Chapter 75: Giving out tasks.

After a round of introduction, Robert understood the identity of these two. The mature woman is White Fang's Aunt and the other is White Fang's cousin, Menna.

Robert sighed a breath of relief after hearing that they are White Fang's relatives. Although he felt strange inside about the fact of why White Fang does not live with them but remained her alone he did not ask this question tactfully.

But others did not have a tact like him just after the moment she finished speaking Snowball jumped out and asked, "You are white fang's aunt right? Then why do you live separately? Are you two fighting?" 

Fuck! You have to ask this question! White Fang has been living with them for a long time but she never mentioned anything about this so there must be a reason and story behind it which she did not want to speak about. 

That's why no one brought up this question in the past but you have to do it….!