Chapter 74: What is the meaning of loli?

Robert stood in the same place petrified and his mouth twitched. He looked at his hand with anger.

How can I make such a mistake? I lost 10,000 energy points for it. While his heart was bleeding he still looked at the product he purchased.

'Identification Skill: Can be used to know the information of others. Restriction: If the person's realm exceeds three great realms then the host cannot see his/ her information.'

'Thunder Oak Tree(Branch): A branch of Grade six tree 'Thunder Oak Tree'. Can induce thunder and is a perfect material to forge a thunder weapon.'

He is still satisfied with the identification skill but the same cannot be said for the Thunder Oak Tree.

It's a useless branch. Except for the fact that it came from a high-grade tree, there is nothing special about it. He does not know how to make a weapon so it's presently useless.

But he still kept it safely after all he spent ten thousand energy points on this piece of shit.