Chapter 11 Deal With The Devil

Sometimes a deal with the devil is better than no deal at all.

Lawrence Hill, Someone Knows My Name


*Knock knock knock*

Within the bar that's owned by Ramsey, one of the people from within the bar opens it and ask "who the fuck are you"

"I'm here to speak to your boss Ramsey, where is he" Khora ask

"He's not here, now leave"

Before the person got the chance to slam the door Khora swings it back rushing in pushing the person to the side. The other people within the bar stop what they were doing taking notice of the intrusion.

"Im not going to ask again, where is Ramsey!"

"I'm over here beautiful, didn't know you missed me that badly"

"Ramsey, I want to have a talk but not with so many ears around"

"Whatever you have to say I think my family deserves to hear, if they aren't to hear then please, get rid of them yourself"

"Look asshole it's about the C.D.U"

"What about them"

"They're bringing in an executioner"

"Well damn, that sounds like a you problem"

"Are you serious right now? This affects both our groups, whose to say they won't go all around New York City hunting us down in public no less and revealing our identities to the world. We'd all be on the run or hiding till we die so let's put our differences aside and work together to get rid of the Organization before they become too much of a threat"

"Oh wow you're serious about this, I really thought you were bullshiting just before, sure I'm in but I want an expansion of my territory in exchange"

"So that's why you were changing so many humans, recently huh"

"Yeah an increase to my feeding grounds, so do we have a deal young lady"

2 hours later

Tyrese walks into the building after being messaged to come over for a meeting. After opening the door he sees Khora leaned up against a pillar waiting on him.

"So what's so urgent that you wanted me here?"

"It's because I want to ask if you're willing to fight against C.D.U that are here"


"Because if we don't attack them now while they're still in development we won't be able to live in this city anymore"

"Oh right they'll be hunting down the Chimeras around here right"

"Yeah so you want to help? I'm not forcing you or anything just"

"Yeah no thank you, you guys have fun though" Tyrese says as he begins to turn around

"Wait you little punk"

"What I thought you said you weren't forcing me"

'I'm not but atleast give it a few days to think about it"

"Look I'm just joking with you K, the thing is you helped me out a lot over these few months I've been here so the least I could do now is help you out"

"Oh really, thank you but it's not only going to be my small group against them that'll be suicide. I made a deal with Ramsey a few hours ago"

"Who's that?"

"He's the boss of the guy you attacked a while back"

"The bear guy?"

"Yeah you won't have to worry about him you'll be far enough from him as possible and he might die in this little skirmish as well but nothing is guaranteed"

"Ok sure so how are we going to do this?"

"I have a plan, no need to worry"

Several hours later Khora called a meeting with her group

"Ok, is everyone here?" Khora ask the small group of people now gathered within the warehouse.

"Yeah everyone is here except for Fredrick atleast, unless he's buzzing around somewhere" said Samantha

"Buzzing around?" Tyrese ask

"Yeah it's this thing he does" Samantha replies

"You two done talking now?!" Khora says interrupting their conversation

Samantha replies "Yeah why'd you call us here anyways"

"It's because we're going to do a large scale attack on the C.D.U in a few days, with some help from Ramsey" Khora says

"Wait wait wait, you mean the same Ramsey that we don't like right?" One of the the members of the group ask

"Yes I believe their is only one Ramsey we know of" Khora replies

Why don't you guys like him? Tyrese ask

"He's only one of the most dangerous Chimeras around, without Gi" Samantha ask

"With me here he won't be that much of a problem. I made a deal with him that'll allow for him to have a greater feeding area for his group" Khora interrupts

"So you increased his territory in return for his help? That's really all he wanted?" Samantha ask

"For now just be glad he only wants that. We are currently 11 Chimera strong and with Ramseys group with us we'll be 70 plus Chimera strong. I sent Fredrick to get in contact with Gi so he'd be here by the time we are ready to attack this Friday. Does anyone have any questions?" Khora says

Everyone stays quiet not having anything else to say

"Ok then, we'll meet back up directly infront the C.D.U building on Friday" Khora says with a smile.