Chapter 16 The King Pt 1

You have to beat the king to be the king. No one is going to hand you a gold medal.

Donovan Bailey

The battle between Ramsey alongside his two other Chimera and the executioner with his small group of agents rages on as Khora watches from the sidelines. The agents gain the upper hand using improvised teamwork that placed the Chimeras on the end of their relentless attacks that ended in their deaths.

"Oh wow this isn't looking too good" Khora thinks to herself. The agents after having defeated their adversaries lock their attention on to Khora as she stands just several feet away from them. They rush in to close the distance between themselves and her only for one of them to be quickly struck by a bird like entity that dive bomb them from above. The other agents dodged out of the way just nearly being mere meters away from the initial impact. "Oh, you wouldn't have thought that I was defenseless now would you?" She says as an animal appears beside her that looks like a large but slim cat that walks beside her. The agents distracted by this revelation of her powers are quickly ambushed by the large bird from above again. They get out of the way just in time but one of them is pounced upon by the cat beast and their throat is quickly torn out splashing blood across the floor. "One more left" she says confidently. The agent now fully on gaurd mentally readying themself for the next attack, but several  more agents come to their aid.

Khora counts the number of them being 9 in total. She thinks to herself "This should be an easy fight as long as Ramsey keeps the executioner away from me". The agents all go at her at the same time but Khora summons another cat like creature now having two of the cats with her now along with the bird circling above them. She sends both of the cats and the bird to fight off the agents but two of them manage to slip pass her creatures and swing their weapons at her. Khora ducks and dodges both of their attacks, with both narrowly missing her by a few centimeters. She flips around evading every attack almost as if she was dancing with them taunting the two to no end.

One of the agents baits her into a dodge but the other who had been hoping for this opportunity swung towards her neck only for Khora to grab the weapon, pulling it and punching the agent in their midsection. The other agent leaps back but Khora quickly appears behind them and grabs them in a hug then suplex's them into the ground. She then gets up and sees her beast only have two more agents to deal with.

Meanwhile Ramsey and the executioner battle is like that of a tornado as they trade attacks that most miss or are either blocked completely, tear apart the room they were in lifting the tiles up as they became weak from the tremor like quakes that were erupting from Ramsey's famous stomps and kicks while the executioner manages to do very little at injuring him drastically. The two experienced fighters are in a stalemate barely giving way to a clear victor.

"I've killed three Alphas before you but you're definitely the strongest one I've fought" The executioner says as he spins his weapon.

Ramsey laughs and replies "If I am really the strongest you fought then your probably the weakest of the executioners then. This world is big, very big and I'm almost sorry for you honestly. You're grave is going to be this place and I am your undertaker!" The executioner excited by his words prepares himself to go for one last round.

They both dash forward and with a clash they create a shockwave that cracked the very floor beneath them shaking the entire area. They both stop as they felt the ground still shaking furiously. They quickly jump back away from each other looking around, up and down. The ceiling above them comes crashing down, they flee to the corners that weren't affected.

"That fucking monster is here now, took him long enough" Ramsey says to himself as he sees a long tail covered in several spikes comes down alongside the rubble. A man is soon seen being attached to the tail by his back while being lowered slowly down to their level.

"The king of New York is here!" Gi says as he laughs maniacally.


Fredrick running while carrying an injured Tyrese alongside Samantha runs into someone they recognize. "Hey you two long time no see guys" The young woman who had been with Gi at the airport now wearing a mask that resembled a mouse says as she leans against a wall. "If you're here then that means the boss is hear to" Samantha exclaims. "Yeah he went looking for Ramsey. Who is that, that you have with you Fredrick, he doesn't smell like any of Ramseys members nor does is his scent familiar" She ask Fredrick. "Oh he's a new person we adopted into the group hope it won't be a problem with Gi" he replied. "This group always taking in strays" she replied.

Samantha visibly angry says "And what's that supposed to mean!" The woman smiles and says "I'm only saying what I see. Fredrick, Mang and I are the only ones who drank of his blood when we were humans. You and the others were abandoned by your Alphas that's all"

Samantha instantly dashes forward but as soon as she got within range of the woman her lower jaw was knocked off by the swift whip of the woman's rat like tail she had hidden under the skirt. Samantha was then punched back towards Fredrick, he summons his to catch her mid air cushioning her. "That's 186 to 0 Samantha!" The woman says aloud. "She's unconscious Ming, how about we leave this place with the others" Fredrick says to her. Ming replies "Sure let us go find Gi before he gets too excited."


Mang (the big guy who was with both Ming and Gi at the airport) wearing a pig mask, was exploring the facility on his own walking pass several corpses both human and Chimera. He walks into a room that had been destroyed by sharp scratches all across it. He looks down to see a Chimeras dead body or what was barely left of it on the floor. Some of their body parts were scattered all across the floor. "If I hadn't seen things like this all my life I'd be sick to the stomach but.... what the hell did this?" Mang asked himself as he left the room.


Steven meets up with Ren asking him " Hey you ok?" Ren responds "Yeah I'm fine but more importantly where is Roger?"

Steven then remembered that the Chimera that saved him was the one that was fighting Roger earlier. "Did he die against that guy, I mean he was way too strong even for the other Chimera to have fought," he thinks to himself. "I didn't see him on my way here" Steven says to Ren. Ren says "Let's go and look for him, I hope the others are all doing okay," Steven then remembers that Wallace was within the base earlier that day "Hopefully Wallace got out" he thinks to himself.

They then go searching around the area that Roger had last been at and they find a hand laying on the floor. "You think that's his?" Steven ask. Ren shrugs and says "Maybe his family won't have a funeral if this is all that's left," a familiar voice is then heard from behind them saying "So a guy can't cut off a Chimera's hand and get knocked out without being thought of as dead?" Steven and Ren both look back to see Roger limping towards them holding his bloodied leg "You're alive!" Steven says as both him and Ren run towards him. "Yeah I'm alive but I'm in so much pain, that Chimera went easy on me because at any moment they could've killed me if they were serious" he says as he coughs a bit. "So I'm guessing the Chimera you fought only became serious after you injured him, right?" Ren says while helping Steven walk Roger, "Yeah that fucking guy was at best a High Demon Class without a doubt" Roger tells the two. "Atleast you could say you fought your demons" Steven says mockingly, an awkward silence fills the air while Roger looks at him with malice in his eyes, "What too soon?"

Outside of the facility several officers and agents along side news reporters are all gathering at a safe distance from the building. "Earlier this morning the newest Headquarters of the had been attacked and we have yet to get any information on the what is happening from within it's walls" A news reporter says as the Daniels family watches on the TV. "I hope that Tyrese is alright he hadn't came back since this morning" Mrs Daniels says to Mr. Daniels, he then says to her "He'll be okay, he's a smart kid"