Chapter 17 The King Pt 2

A king without power is an absurdity.

-James Monroe

"Ah so you're the mighty executioner who I've heard of being in my city, well let me give you a warm welcome... in your own blood" Gi says with a smile, "Hey that executioner is no puch over!" Ramsey shouts at Gi. "You're worried about little old me now? I always knew you cared" "I really don't, it's just if you die I won't have a rival anymore" "Are you two done talking or should I give you some more time" "Oh were done talking, but me and you are gonna have some fun!" Gi shouted in excitement.

The two of them rushed in towards each other as tail and weapon clashed creating sparks as they scraped against each other. The executioner dashes all around Gi in a blur but his movements are easily tracked by Gi as he is able to keep up with him predicting where he'd attack from. The executioner makes multiple strikes against Gi from every angle but every one was easily blocked by his tail appearing just infront of each attack almost instantaneously. Gi begins to mock the Executioner for not even being fast or strong enough to breach his defenses "You're really weak, I thought you'd been stronger the way my buddy over there talked so highly of you" the executioner backs away from Gi and responds "Well obviously strongor than him but I do have a trick up my sleeve" the executioner then reaches behind his back and pulls a syringe from one of his pockets, he then stabs himself with it and begins convulsing in pain falling to the ground. Gi thinks to himself "what the hell did he just take? I hope he didn't just poison himself cause that's going to be very la.." and before he even got a chance to finish his thoughts the executioner got up and ran towards him closing a wide gap both in distance and strength between the two.

Gi was barely able to block the attack with the once inferior man now being able to knock him back and making him more wary of the situation. Immediately he is forced to go on the defensive, strike after strike, swing after swing "did this guy take some type of adrenaline? With that much speed and strength in an instant, it shouldn't be possible for that to have taken effect in such a short time!" Gi thinks to himself as the spear end of the weapon struck him in the shoulder. Gi wraps his tail around the weapon and needles of various sizes were shot out at the executioner. The executioner was barely able to evade most of the needles but a few had hit him and were stuck in his left leg.

"Ok I'm done playing around with you, is what I would say if you hadn't been hit by my quills. Those quills have a paralyzing effect within them so even if you pull them out, you'll slowly feel the effects" Gi says to the executioner, "That just means I have to kill you before then" the man says as he dashes at Gi with a mighty boom. "Now he'll be in too much of a hurry to decapitate me allowing for just enough room for a slip up" Gi says to himself as his tail intercepts the executioner on his way to the weapon. The weapon turns into a black dust reforming itself as it reaches the executioner's hands. Using the crescent bladed end the executioner slams the blade into the ground narrowly missing Gi. The two go back and forth with near missed attacks at each other, a flurry of attacks that create shockwaves. The battle had been almost even but the rapid slowing down of the executioner's speed had placed him on the losing position, soon near misses for either of the two became a devastating blow from Gi that lashed the executioner across his back sending him into the ground.

"Well that looks to be all you could do, I'm impressed with how far technology and drugs have came since my early days when man first learned how to fly but even now it's still not enough against me" Gi says while raising his tail. With one final attack Gi ends the battle killing the executioner "Shit man you didn't have to turn his body into paste like that" Ramsey says to Gi "Why do you sound so sympathetic towards him" Gi says with a cold expression "probably because I enjoyed our fight till you came in, anyways I think we better leave I'm kinda tired and I don't want to be here when the news people get here" Ramsey exclaims. "Too late for that before I got here they were already setting up to record" Gi says.

Khora walks up to Gi and says "that was a cool fight you had but I almost thought you were dead the way he blitzed you" Gi says back to her "he caught me by surprise that's all, where are the others anyways" Khora shrugs her shoulders and says "honestly they could be anywhere but I'm looking for them now."


Fredrick carrying both Sam and Tyrese alongside Ming run into Mang as he is eating two agents he had recently killed. "Hey big guy, let's leave" Ming says as she pulls him by his belt while he still has a foot sticking out of his mouth. The group soon runs into one of Khoras cat like beast, it walks up to them and Khora speaks to them through the cat "Hey, wait Ming and Mang I wasn't expecting to see you two with them but that's getting off topic. You guys should follow me into sewers so we could escape!" She exclaimed. "Hearing your voice coming out of this thing never feels normal you know" Ming says while following the creature "Yeah and your abilities are all normal right" khora says back to Ming.

The other two of Khoras creatures meet up with the other members of the other groups explaining the escape routes and looking for more people. Fredricks group follow the creature to a wall that lead to the underground sewer and they all go in.

Elsewhere within the facility.

Steven, Ren and Roger are on their way to one of the few working elevators to get out of the lower levels.

A few hours later Ramsey and Gi are alone atop a building looking towards the destruction left upon the building as the sun begins to rise.

"So I'm assuming you already know of the deal me and your subordinate made while you were gone."

"Yes I'm aware of your deal, I honestly don't care too much about it. As long as my people are safe."

"Pfft, meanwhile I lost more than half of my small army to this raid"

"Oh right that small army you had, what the fuck were you planning to do with so many Chimeras"

"Well to put it simply the world has changed drastically since our younger years. Humans more than out number us as a species a million to one, and today's events were what I feared the most. If you hadn't hit that executioner with your quills I believe you may have died, hell if you had used that against me earlier I would've been dead for certain. We are nearing the twenty second century and humans have the capabilities to kill us now. I'd rather have a huge group of Chimeras at my side than none at all Gi"

Ramsey turns around and leaves Gi alone atop the building.

"This world really has changed, in time we will find out which of us have adapted the best to it" Gi says to himself.

Later that day

Tyrese finally wakes up after several hours of being asleep in the same room he had been in the first time he fell unconscious in his fight against Samantha. "I'm either dead and this is some sick joke of hell or I'm actually alive and somehow they won" Tyrese says as he gets up to check himself for any lingering injuries "I'm all healed up, I have all my fingers and limbs... I should go and see the others" Tyrese says to himself while he goes to the door.

Tyrese enters the main room and sees three unfamiliar faces he hadn't seen before. "Oh hello there kid you must be Tyrese, it's nice to finally meet you. My name is Gi and I am the leader of this little group that you've had such an eventful time with" Gi says to Tyrese who is now very surprised "Come over don't be scared, we don't bite" Ming says while swinging her feet as she sits in her cheer. "Is that a kid" Tyrese thinks to himself. He walks over to them cautiously, Khora then enters the room behind Tyrese and says "I knew you'd probably be here, I went and checked on you just now. I see you've met the others" Tyrese looks at her and feels more comfortable with the situation.