|Silent Treatment|

--Lee Haesu's Point of View--

((2 days later...)) Indeed I did wrong that day but...

To be honest, I'm utterly speechless about what happened the other day, anyone could've done the same thing if they misunderstood something like that and it was Honey's fault that she got hurt, I mean...

'A brand new scissor in the staff room.'

Isn't that quite suspicious? The only thing I committed was expressing how mad I was because of what she did to her friend.

"Aishhhh..." nevermind, I'll apologize when I get the chance to do so. After all, I am paying her a visit to have a rational conversation.

"Why are you shaking there?"

This girl is getting on my nerves.

I glared at Yua as she nonchalantly stared back at me for no reason.

I sighed, accepting my defeat since obviously, I'm kind of a bad person, she's becoming tougher every single time I mess up...

But whenever I admit that she makes me want to take back my words.

Yua thinks that just because I may seem violent doesn't mean that I'll also start getting terrified of the people who gang up on me, who blame me for making mistakes.

'It's not like they aren't humans.'

"Why are you even here?" I asked the child but then her answer made me feel insecure.

"Because I'm here to protect Honey from someone such as you."

She replied, constantly staring at me. "I can feel your stare pierce right through my skull kid. You better look away now lest I push you off."

I took a deep breath while focusing on the road, parking my car in front of the hospital, I stayed put while Yua went inside the building.

So that I could leave the car elsewhere just in case anyone realized that it was mine, and then considered trashing it once again...

'Funny, isn't it?'

People nowadays are so insensitive and it isn't just me alone.

I believed that she changed for good but it seems like that can't be possible for her even after a long time, we're only getting started with the biggest battle of our lives.

We can't give up now.

"Honey is perfect while I'm already ruined." tears were streaming down my eyes as I turned back to my car and lowered my head, I regretted it all...


I returned to the café and packed a basket filled with the pastries that my sister would normally buy from the place before driving back to the hospital.

I walked alone towards her private room based on the information I received from Yua so, she better not be joking right now.

"This floor is too quiet, Honey should be able to get some sleep as she's healing." but I wondered if she might still be upset at me for doing such a thing.

There was no way she'd forgive me that easily despite her being a softie because what I did wasn't something anyone could accept right away.

'Fair enough.'

I knocked on the door before sliding it open, everyone was surrounding Honey while she was looking out the window with little attention to the people worrying about her.

'What's with the atmosphere?' sitting down as I silently placed the basket near the bed, the door suddenly opened with three people entering whilst holding medical equipment, I honestly don't know what those are called so...

"What seems to be the problem here?" the man who seemed to be the doctor had asked, holding a flashlight to check Honey's eyes.

He requested my sister to stand up, speak, and follow his fingers to find out what was her state of condition yet she ignored it, blankly staring at the man.

"That's odd."

The doctor and the two nurses attempted to figure out what was wrong with her, they finally came up with a conclusion after hours of trying, and Honey was sort of traumatized by the events that occurred a few days ago as they explained.

'Playing hard to get, are we?'

"She has been like that ever since she woke up, we tried to feed her but she even refused." acting as if she's still a toddler, correct?

She can keep this going since we've all been kind of a jerk toward her. Not to mention that the others would often arrive pretty late when we get into a fight or whatever.

"Miss Lou, can you please respond even with small movements."

The doctor asked as she kept silent.

Since my little sister was acting like a child, I stood up to do something but right before I could even do what I was thinking of doing.

Yua blocked me, forcing me back to my seat and she kept me from ever getting up again.

I tried to speak up yet everyone acted as if they planned something beforehand...

They all had their eyes on me except for Honey whilst they taped my mouth and tied my hands. 'I was trying to do something about it, so why the heck?'

I obeyed as they told me to stop resisting it while we were waiting for the doctor to finish checking my sister.

Everyone was anticipating Honey but unfortunately, she didn't respond to any of what the doctor and nurses tested.

They stated that it would take some time for her to regain herself and start talking or acting like usual so we just have to wait.

"Are they being serious right now?" I softly asked, when I heard that Honey was traumatized by what I had done not so long ago.

It hit me that all this time, I was the one causing trouble instead of her, I couldn't take it anymore, and just simply admitted that.

'I care about Honey.'

It might have been a mishap that no one wanted to happen yet she believes that I have scarred her. This cannot be happening, though it already is...

I walked outside and looked for a place to be alone, dropping myself on the ground as I thought about my choices in life, I've been a bad sister to Honey.

'This is all my fault, our parents have nothing to do with this, and Honey's never done anything foul.' she doesn't deserve any of this.

Everything is going downhill because of me, and me only.

'Why did I?'

When did things ever go wrong?

Our parents...

They didn't mean to...

They never even...

'I am selfish.'

--Yun Oh's Point of View--

'I can do this, I can make it! I have to do it right.'

I kneeled on my left knee before taking a breath, I stood up and ran as fast as I could whilst pushing away every single opponent from getting in my way.

As soon as I nearly reached the other side of the field, I threw it up high across the whole field and it landed perfectly right through the goalpost.

"You did it!" my friend came running to me since we won.

The game ended the moment I made the throw, everyone was glad about our team winning, everyone except for the two of them.

'Why should I continue the family tradition if they won't even come?'

They treat me as if I'm not doing a good job at this.

I don't care what other people think except for my parents' opinion concerning my life yet they don't even return the favor.

Those people who are cheering for me are nothing.

Including my teammates, and even my friends...

None of them would matter till my parents give me the love I've always wanted.

I want them to raise me into someone they can show off to everyone but that is one thing I can only imagine coming true.

'Especially since I'm not a good person who deserves a reward for doing something righteous.'

"Yun, aren't you coming?" a teammate of mine had asked, I declined the invite since I didn't feel like eating because my appetite was ruined early in the morning.

'To tell you what had happened...'

Some people thought that it would be nice to wake me up when clearly, they knew that all night I had been finishing my homework right after attending our family gatherings on behalf of my parents.

And the favors that my 'friends' forced me into doing, I also had a bad morning yesterday and it just keeps on getting worse every minute that passes by.

Not that anyone would bother adjusting for me.

Am I crazy for some reason?

Because I keep on talking to myself whether it be only within my mind or literally by using my mouth, rambling about nonsense yet either way it might have been caused by my lack of social skills other than my family's butler.

I have no one else to vent to.

I lay down on my luxurious bed.

Thinking of many different ways to get my parents' attention.

"------" my phone rang but I didn't answer the call until the second call they made, without bothering to check whoever it was that called.

"Yes?" I started but all I heard from the other side was just someone heavily breathing as if they ran a marathon, I checked the name of the caller, it was Jay-Hyung...

"Heard about what?"

He told me everything that had happened in school recently I answered quite shortly since he knew that I couldn't care less about the people there.

Whoever Honey is...

'But now that I've heard her name, it might be that same person back then.'

I laid back down, feeling at ease because it might not be bad news since it is coming from Jay-Hyung yet I can't be too sure.

"What happened to that Honey-girl though? Was she sent to the hospital 'cause of her older sister?" I asked again, he seemed to be rushing somewhere based on the noise I could hear from his side though he wasn't the type to run around like this.

Especially if he was outside.

"It is pretty much Haesu's fault."

I hung up the moment he finished the sentence, his answer struck me as if that person was her, the one who made me feel loved even for just a brief moment.

When I was still a 9-year-old, we encountered each other once.

But I doubt that she'd remember me.

'Her name was Honey...'