|The Peers|

((The Next Day)) I got up as early as I could so that the girls and I could walk to school together but I regret doing that since I ended up waiting for Yua and Sora.

It was a wrong choice to do so.

"Haesu-eonni!" I glanced at Ji Eun before we approached them, it was nice to see them together after a whole week of handling our other family business in Japan.

Now that I think of it, I haven't seen Mother yet even at home...

I spent my time staring out the window during almost every class I had.

It feels like this has already happened before, nothing seems to change every single day nor will anything ever change.

'I've got everything anyone would want in life but why do I feel unsatisfied?'

I thought as I sighed.

Moving on from that topic... The speaker went on.

"(Haesu, please come by my office this instant.)" I was called to the School Director's office just when I was about to ask for permission to go out.

How lucky, I barely learned a thing...

The halls have been too quiet lately after I went overseas, probably because I was nowhere around to advise the students who are way below my league.

I entered Mom's office and immediately took a seat as I waited for her to hang up the call she had, I hadn't seen Yun Oh in any of our classes either.

"Does Yun Oh have a play again?"

I complained, trying not to make it obvious that I was envious of him.

"I asked him to pick up our dear new student from New York and I am certain it wasn't that hard to handle her yet I let him take a leave for about a day or two since I do owe the kid." she responded while typing something.

It must be the newcomer's school record and the name is... "HONEY LOU?!"

I stood up from my seat, blurting the name out as I was reading the school record, Mom pushed me aside as she finalized the enrollment.

"I am very offended." I inhaled then exhaled and continued.

"Mom, why are you doing this to me?" I sat back down and pinched myself awake from this horrible nightmare, this can't happen!

"I convinced Ivy to enroll her 'step-daughter' here and I want you to get along with her."

No one would ever fall for that brat, just because she has been away for so long, it doesn't mean it'll do me any good...

"She hasn't changed one bit nor will she ever do so. Honey is still the same as how she was born in the very beginning!" I tried not to yell at her since she raised me when I left home.

Anyone would fall for her acts, that goody-two-shoes is always putting on an innocent image to the point that everyone turns their backs on me.

She has everything while I only get the leftovers.

"And those little imbeciles, how foolish!" I whispered as I left her office, ending the conversation about my so-called sister.

They better not put us in the same class, not even under the same roof.

--Jay Hwang's Point of View--

I was just about to exit the clinic when all of a sudden, someone intentionally shoved past me. "Move!" she's finally back, possibly along with a headache too...

I shrugged, handing her a drink.

"Do you mind staying here all by yourself? I'm having cereal on recess with Seokjoon-noona."

I teased her knowing that she doesn't like anyone whenever a headache pays a visit. Immediately, I left the moment she lifted a finger.

It was already a sign that she'd do something to get back at me for saying that.

A very harsh one, that is...

As I was walking towards the school garden, Dan happened to be there and dozing off.

He must have stayed late until night again in his recording studio.

Probably he hadn't gone home yet.

Lack of sleep will surely affect one's mood, especially during school so I gave him one of the energy drinks I had. 'In some cases, to be exact...'

I stayed for a bit longer and asked how he was doing.

"I'm good, Jay-Hyung. You don't have to worry." he answered right before yawning, are they seriously going to keep on doing this to me?

There is not a single thing wrong with giving them health advice or is it the fact that I just give them too much?

"Alrighty then, remember not to forget to take at least one day off. That'll be best for you." I reminded him for the last time before I straightly went to Seokjoon-noona this time.

I hadn't eaten anything...

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

"And sweetie, don't forget to dry clean your brand new clothes. You got that?" Mother gave another reminder as I nodded, forgetting that this was just a phone call.

"Yes, mother." I answered as she continued to start her sentences all over again with the word 'and', it went on for an hour more or so.

"And just ask me for more money if ever you need to spend on anything you can't afford with your allowance or if you caused any trouble..." she paused for a second.

"Be sure that your father doesn't hear if EVER it does happen."

For the entire week, it took me some time to get used to my way home as well as the café, the girls' place was kind of difficult for me to memorize whenever I hung out with Sora & Yua.

Plus, taking a cab was very intriguing because of my anxiety being in the way as always.

I honestly want to get along with everyone but I can't help it when I start getting anxious even just at the thought of it.

Surely one day I'll be able to step out of my comfort zone... 'I hope.'

I went back to cleaning the dishes and just shook the thought of my anxiety, I should not continue to live my life this way too, it's time for me to step out.

'I will make sure of it this time around.'

What I should do is think positively, that is exactly who Honey Lou is. Right? A very cheerful, sincere, and generous girl, not a depressed one surrounded by cloudy thoughts.

I placed my phone down on the bedside table, reminiscing about the total irritation-free home I've got, my energy was drained from cleaning the whole house including the outside, and I didn't want to waste my last day of free time although I am advanced with my studies.

I can never get away from school especially since I'm only in high school level.

I wouldn't want to be called a nerd based on my smarts yet I also don't want to be a school delinquent due to my moody personality.

How exactly will I overcome it all? I have been living my life with depression and fear, it's a miracle that I'm still alive to this day.

Change is about to happen once I enter the school tomorrow and new peers will I encounter daily, a new experience for a 16-year-old like me is life in High School.

"Let's just think about it in the morning..."

I inaudibly spoke, closing my eyes as I fell into slumber.


"--------" the sound goes on and on, and on...

I turned the alarm off and checked the time, exactly 4:45 in the morning, I then got up and headed out to bathe myself, usually, I'd be stretching my body but because of the excitement.

I could feel rushing up my spine.

I just simply decided to skip it only for today on my first day of school since I also plan to walk to the bus stop.

'I'm officially not homeschooled anymore!'

At last, I'll be going to an actual school with other humans.

Very glad I am, soon enough as I finally finished my bathing routine which takes up a whole hour, breakfast was the very next thing I thought about doing, and of course, my cheese-ham sliced bread was a must on this memorable day of my life...

I settled down to eat as I began to think.

'I have to say, Haesu has got it all here, a group of friends, fame, money, and a family...'

I wonder why her blood keeps on boiling around me.

Not that I'm doing any better than she is.

There is nothing she has to worry about since another thing is that she also owns the only café and it has no other branches in any different place but here in Seoul.

Moving on, Sora did tell me that they were supposed to meet me at the bus stop which is outside the subdivision I live in at around 6:00 AM, and by 'they' she meant to go there with another friend of hers.

'Not sure if I'll make it but I guess they will still wait by all means.'

This neighborhood is really quiet as I have observed, it may be because of their occupations too just like my parents.

They must have a very fragile business that makes them keep their children locked up at home alone with only the housemaids or gardeners and stuff.

They can even be so similar to the point that they lie or hide their children from the public...

I must have a grudge against those types of people since I'm acting this way, I sighed.

'It's no use anyway since I have my own life as they do.'

Furthermore, I shouldn't get myself used to deep thinking while I'm out here in the streets or on the roadside near cars.

For so many times I've been unintentionally doing this which is not a good thing.

But on the other hand, I arrived early at the agreed spot we had, and with plenty of time to spare, the sun wasn't that up high yet so probably the school wouldn't be fully crowded with students.

They chose a nice time to start the day in school, no wonder a lot of people want to attend Seoul Global High, in fact, even just by looking at me you can tell that I am looking forward to meeting Sora's friends from the café.

But that is not all, I want to see the 'her' again because if ever the sunrise isn't able to cheer her up then I don't know what will...

'I just hope I don't affect anyone's life negatively.'