Chapter 18 Final Goodbyes

"It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life, starts with goodbye." – Carrie Underwood

"So Tyrese, how are you feeling" Gi says with a subtle smile "I'm feeling fine sir" Tyrese replies. "So tell me, who is your alpha?" Gi ask him, "Alpha? What's that?" Tyrese replies. "You don't know what an Alpha is?" Ming ask him "I have no clue on what you are talking about" Tyrese answers back.

"Ok so how did you become a Chimera" Gi ask Tyrese. "I don't know I just learned how to use my powers over the few years I began seeing humans as food" he replies, "and when was this" Gi concerningly ask "it was when I was 11 or so years old when I discovered my abilities" Tyrese responded worrying about how Gi asked him the question.

"So you don't have an alpha and you are saying you developed these abilities near the age of puberty. You're an alpha just like me" Gi tells him.

"I'm an alpha? Wait you guys still haven't told me what that even is. What is an alpha!?" Tyrese ask.

"An alpha is a Chimera that has the ability to impose their will upon other Chimeras especially those that were turned by that same alpha, we are also the strongest of any Chimera and are the only Chimeras that can be given birth to or even have a successful insemination and pregnancy for the species. Ramsey, Me and you are the only Alphas here but my only question now is I'm wondering why I don't feel the Alpha connection between us. How old are you Tyrese?"

"I am 18 years old now my birthday was a few months ago"

"You must be a late bloomer then"

"and that means?" Khora ask.

"It means he's passed the age that most fully developed into their Alpha stage but he's not fully matured yet. Listen Tyrese I want you to leave this state before I kill you myself, I'm giving you a week"

Upon hearing this Khora asked angrily "What! Gi why are you" but before she could say more Ming forms a tail around Khoras neck and tells her, "remember who you're talking to stray"

Gi sighs and explains "It's because this state only has room for two alpha chimeras right now and Tyrese is not one of them" he continues saying to Tyrese "I'll give you one million dollars so you would be able to atleast rent or live somewhere that's not here. You have one week to say your goodbyes to whoever you were staying with before and if I catch you even on the border of New York after a weeks time I will not hesitate to kill you!" Gi says while he looks intensely at Tyrese who now feels nothing but fear, sensing Gi's overwhelming killer intent that had felt so palpable.

"I...I understand sir" Tyrese replied back with fear in his voice.

A few minutes later Khora walks with Tyrese out of the warehouse.

"Hey you remember what Gi said about how chimeras are created right?"

"You mean the part about being born as one or through another chimera blood?"

"The last one. Your friend is still in a coma so if you really do want to help him out try your luck at injecting him with your blood before you leave, and here take this"

Khora hands over a phone to him and says "it has only one contact in it which is mine. Let's keep in touch after you leave kid." 

Smiling ear to ear Tyrese replies "Sure thing."

Later that day Tyrese wrote a note and left it on the door at the Daniels residence explaining his sudden disappearance. After doing that he went to the hospital to visit Dimitri one last time.

While within Dimitri's hospital room for one last visit Tyrese reaches into his bag and pulls out a syringe that contains his blood. "I really hope this works" Tyrese says to himself while he injects the syringe into Dimitri's left arm, pumping the blood directly into Dimitri. After Tyrese empties out the syringe he packs it back into his bag and quickly walks to the door. He looks back at Dimitri and sheds a tear knowing this could be the last time he possibly sees his friend.

A few hours later Tyrese goes to the airport, he looks at his ticket and ponders on the idea of never seeing the place he was born in again. He goes through the normal procedures and boards the plane. After a few mins it begins to take flight and he looks through the window at the bright city lights from above.

"Last time I looked down at the city I was so happy but now this is the complete opposite"

Meanwhile back within the hospital room where Dimitri is laying. His finger begins to twitch a bit.

"Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again." – William Shakespeare