maybe I could invite you over to dinner"

Thinking to himself, he doesn't want to be rude to the woman he accepts her offer thinking to himself the Daniels probably won't miss him for the extra few hours. After an hour had passed, while walking through the building towards the lady's apartment Tyrese realized this building was just next to the building the Daniels family lived in.

Once inside the woman begins preparing their dinner and tells Tyrese to just sit down within the livingroom and to make himself comfy.

Sitting down, Tyrese lays back in a chair and stares at the ceiling for a while getting lost in thought thinking back to his childhood with Dimitri.

While both Tyrese and

"Hey Tyrese"


"What's your favorite animal?"

"My fav animal? What do you mean?"

"Like an animal you'd like to be?"

"I don't know maybe a bird like my mom and dad so I could fly as high as them"



"You're weird you know"

"But weird is fun right?"

"Yeah it is"

"Hey Dimitri what's your favorite animal"

"Oh my favorite animal is a wolf they're so cool and work together like a family"

Before he knew it Tyrese was woken up by the sudden call of his name by the woman. Opening his eyes while still laid back in the chair he looks towards the dining room table as she finishes the last bit of preparation. Getting up and walking towards the table he hears the doorknob to the door twisting and looks towards the entrance to the apartment. The woman looks at Tyrese asking him what's wrong.

"Do you mind me asking but do you live here with anyone besides your daughter?"

"Yeah I do, my husband should have been home a few minutes ago"

Hearing the shaking of keys from the otherside of the door, Tyrese began to feel less on edge about the current situation and says to the lady well "I guess he's here now"

As the door opens a fairly tall man in a suit and tie walks through the door smiling saying "Ada you would not believe what I did today, we got to use the exosuit"

The little girl ran over to her father hugging him by the leg. He pats the girl on her head but then as he looks more within the room he sees Tyrese.

"Steven this is our guest for tonight, his name is Tyrese"

"Our guest?"

"Yes our guest, come with me I need to tell you something"

"Ada then leads Steven to another room thinking it'll be far enough so they won't be heard"

'Tyrese sits at the table as he watches the girl play with her ball, he listens to the conversation the couple are having"

"Who's that boy?"

"I just said his name is Tyrese, gosh Steven"

"Ok but why is he here?"

"Because he saved Evelyn today"

"What do you mean saved her, what happened when you went out today, you okay?"

"I'm fine and so is Evelyn"

"So what happened?"

"She chased after a ball into the road and a car almost hit her"


"Listen Steven, Tyrese ran from the other side of the road into the street and brought her back over to the sidewalk, so I just decided that the least I could do was invite him over for dinner"

"Oh wow, we owe him more than a free meal"

"Let's just go back and eat"

The couple walk out of the room they had just been discussing in and walk back over to the table. Steven reaches out extending his hand towards Tyrese.

"I'm sorry but I don't believe we've properly met, my name is Steven" Steven says

"Oh uh, my name is Tyrese" Tyrese says nervously while shaking Stevens hand

"Woah, you have a strong grip kid"

"Yeah, so I've been told"

A fly begins flying over the table moving overhead above each plate as its shooed away with the waves of each person's hand. Tyrese watches the fly intently as it nears him and he stretches out his hand at near blinding speed catching the pest.

"Wow quick hands you got there kid!" Steven says with excitement.

"Yeah catching flies are easy once you've seen their pat-"

Tyrese opens his hand to see the fly he had caught was suddenly gone.

"Where'd it go? I felt it in my hand moving when I caught it" Tyrese said confused

"Maybe it slipped away through your fingers" Ada says

Still confused Tyrese just makes up an excuse to leave the early so as to not reveal his secret to them.

Leaving the building he still ask himself how'd that fly got away with his reflexes being faster than that of a simple fly.