Chapter 12 Goodbyes

Next day (Wednesday)

Back at the Daniels apartment within the livingroom Mr.Daniels is sitting on the couch watching the news. Tyrese unlocks the door from the outside now walking into the apartment.

"Hey Tyrese, are you ok?"

"Yeah I am, why the sudden question Mr. Daniels"

"You've been out a lot lately and go missing for days at a time. I just want to know if you're having any troubles because I could possibly help out"

"Thanks for worrying sir but I'm fine. You don't have to worry"

"Ok but remember Tyrese I'm here to listen to what you'd have to say, ok"

"Yeah I appreciate it. Wait what are the visiting hours for the hospital?"

"It's from 3pm to 7pm. You going to check in on Dimitri later?"

"Yeah I am. He hasn't woken up since right?"

"Yeah it's been almost two months now and he's still in the coma. I hope he wakes up soon but even in his condition with all the injuries he'd be a cripple"

"Yeah I know, I'll head on into my room and I'll visit him tomorrow"

"You don't want dinner or anything to eat?"

"Oh no I'm good"

Next day (Thursday) 5:47 pm

At the hospital within the ICU.

Tyrese sits beside Dimitri's bed listening to the ventilator machine and the beeps of the heart monitor, while watching Dimitri take painfully long breaths. Staring at his almost lifeless body he begins to shed a few tears as he reminisce on his childhood and their mischievous deeds done from a days past.

"This probably wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me fighting that bear guy, but I'm going to kill him tomorrow and I'll draw out his suffering as much as possible. He will pay for this. I might die too but, it'll be worth it for you"

Tyrese then leaves the room. Hearing a fly buzzing around near him he swiftly catches it. "Finally" he says to himself while preparing to claspe his hand together to crush it. "What the fuck! Again?" He says to himself as the fly is nowhere to be seen "I swore I caught it this time" he says to himself.

Suddenly Tyrese got a message on his phone from an unknown number asking him to meet the person outside the hospital. A few minutes later as he now exits the hospital lobby area Tyrese sees Fredrick sitting on the steps. Fredrick looks back and spots Tyrese.

"Hey there kid"

"You went through my phone to huh?"

"Yeah, it was just for a situation like this" Fredrick says as he's giving Tyrese an owl mask.

"What's this for"

"It's so you won't be easily identified during tomorrow's event, we're all going to be wearing one"

"Oh, that's a good idea"

"Yeah I own a shop that specializes in making mask it's good as not just a hobby but providing some sort of protection. Either way that's all I wanted to talk to you about, and hope your friend gets better to"

"Oh uh thanks"

As Fredrick walks away Tyrese mutters to himself "How the fuck did he know about that"

Next day (Friday)

Tyrese wakes up around the time when all of the Daniels had left the apartment. He looks around and takes up the mask he was given and headed out. Tyrese walks over to the group of people Khora is standing by just several feet away from the C.D.U headquarters.

Fredrick looks over at Tyrese and says "Oh look who finally made it"

Khora walks up to Tyrese asking him if he's ready. Tyrese responds "yes but where are the others?"

"Oh you mean Ramsey and his group. Well you see it would have been a more noticeable group out here like a huge ass crowd just loitering so we are separated as teams. 4 teams to be exact, our team will attack from this location the others will do their part from their assigned areas"

"Oh ok so when do we attack or do we wait?"

Suddenly a huge boom rang out from over at the C.D.U building causing several civilians to begin running away from the quake that shook the surrounding buildings. Fredrick looked at the building and said "Looks like they started without us"

Khora placing her mask upon her face said "Ok everyone, put on your mask and let's give them a warm welcome to New York!"