|Little by Little of Progress|

The very moment I stepped in, everyone else blamed me for their misfortunes.

They even called me the unlucky 2nd daughter in our family but my mother and two of my friends would often remind me that I was the luckiest person on earth.

Why? Honestly, I still haven't figured it out.

My dream has always been to unite everyone, and bring out the Angel they've always expected from me but never once have I lived up to their expectations.

My sister would even misunderstand the attention I receive as something great for me yet in reality... It was never a good thing as she thought.

I have always resented my birth, renounced my existence, and even hurt myself at such a young age, not that anyone would be concerned in this period of time but still, I have something I need to finish before I end all of this at once...

And of course, things went out of hand with everything I planned.

'Nothing would always turn out the way we want it to be and so, I had to plan it all very carefully.' everyone fell into my trap and the only thing I have left to do now is to dig through their lives before exposing every little thing they did wrongfully.

Even the people I once cherished to the very core.

Although my memories aren't complete yet I will take action as soon as possible.

Why exactly am I doing all this?

They deserve every bit of hatred from me, my friend lied to me and deceived me only because I can't recognize people but they would never see this coming back at them.

'But for now...'

While I am still deciding on what to specifically do with them, they have a chance to make it right but not every single one of them.

My father has always been the reason for all of this.

He will be ruined.

Like I said earlier, I ain't good at being direct since I would often drift off from the main topic and so, it'll take quite a while to understand my main goal in this life but you'll figure it out soon enough.

Slowly but surely, Honey Lou is returning to her good old self in no time.

I will probably regret all this or maybe at the least, I could feel satisfied seeing them all in pain but not as intolerable as mine...

I may be full of resentment, jealousy, or whatever the word is to describe the negative feelings that I have been bottling up until this moment but I would never be that unreasonable, unlike someone we all know acting like one.

Of course, I'd give them at least a chance without knowing but that's it.

They only get one chance, nothing more or less and it would reflect on their actions just as how they treated me back when we were young.

'No matter what our age was, they still hurt me.'

And because of that, it all became quite clear for me, my heart does state that I understand everyone going through hard times.

But even if I feel like this person is trustworthy...

Someone I can open up to, and easily could understand what I'm saying, things end up as the exact opposite.

Letting my mind rule over me damaged my whole personality by just a simple thing and I would be very anxious around ANYONE, even when my own family touches my things.

I feel irritated for some odd reason that I don't know about...

This isn't all because of my condition but perhaps, the trauma I got from all the things I had experienced when I was young caused this big drastic change in me.

Well, I guess there is a time for everything, and the answers I desperately want will probably unravel themselves soon enough without ever expecting it.

"Where are you going?" all of a sudden, his voice echoed throughout the entire route, it reminded me of what was happening right now.

The person currently walking behind me knows all the way through the routes here better than me but still, I wouldn't want to ask for any help from someone like him although, Honey Lou isn't the kind of person to treat other people this way despite the lack of trust so I should at least be nice.

Even if I barely know him because there is no point in saying that he's a pervert without any evidence proving that he did wrong...

'Well, the act has to keep on going for other people except for me.'

"It is none of your business and please do not take another step closer to me." he stopped following me but I didn't bother to care since it was a good thing because I must head on out of this place with no chance of being spotted again.

Even though I have no idea where I'm going as long as he doesn't waste his time helping me at least I feel less burdened this way.

'I feel like I'm going in a circle.'

PLUM sent me a message since she could always meddle with any problems I have, I opened it up and saw the profile of the student who is now beside me.

I just hope that he isn't a very nosy person.

"Are you a stalker of mine?" he excitedly grabbed my phone and grinned widely.

"What an absolute weirdo!" I accidentally spoke out loud, he scoffed at the remark and lightly shoved back the phone to me as he crossed his arms while I read through the document that PLUM sent me.

Apparently, he turns out to be a rich kid who skips his classes which must be why I barely see him at around 7:00 AM in school but it's not like our classes are important by then.

'Or is it really?'

"Mind your language since I bet that I am the only one who can lead you out of here." he stuck out his tongue, taunting me as he walked in the right direction.

He motioned me to follow quietly and would surely help me leave this place.

'Well, I am truly grateful for that unless...'

He might do something that'll make me regret letting myself come near him but sure, I better follow my heart for once lest I end up with much more regret than I expected.

"What do you want from me?"

I questioned him without making any sort of eye contact because first of all, I did not have any idea where exactly I was supposed to look as I spoke with him.

And lastly, I just don't see the point in this.

"Is that how you're supposed to greet a friend? We're from the same class you know?" he responded with a very annoying attitude, I never expected him to be this annoying...

'What a waste of time.'


And just as I suspected not so long ago...

"Did you know that making songs is as easy as a pie?"

He continued repeating the same questions but in different categories such as 'did you know that the table has many uses?' which I certainly do or if ever I knew that the school has many more hidden places, of course, I still do not.

'What kind of questions are those??' this guy is seriously messing with me.

I glared at him while we both rushed to the exit as it was already too much to handle being in the same room alone but little did we know the consequence of our actions, unfortunately, the two of us ended up squeezing.

"Why would you suggest racing on the way out??" I raised my voice as I asked him whilst he simply tried to leave quickly without even thinking first...

'I tried not to but things became pretty messed up!'