|Trust and Assumptions|

"And you are very welcome for that!"

I turned around to find Prince Charming bowing down to me, sometimes I honestly don't get why he acts like this, it's not like we are royals or something like that.

But I guess, his family must have treated him as if he truly is a Prince, the only thing attractive about Song is that he's quite endearing once in a while.

'And this isn't even an important matter right now.'

"You didn't do anything big to deserve a simple thank you."

I responded before walking away from him but he pulled me back, insisting that I take the shortcut with him to class.

"By the way, why were you staying in a corner earlier? Have you heard about it already?" he shook his head right before answering my question as we both headed to the west, avoiding the two other people.

"I had a dream about all of this but there are a few things that might not be similar..." he whispered, knowing that someone, in particular, could hear us.

'Is he being serious right now?' I ain't that gullible enough to believe such lies or imagination that people have, there's no such thing.

However, the look on his face said otherwise, maybe he is telling the truth but are there really people who have dreams that show you the near future?

"So you're called a dreamer, right?" he nodded.


Though sometimes it's just a coincidence or is he only trying to make a fool out of me?

He inaudibly scoffed for a moment as we walked, our hands brushing then and now.

"It's true, believe it or not, because I'm telling you, I did dream about all the events that are happening here in school." Song replied before I could even utter a word.

Is it just me that has these kinds of thoughts??

Or is it that our world is legitimately weird nowadays to the point that people talk about this thing in broad daylight?

"If I'm being honest with you, I still don't buy it." his reply wasn't good enough for me to believe but still, it could be possible.

"Did you also dream about us walking together in here..?"

After a little while, he finally answered my question as we headed to the east side to where the other building was from within.

So that we wouldn't have to worry about getting caught if ever someone did see me tricking those girls other than this boy on my left.

"Yes, this is included." he spoke.

He hasn't even finished explaining what he dreamt about so I'm expecting that we'll eventually see it here for ourselves, whatever it could be.

"So, why did you move here?" I heard someone ask but he didn't seem to be surprised about the fact that someone else spoke up.

We both looked at each other as we turned around to find two people walking in the same direction so we hid in a corner.

And those two behind earlier were Honey and Dan-Oppa?

Oh, what a small world we live in... This must be the other part of his dream, I am so gonna enjoy this moment even if I'm late for class.

"So, what exactly is going on between the two of them? Isn't it hilarious? Look at him smiling!" I said, whispering very carefully as I saw them together.

However, Honey didn't seem pleased.

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

I glimpsed at every side of the hall before unlocking my locker to return all the things I took as well as one of my hoodies since I'll have to avoid having anyone recognize me for the time being.

I wonder if the others are worried about me, they must have heard already by now, I haven't seen any of them for a day or two.

I should just meet some of them at least for a minute to say something...

'I'd really believe that my sister would be furious about this and so, she should be the first to know.'

But as soon as I closed the locker and then, turned around, there were many students filming already, why though?

The news can't be that fast spread, not that I would waste my time on such a thing.

What if someone messes with me again just like on my first day here in school?


I hastily dodged the person without much trouble as they tried to get a hold of me, she accidentally hit her right fist on the locker before whimpering in pain.

Right as she saw me again.

She pulled me by the hair and then, pushed me back to the locker.

Holding me there forcefully.

"I told you many times!" she yelled at me but because of that, a heavy atmosphere grew between us while everyone watched.

'Just like the usual, no one would bother stepping up, especially if it's Haesu-eonni...'

This time, she did not just simply drag me as she pleased but also slammed me again and again onto a wall or probably just onto the lockers.

Yet it didn't make any difference since it was all going to end up similarly.

It'll only be considered as another 'incident' that no one had intensionally planned to do.

I finally had the chance to attempt getting her hands off me which was physically hurting me though because of her anger, she overpowered me so I gave up on fighting back, there was no point.

"Have I not warned you already? And look at what you did, how disappointing!" she said.

Those words made me feel despair, the disappointment I caused to another family just as I had done to our father can never be acceptable, what have I ever done so badly?

'Is it because of my existence?'

Not only did she burst into tears without hearing me explain but also held onto my chin, aggressively squeezing my cheeks from the frustration she felt, Haesu-eonni slowly dropped herself down on the floor as she hit me with all her might.

"I disown you! From now on, I am an only child." she spoke.

"Are you even listening?" she stood up to face me, grabbing my chin to see right before pulling me by the hair and then, dragging me towards the staff room where they keep all the mops, brooms, and other things used for cleaning the school.

"Haesu-noona!" a voice from the outside had called.

"Does bothering people satisfy you?!" she asked so loud that my ears were hurting, she hit me once again in repeat multiple times, and at the same time, people started murmuring words that I could not quite understand anymore.

As the noise grew louder, I stood there defenseless, thinking about it all as much as I could to find out what exactly was wrong with me.

Am I seriously this cursed in life?

"How much more are you going to treat me like this? Why am I always the one to blame? I didn't do anything wrong! You haven't even listened to what I've got to say about all of this." I said to her as I tried to get a hold of her hands to stop them from laying another finger on me.

'I just can't accept it.'

I tried to do as they delighted but to no avail.

Why does it all end up being a complete disaster??

"Will you please stop it? Stop doing things, stop making up excuses, just stop breathing if you will..." she pulled herself from me and slowly dragged herself out of the room then before I could even follow after her...

I fell on my knees because of the pain that I hadn't noticed yet until now.

It felt as if I was stabbed, but how?

I looked around to find a pair of scissors lying on the ground with little drips of blood, it seemed like her wish would come true, sooner than expected.

I lost consciousness.

--Author's Point of View--

As soon as the older female had left the staff room, Honey collapsed on the cold floor, injured from the accident with the scissors.

Which they didn't notice in the first place, their friends came running inside the place and witnessed the girl unconsciously lying on her side.

Everyone else was frightened to check up on her in case something did happen and they could not do anything to protect their friend.

Lee Haesu froze in her place as she heard the others gasp in surprise to see the state of Honey Lou, not one of them dared to touch her.

But instead, some of them called for help, and everyone began to talk while others simply gossiped about the person who was the last one they saw her with.

'What have I done?'

Haesu thought as she reflected on her actions, one came out of the crowd before gently carrying the girl in his arms to bring her outside of the school where their help would arrive.

'Finally! At least one of my plans worked out pretty well.' a girl within the group consciously observed the misfortune of her friends which she knew would end up happening.

'I hope she doesn't wake up soon.'

All the people who witnessed the incident didn't move an inch from their spots as a pair of cops had also been summoned by Yua.

Seeing as her friend got hurt whether or not was it on purpose, she still got the police involved in order to frighten Haesu who she blames to have caused this.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Haesu asked Yua, the younger only followed after the two outside but before she left the scene, she scoffed at the older one then right as she did this.

The girl dared to indirectly accuse her friend and held back no words, straightly saying everything she thought about.

"I am NOT on your side this time because YOU did something WRONG yet you don't even blink an eye. She is your blood but you never even HEAR what she has to say!"

Yua calmly emphasized her words to blame the older girl's actions.

She walked out and then, shouted.

"You're trembling, huh?"