|Second First Impressions|

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

Looks like the tables have turned.

I did not expect that Sora would recognize me the moment she got in but now that I think of it, that was slightly a good thing lest I mistake her for someone else...

I tried not to make it obvious too whenever I motion PLUM to check up on every single person in the café because I feel like somebody is piercingly staring at me.

I looked around to find someone I didn't know or was it because I couldn't recognize them?

The direction of her head is facing us, directly at me.

'The thought of seeing the social butterfly Sora just simply exceeded my expectations.' not that it's important in some way...

"So, when did you get here? You didn't even tell me." she pouted as she grabbed the spare spoon I hadn't used and took a bite of my triple-layered chocolate waffle.

I must say, she's still the same as how I recall her behaving back then.

About a month ago, I couldn't progress or remember any good thing in New York but being here now is of more help rather than just asking my mother.

Hearing her tell me about my past isn't that helpful at all.

"I just arrived yesterday." I answered, not minding what she had just done, then took another glimpse at the female whom I caught staring at us for a while now.

It must be Sora's friend...

I went back to attentively listening to Sora's complaints throughout the years of being away from me, she also plans to take me out and give me a tour around so that we can be together a lot more soon without me getting lost anywhere.

'That girl staring at us is annoying me.'

I couldn't help but ask Sora to lower our voices and keep our conversation between the two of us. 'That girl is her, my older sister.'

"By the way, would you like me to introduce you to some of my friends? What I mean is that you have to meet the others because they are the coolest people that I know on earth!" she began acting all excited as I nodded.

It wouldn't hurt to spend a few more minutes with some new friends.

She spoke more about them as my eyes focused on that girl who was still staring at us, I hoped there would be no competition whatsoever because I felt like there was some kind of a misunderstanding between us for some reason.

Sora pulled me up from my seat and she led me towards the counter, behind it was the group that had just entered the café about half an hour ago.

Is this the truth behind the fact that she told me they were like regulars around here?

And this explains it, the reason is that they work here and own Bloom Café, I wonder if there's anything more surprising...

I agreed but did not expect what she implied right now.

"Honey, they are very friendly so don't worry." she assured me, well I hope they truly are because the term 'friendly' around here seems to be the total opposite.

'My name sounds weird though.'

Once we got there, all eyes were already on me, it made me feel anxious for a moment yet as Sora gathered everyone, especially the one staring at us earlier, I gladly greeted them.

"You guys, this is Honey Lou, the younger sister of Haesu-eonni." I flashed a smile showing that I was glad to meet every single one of them and by every single one...

I mean, including Lee Haesu as I thought about it, I kept on eyeing her.

However, there's this one girl and they told me she's Chinese but there is just something familiar about her that makes me feel as if we've met.

She explained her behavior from the incident that occurred before and that it was because she felt quite inferior to me regarding the rumors and stories she heard in the school she goes to.

"There are rumors and stories specifically about me?"

I formally asked and they were all in utter shock by the reaction and words I blurted out. "Not that I care about it anyway but let's not judge since I'm only a newcomer around here..."

I spoke as they all tried not to make it obvious because Yua just spilled a big hint that I'm not someone new.

I didn't ask further concerning whoever spread such rumors about me and just lifted the heavy atmosphere, Sora went back to the table where I stayed along with me and continued to talk.

"Uhmm... Who else knows about my personal life other than you?" by the time I asked her, the rest of her friends approached us and joined but when I repeated my question, they went silent.

Not one of them dared to point at anyone or is it because that person is nowhere near us?

The guy named Yeonju Lee from earlier at the back of the counter didn't hesitate and directly hinted that it was Haesu.

She freaked out when she saw it, but Yeonju was straightforward. "What?"

Everyone looked at the female as she commented while walking in our direction, she glared at him and just simply walked out.

The more time we spent together the more Haesu acted cynical not only to me but also to the other customers, once the rest of them were on break, Sora came up with many topics or things to talk about as their other friends joined.

Minutes turned into hours and clearly, this just made her mad to the point that when an employee came to ask her if it was time to deliver the pre-ordered anniversary cake.

She took it when it was just about to be picked up shortly and headed straight to us.

--Kim Young's Point of View--

'I cannot believe that she'd ever think about doing that to her sister.'

I thought as I noticed that we've been going in circles for some time now, can't tell if this is either a waste of my time or finally bonding with my future sister-in-law.

"Oh, I think it is this way." she continues.

I also didn't bother asking the reason my girlfriend threw that pre-ordered cake seeing as she is irritated because of the sticky feeling.

Knowing Haesu is enough for me to understand the crisis.

This girl must be expecting much worse things from her sister after what had just occurred back there, I asked for Honey's phone and checked the directions she had been following all this time then came to a realization that she searched for a different location instead.

'It says here that this is Gwangju...'

The Lee-Sisters aren't only similar in looks but in the amount of stupidity as well, not that it's a bad thing yet not noticing that one simple thing is already too ridiculous.

"Let's just take a cab." I suggested without waiting for her response, I called a cab and got in as I was exhausted from all the walking.

We arrived at her place at exactly 8:00 PM, and I left once I saw her enter safely.

How much more troublesome can these two even get?

But thinking about it, their family has a more serious case after their parents got together, and the Go and Lee family concern is never going to end.

These two would probably cool off after a while of being together.

It's a misunderstanding between them that caused this love-hate relationship yet what exactly happened back then?

--Lee Haesu's Point of View--

I brushed my hair all the way down straight to hide my earphones from anyone else's sight which was to block the noise they were making.

Yua was the one who was scolding me the most.

'Apparently, no one has ever caught me blocking them out and neither will they be able to.'

I honestly don't want to hear all the things they believe I did wrongfully which is nonsense, it's right for me, and there was nothing wrong with it.

It always happens, will happen and I'm used to it...

I told Sora that I had no problem if she still had any contact with that Honey-girl...

But what she did was just unacceptable and what I ought to say is, it feels as if she just stabbed me in the back.

'Why does she have to be so close with everyone?..'

She knows the grudge I have against my so-called sister and it has been years since I have heard about her after all but that doesn't change the fact that she's unlucky or that she stole everything away from me.

I can't let her ruin my life as well as my friendship with the others.

She seemed popular and lived well in New York with 'her' family but is she also that desperate to mess with other people's happy lives?

They'll all start liking her in no time while I fall back into the shadow.

I cannot let that happen again!