Chapter 14 Good luck

I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm.

~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

Khora and the others ran into the building and find a huge chasm just where the lobby was before. They jump into it landing several feet down. Looking around they see several bodies that were crushed from the initial calaspe the above floor. "Well damn is this what that Ramsey guy can do!?" Samantha asked. "Yeah I'm just glad Gi can keep a monster like him under control" Fredrick says as he chuckles a bit. "Ok no time for site seeing we've got a job to do here. Let's split up and we'll cover more ground that way" Khora orders.

Samantha grabs both Tyrese and Fredrick and runs off with them both as she says "I'll take these two with me". Khora yells at her to comeback but she is ignored as Samantha keeps on running.

A while later Samantha let's go of Tyrese and Fredrick as she comes to a halt. Seeing three agents standing infront of them. "Well boys looks like we have a triple threat match set up for us" Samantha says while she begins to transform into an ape like form as she becomes more bulky in appearance whilst beating her chest. Tyrese then turns more bird like as plumage grows all over his body, his feet becoming that of a birds with talons and his arms as wings. Fredrick looks at Tyrese and says "wow you got better I see. Khora must've put you through intense training then" Tyrese replies "Yeah it was worth it". The agents began to charge at them but as both Tyrese and Samantha were about to charge at them as well , Fredrick stops them and he says "I'll deal with this" as he then places his hands in his pockets and the red like black mist began swirling around him with a very loud buzzing. Once the agents got closer the mist rushed towards them enveloping them within it sending them crashing all around the halls upon the ceiling back to the floor against the wall the attack was relentless disorienting the agents.

Once he had felt like they had enough he says to Tyrese and Samantha "Ok you guys can kill them now" they then run forward and Samantha grabs two of the agents by their heads and crushed them as Tyrese stomped the last ones head into the ground crushing it.

"Hey Rick, what's your animal ability?"

"Oh it's that of a common house fly"

"So that's how you knew I was at the hospital yesterday! That damned fly was you, I thought I was going crazy when I knew I caught it and it suddenly vanished!"

"Yeah sorry about that, but it's my job as the intel guy to know everything going on in this state"

"Ok, so Fredrick I have a serious question to ask"

"Go ahead" 

"Have you ever spied on any women as they got dressed or when they took a bath?"

"No why would I"

"Just was going to judge your character from it like what type of guy you were"

"You really think I'd be perverted like that!?"

"I mean if I had that ability, I'd spy on everything whether it be business or for my personal enjoyment" Samantha says while patting them on their back.

Meanwhile elsewhere

Khora manages to find Ramsey with 5 other people walking beside him.

"You're late but at least you finally joined the party beautiful"

"Yeah you did some nasty ass work so far"

"I guess I should've just left it all to you"

"I'm an alpha my power is beyond what most are ever capable of young lady and I-"

Before the conversation between the two could've continued any further both Ramsey and Khora along with three of Ramseys members were able to escape from the slash of an agent who had found  them. Two of Ramseys people were killed as they weren't able to dodge the attack.

"Damn, only two of them" an agent with an X marked upon his suit carrying a pole like weapon that had a crescent blade on one end that doubles as a spear on the opposite point said as he twirls it with his fingers.

"An X, that's the executioner!" Khora exclaims.

"So this is an executioner, I've heard of you guys being able to kill most alphas by yourselves, let's see how you'll fair against me" Ramsey shouts aloud.

Ramsey then launches himself towards the executioner and attempts to ram his head into him. Using his weapon to launch himself into the air dodging the attack, the executioner attempts to spear Ramsey but Ramsey then leaps backwards and he then jumps up kicking at the executioner only to have his kick blocked by the crescent part of the weapon. They both hop back from each other.

"Damn this guy is actually pretty good" Ramsey says to himself as two more agents came to back up the lone executioner. They prepared themselves for combat while the three members of Ramseys group begin turning into their animal like forms as the two opposing groups began running at each other. A clash of attacks parrying each other as they all perform acrobatic attacks. Khora just watches the fierce battle of the two opposing sides unfold, she then mutters to herself "I wouldn't have been able to keep up with these guys on this level"

Meanwhile with Steven and the other recruits.

"Thank you" the agent says to Steven.

"For what" Steven ask.

"For saving my life" the agent replies.

"Oh no need to thank me, I was just helping out a fellow colleague" Steven says with a smile.

"I don't believe I've gotten any of your names before now. So let's all introduce ourselves" the agent says.

"Well my name is Steven but you can call me Steve if you want to Mr..."

"Oh my name is Roger, what about the rest of you?"

"My name is Ren" the dual Katana wielder says with a gesture of a bow. "Mine is Susan" the woman with the gauntlets answers. Both the lance and spear user responded "my name is Gary and my name is Jerry we are actually brothers" they both said respectively. The sword users also said their names as well "my name is Abner, mine is Lennard and mine is Garrard" and with all of the introductions done the group decided to split up to cover more ground. Lennard, Garrard and Abner went together in one direction as Gary, Jerry and Susan trailed off in another while Roger, Ren and Steven went on their own way as well.


"Damn we've been walking for a while, how fucking big is this place anyway?" Samantha exclaims.

"About as big as several hundred people will need it to be Sam" Fredrick responded.

Continuing to walk the trip began to feel several tremors shaking the earth around  them.

sneakers and ask them "Do you think it's too late since the sun is setting now

"I'm guessing that's more of that Ramsey guy huh" Tyrese asked.

"Yeah he must be fighting someone cause it doesn't feel like his usual stomps" Fredrick said.

"Wait Ricky, didn't you say they would be an executioner here?" Samantha ask.

"Yeah, he's somewhere in the building but with any luck we don't run into them, they were crushed by the stomping from Ramseys little temper tantrum above or he's fighting them right now. All three are all good options but hopefully number 1 and 2 are in our favor" Fredrick replies.

Continuing to walk some more they heard footsteps of three people approaching them from around a corner. They waited to see if it would be friend or foe. As the trio of Steven, Roger and Ren turn around a corner they see three more masked Chimera. The two groups began to prepare themselves for battle.

Meanwhile outside in the sky above New York. A plane begins to descend, landing on the runway. A few mins passby as the passengers begin to exit. An Asain looking man in a black Tshirt wearing a pair of blue Jean's and a pair of black loafers, with his dark brown hair slicked back steps down the plan followed by two other people closely behind. As they enter the lobby the Asain man looks at one of the people who was closely behind him who had been wearing a white hoodie, an above knee length skirt, with black stockings and a pair of off-white or are we going to be fashionably late?"

The woman who hadn't looked a day above her teens replied "What is that saying they always keep on saying? Oh right it's better late than never"

"Well then fashionably late it is. I've missed this piss poor city and it's inhabitants!" the man exclaims.

"Mr. Gi should we take an uber or do you want to run over to the location Fredrick sent us?" a taller man wearing a brown coat ask as they walk out the lobby.

"Ubers aren't going to go anywhere near that building, besides let us warm up a bit and get the blood pumping before we get to the massacre shall we" Gi says with a smile.