|The Girl Who Committed Suicide|

--Author's Point of View--

The teenage boy rushed from his spot towards a glass table, and opened up a customized box that was placed under the furniture.

And then, took out a knitted yellow and black striped scarf that his old friend had given to him years before she left South Korea.

'The colors match her nickname perfectly.'

He immediately got up as he remembered what happened to his friend's friend.

He wanted to be sure if Honey Lou was truly the person he had always been thankful for the warmth he felt...

When he was all alone at a snowy playground near an orphanage on Christmas Eve.

'She's someone I can call a friend.' he wouldn't normally run off like that just to see a friend he barely knows but he made a decision and headed to where she was.

Smiling as he reminisced the memories they shared.

"Even if she left after that night and forgot all about me, I can't stop thinking about her." he spoke, speedily entering the hospital through a crowded entrance but once he took a step inside the elevator.

The sight made him mad as if he deserved to be there for her instead of them.

'It won't last forever.'

Yun Oh pressed the button before any of his 'friends' became aware of his presence, he did not want them to know anything about his past, or present.

And perhaps the future if there was still one waiting for someone like him as he thought.

He neither wished to know more about them nor vice versa.

'Honey Lou... Was he the reason she left?' he consciously asked.

Knowing that there was something going on between Honey and Dan even before the group was formed in their school.

He kept reciting the girl's name as he walked to her private room.

Although he didn't seem to care about anyone else other than his parents.

The boy is certainly determined to get rid of Dan from Honey's life.

Because it turns out that Yun Oh is always looking after the girl from a distance.

He often stares at her as if he only existed for the sake of being there to comfort the girl without anyone hurting her.

And by all means, he must keep those people from getting anywhere near the girl.

"Is there anything else you want?"

But of course, nothing much has changed over the past few days, Honey still wouldn't talk to them, not once did she munch on the food they bought or prepared for her.

Yun Oh was glad because he saw Dan being treated the same way as his friends, he was also ignored by the girl multiple times so he fled from the place.

Heading back to his house which is nearby.

He regained his conscience, minding his own business as he entered his home, ignoring everyone he encountered on his way to a room where no one else was allowed to come in.

It was his private library.

--Lee Haesu's Point of View--

Another day has passed meaning another silent treatment from my one and only sister, Honey Lou.

This may have been a tiring week but at least it'll be worth it that her trauma would be lifted from all of us that weren't able to help or merely understand her, especially me.

'This time I mean it!'

I will be a good sister to Honey and I swear if I fail to control my temper again, I will break up with my boyfriend for good because I don't really deserve him, to begin with.

'He's too perfect to be true...'

"Noona." Yua called for me multiple times before I finally regained my senses, I took a stack of boxes as I followed after the girl.

Honey would probably need these things while she was here at the hospital.

But there is one thing that I am really worried about, which is the fact that Dan volunteered to keep an eye on my younger sister, I was against it, at first.

Though I had no choice but to agree anyway...

"You better behave yourself Dan Nevuerra, I'm watching you."

I exclaimed, seeing as he continued to take advantage of my sister's condition.

Making little bits of physical contact with her which is not cool if you ask me since they barely know each other, or so to speak.

'I don't know.'

Plus, he wouldn't dare...

I continued doing that eye-watching action toward him, but he simply laughed it off and wouldn't take me seriously.

Now, as I walked back in his direction, someone had blocked my way again for no reason, how childish of her.

'This is just a waste of my time.'

I disregarded his presence near Honey and told them that we'd come back in the afternoon along with everyone else.

But not all at once since the room wasn't huge enough for us to fit in one go.

'Oh, well.'

"I guess he's already developed feelings for your sister."

Yua commented as she walked side by side with me and Sora.

We took off from the hospital and headed to school to take note of the lectures for the rest of our friends including Honey who are not able to attend classes due to their schedules for the upcoming week like usual.

They have pretty different activities from us.

