Chapter 13 The Invasion

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. George S. Patton

Three hours before the C.D.U headquarters had been attacked.

Steven walks through the building doors of the C.D.U walking up to the front desk within the lobby.

"Goodmorning Amelia"

"Oh hi morning Steven, you're pretty early today"

"Yeah I got up early and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided I might as well get here early to"

"Oh, well you could go to the lower levels and wait for the others"

"Alright, enjoy the rest of your day"

"I'll try"

Steven walks up to the elevator and presses the button for the 0-1 floor. The door slides open and he enters. When the doors soon come to a close Steven sees a hand quickly stopping it from fully closing. Entering the elevator steps in Wallace.

"Morning Steven"

"Morning Wallace you're early"

"I could say the same about you"

"Yeah I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep"

"So you decide to come to work an hour early?"

"Yeah, what's your reason for coming here so early then"

"I have to do some work I was given earlier this week"

"Oh from the higher ups in your field"

"Yeah something like that"


The elevator doors open to the the level one floor below the building. Both Steven and Wallace walk out and go their separate ways while waving at each other. Steven changes into his working uniform and waits in the locker room for a few minutes until the other recruits came in.

After almost falling asleep from waiting, the door to the locker room has opened. The other recruits came in to see Steven bobbing his head up and down trying to avoid fully falling asleep.

"Hey Steven don't fall asleep buddy" one of the recruits says while patting his shoulder.

"Oh hey, I've been waiting for way too long" Steven replies.

"Yeah we can tell, the captain wants us to do some more training today so let's go" another recruit says as she begins to change clothes.

Meanwhile outside the C.D.U headquarters.

Ramsey and his group stands outside the C.D.U building.

Ok so how we gonna do this Ramsey?

"We're just going in, I'm not going to wait on that woman and her underlings"

Ramsey and his group walked through to the main entrance lobby.

The lady at the front desk counter looked up and began to say "Goodmorning" but before she could properly say the word her head was immediately smashed into the desk blood leaking upon the floor as she barely moans in pain.

"And why did you do that Isaac, we could have gotten her to tell us how to navigate through this building" Ramsey said to the man who had firmly planted his foot onto the womans head.

"I thought you wanted to come in rough and make some noise. She's still alive though... barely" Isaac says as he snickers a bit.

Ramsey looked towards two of his members in the far back and told them "Go outside and tell the rest to go all out". Ramsey lifted his leg and his leg transformed into hooves of a goat his head grew horns and he grew a bit more muscle all over his body discarding his previously small physique becoming more bulky. With a stomp he shook the entire building causing a miniature quake that set off car alarms for many nearby blocks.

'"Oh, there is a level just below this lobby"

"That must be where the agents are meanwhile the above floors are offices"

"Well then let's test that theory out then shall we" Ramsey says as he does two more stomps collapsing the floor beneath them all.

Meanwhile within the lower floors.

"What the fuck was that"

"It felt like an earthquake but"

The alarms began to ring as a voice over the speakers said "We are under attack. I repeat we are under attack. Several Chimera are currently within our base. All agents are ordered to kill them on sight!"

Two agents ran into the training room and told all the recruits to evacuate. Steven ran up to one of them and said "Hey why do you want us to leave. We are here to fight Chimera to". The agent just looks Steven up and down then says "Ok then, those who want to see what they'll have to fight against first hand today for possibly their last day follow me and the ones who want to live a bit longer follow him" as he points to the other agent.

The group of recruits are split as only 7 of them follow the agent leading the way ahead of Steven while the remaining 22 go with the other agent.

The agent ran down the corridors thinking to himself there are more people who were braver than he thought would follow. Steven asked "Hey, are we going to use the exosuits?". The agent looked back at Steven and said "Of course there are more than enough that had been sent here I just hope your bodies can handle a prolonged battle with them"

Reaching the nearest armory the agent and the recruits put on their exosuits. "Ok so we can just pick up the black box now right?" one of the recruits ask. "Yes you can, as you must already know they will morph into the weapons best suited for each of you, but they can still morph into a weapon you desire with enough of a mental connection" the agent says. The agent picks up a black box and it morphs into a great sword. "Isn't that a bit big sir?" Steven ask as he picked up a black box and it morphs into a hammer with a giant head with one end being blunt the other being sharpened and an elongated handle. "Your one to talk" the agent replies.

The other recruits black boxes morphs into various different weapons such as a duel katana, a pair of gauntlets, a lance, a spear and the other got swords of varying sizes. The agent then said "Ok ladies and gents, don't die today if you can"

As they ran throughout the lower floor rushing pass their fleeing coworkers. They soon met up with two Chimera. One of them had mole like claws as the other had lobster claws.

"Are they wearing mask?" Steven asked

"Yeah they're wearing them to protect their identities for the future. Lately Chimera have adapted this to combat against facial recognition technology" the agent says.

"Look at the humans in their suits of armor sister" one of the Chimera says while licking blood from off his claw

"Pitiful that you must use technology to display only but a portion of our superiority" the female Chimera shouts towards the agent and recruits.

The two Chimera rush towards the group aiming to kill the agent sensing he was stronger than the recruits. The female Chimera slammed her large mole claws into his sword as he braced himself with it while the her brother dashed behind him reaching to snap his midsection in two from behind. Both Steven and the other recruit with the dual Katana rushed forward attacking the brother as he seemed too distracted but his sister quickly shouted out to look behind him. He then quickly turned around and grabbed onto Stevens hammer but the Katana user leaped above him throwing one of the blades at the Chimera, using his one free claw he blocked it but was cut just behind at the back of his neck almost deep enough have taken his head off.

Quickly leaping back with his remaining katana the recruit said "damn I was hoping to have killed you with that"

The agent and the female Chimera swung repeatedly at each other with heavy blows and parrying each other almost at a stalemate with none having the upper hand.

Quickly regenerating and healing from his wound once bloody wound the make Chimera let's go of the hammer and runs towards the katana user. Using the magnetic pull of the glove pads to draw in his other sword, it intercepted the Chimera hitting him in the side of his ribs. Flinching in pain, he quickly opens his eyes he saw the glint coming from the other katana as it quickly passed through his neck killing him.

The female quickly glanced over to her brother as his body went limp and his head bounced off the ground. The agent took that opportunity to drive his sword straight through her chest, she then grabbed onto the sword before it could go any futher pinning it in its current position. "Now that you're close enough I'll kill you then that mother fucker who killed my brother" she says as she swung at the agent but with a quick swing from Stevens hammer, the pointed end being used to hit her splattering her blood all over as her head exploded from the strike.

Meanwhile within a different part of the lower levels in the building Wallace runs into the agent headed towards the exit with the other recruits and joins them as they keep running through the corridors. The group soon encounters 6 Chimera who block their path as two more Chimera show up just behind them cornering them. Wallace then ask himself "why did I have to deal with this bullshit today of all times"