--Author's Point of View--

She was staring outside the window, enjoying the view of the bright and merely cloudy sky but on the other hand, the volunteer is presumably living up to his word by keeping an eye on Honey at least for the time being as her body still requires rest to heal the wound...

'How much longer.' the boy thought.

Not minding the dark circles under his eyes, he kept on observing Honey as they were both in peace and living in their perspective worlds.

He couldn't possibly let the girl out of his sight, moreover, if it was nighttime since she would often stay wide awake, staring at the moon without taking any break.

And after a minute passed by, Dan fell into slumber as he was sitting under the AC whilst keeping an eye on the girl, she gazed at him, wondering if he was still watching her.

Luckily, he was no longer awake so Honey got up and went out on her own towards the garden as the sky turned cloudy.

Giving the girl some shade to protect her from the sunlight.

She wanted to get rid of the boy for some time, enjoying the free time she was getting from everyone else since no one was around to bother her.

"Can you see now?" a man asked as he removed the bandages around the old woman's head, covering her eyes after a LASIK surgery to see better without glasses.

Honey felt tearful as she witnessed this.

The woman was amazed by the miracle that had happened to her because, for the last two decades, her vision had been very bad.

Until now, Honey noticed that they were talking about the fountain.

It was the first time the old woman had seen the gift that her son had built for her, and he was also the very one who made it possible for her to see again.

It was truly beautiful if you think about it.

The water fountain was very new, surrounded by different and colorful flowers that often attract bees that are harmless as well as friendly and even butterflies who pass by.

"It symbolizes the fact that we patients are sincerely being taken care of by the doctors and also nurses, just like you."

The person who established this very healing place where Honey Lou is checked in is someone who's blood-related and is also from the Go and Lee family.

This makes it even more convenient for Haesu as she's always causing trouble including the fact that she gets some people injured once in a while.

Honey walked down the path that was not far from the center, a swing that was located in the distance, and a place where no one else dared to risk taking a step inside because many believe that once you go in that place...

You can never expect good things to last long for you.

Especially the people beside you.

It somehow became a cursed place ever since one patient died from depression.

That swing was special to her that even after she had passed away, many say that her soul is forever possessing the object within the old hexagonal shed.

Which is the swing itself but Honey Lou wanted to prove that no matter what they say about that place.

It will not stop her.

'I don't care since...'

"I have already lost myself." she spoke as she settled on the swing as the wind also started to blow, she began rocking the swing despite the fact that it was a bit unsteady.

She is a stubborn one indeed.

However, little did she know that someone had spotted her for a while now although, she didn't want anyone to bother her.

The boy kept his distance as he watched her with glistening eyes.

Yun Oh stood at the end which is behind the shed, gazing at the female just as Dan always does. 'She was heavily traumatized but can easily do things on her own without any help...

It's kind of odd.' he quietly made his way toward the girl, and surprisingly, she got up on her feet out of cautiousness since the sound of his footsteps became audible.

Nonetheless, he continued to walk over to her.

"HONEY LOU!" she flinched at the sudden call of her name, seeing as she was not fully aware of who he was or what he wanted from her.

Yun Oh who was in front of her had departed before anyone else found out that he had some kind of a relationship with Honey.

He wanted to avoid causing her trouble.

'It is too strange to approach her, I'll have to wait until she remembers me, even the slightest.' he took one more glance at her as she also looked back at him before they went their separate ways.

The boy had gone out through the back route and perfectly avoided the other male nearby while on the other hand, Honey quickly left the area because of the fact that she didn't want Dan to see her.

She felt flustered and annoyed around him for some odd reason, she believes.

"Oh, where is that girl?" Dan asked himself, panicking whilst he bolted around for a minute to make sure that she wasn't there.

"That girl could have woken me up from sleep if she had the thought of going out for a walk." he said.

'Haesu will kill me if she ever finds out, I cannot have her ruining my image like before.'