|The Things We Didn't Knew or Realized that Happened|

She was still crying as we arrived at our place, Moon, on the other hand, instead of making her stop, told her that it was alright to cry all night and forget all about what had happened once she felt much better the next day.

'It does take a lot of time, but in her case, it'll take more than a month.'

I gave her another tissue, and she blew her nose, and then, continued sobbing once more while he simply hugged her tightly to ease the burst of her tears because something else must've happened that I do not know about, possibly the noise I heard yesterday night.

'I ignored it though.' which is bad.

But I guess, in order to make it up to her, I have to stay on her side for quite a while, and even if it takes too long, as long as she recovers from the trauma.

I'm willing to do anything just for her sake...

"Where were you? Why didn't you check up on me??" she asked me endlessly, sniffling as she held my hands in hers before telling us what had happened the other night.

"Sorry... What I did was wrong."

Nothing else came to mind when the time of apologizing had arrived.

It's like she muted me just by speaking about the feelings she discerned at the very moment the event occurred.

"I was frightened." she added, sharing everything with the two of us, literally everything, from start to finish she made sure that we understood her situation.

'Well, she didn't have to...' but she might need to vent it out.

We held her hands, trying to comfort her as much as we could.

It wasn't what I expected, at first, but...

'I thought that those guys wouldn't mess with her as well, I thought that I had already been enough for them to meddle with yet here we are. I have been walking down the wrong path and it is affecting everyone around me in a not-so-pleasant way, this has to stop.'

We must end it, once and for all.

"Sora, tell me everything I have to know if it makes you feel better."

I reassured her that from now on, I wouldn't ever ignore every little detail that I noticed around us, it was for our safety, after all.


She hugged both Moon and me whilst we had a serious talk for the rest of the evening.

Since the rain became heavier, we had to let Moon stay over for the night.

Sora brought out the extra mattress we had from the closet under the stairs and placed the pillows on the couch but Moon seemed uncomfortable there, and so, I made the most regretful decision I have made in this life.

"If you snore, I won't think twice about pushing you off."

I strictly told my friend as the two of us had ended up sleeping together.

But something was keeping me up, his presence made me curious about one thing, he wasn't even moving that much so I didn't bother making a huge fuss.

It was past midnight when I suddenly woke up.

'Despite the heavy rain... I felt warm.'

For some reason, it didn't feel cold in my bedroom, the reason became clear as I slightly tried to shift from my position.

"Stop moving." he spoke in a soft yet intimidating tone.

His voice made me curious.

"Why are you..?"

I couldn't fully talk since it was still early in the morning and the sound of the thunder striking during this time around made it even more difficult for us to communicate with each other although, we were only inches apart from one another.

It was overwhelming to see him up close.

'I didn't know he was...'

"Can you roll away from me..?" I attempted to hide the fact that I was blushing.

It was dark, but I think that he could tell if I was turning red. But once the warmth had departed from me, it irritated me even more for who knows what reason...

"You seemed cold earlier and so, I hugged you." he said.

"Well, I feel cold again, do you mind?" I realized there wasn't any other meaning behind his actions, this made me appreciate him as a friend for the first time in three years!

"But I thought you didn't..." he stopped in the middle of his sentence before embracing me once again, it was nice of him to do that for a friend.

I almost cried with happiness.

"Feel free to ask for a hug anytime." he chuckled.

--Lee Haesu's Point of View--

"So, what happened next?" Kim Young asked Dan as he read the textbook for us.

"Well, she died in the end... Wait, no? She didn't die but... I don't get this story!" our younger friend threw the textbook away.

Since his brain couldn't take it anymore, Sungyeon-Oppa did his best to teach us yet it wasn't enough because the story was confusing as hell.

"Who would even write this?!" I yelled.

"Yeah, whoever wrote this story will never have a happy ending!!"

Yua shrieked as she sat down right beside the others near the window, we were supposed to meet up elsewhere.

However, we ended up in the smallest place among the options we had.

"I believe the story is a never-ending story..."

Honey opened the door as she spoke regarding the topic we have, she isn't allowed to leave her temporary bedroom.

Especially since someone by the name of Daniel Austin Nevuerra is currently in the same room which is unfortunate, from my perspective.

'He isn't just annoying but loud too.'

"Is Honey staying here? At your place?" he excitedly asked, getting off his seat as he hovered near my baby sister, hold on, did I just call her that..?

I laughed at the thought, bursting into tears as I hit the table many times till I felt the pain.

"You're scaring us, what is it?" Jay Hwang had asked.

The moment I finished laughing at my thoughts.

Everyone still had their eyes on me, except for Honey and Dan, who were speaking with each other, and it was very disturbing for me.

"It was nothing." having to see the two of them together is the last thing I want on earth, I don't know why but I just don't feel good about Dan.

His name says it all...

'It is longer than you thought.'

I ain't making any sense right now, am I right?

'This habit is spreading from one person to another.'

"Why don't you join us, Lou?" Yua invited my sister over while the rest agreed with the idea, this isn't right for goodness' sake!

"This is my room, you people. And you, leave already, we're busy."

I spoke with irritation because these people, acting as if they owned the place...

"Don't mind her."

"Yua, why do you keep on... Never mind, just don't bother me." I remarked on Yua's comment about my rejection of the invitation a minute ago.

I shouldn't even meddle with her life since who am I..? I'm just a distant sister of hers who is trying to do her best and make up for all the cruelty I did...

'It's not like she'll forgive me anyway, no matter what I do.'

We discussed the textbook with the young ones since we needed everyone to help us understand this lesson.

'They also need it in advance.'

"How can you tell if it's a never-ending story..?"

Jay asked as he read through the text once more, he does not have to learn this anymore because he has already passed this grade level.

"They never mentioned if she died in the end, or what exactly happened to her. It was left a mystery..." she said.

"You know, it does make sense."

Sungyeon-Oppa commented as he listened carefully, they passed the comprehension test yet they're still interested in this story which is kind of intriguing.

"True, true."

Dan kept on saying the same thing, over and over again as we spent the entire afternoon, reading the same page as we tried to understand it the best we could.

"Why don't we take a break..?"

Once the words left my younger sister's mouth, my mom quickly arrived with some snacks for all of us. "Here, enjoy!"

After leaving the plates, glass cups, and food she prepared for us, she left the room as we began eating, and everyone grabbed their own choice of delicacy.

"Speaking of delicacy..."

"Don't you guys think that it is about time we choose who leads us on May 29th..?"

I reminded them about the event at our cafe since we only have two months to get ready, and it might take us some time if the recipe we end up choosing has a different ingredient list from what we have had so far.

"I completely forgot about that, we should have a contest right now!"

Yua cheered at the top of her lungs whilst gulping down the apple juice she poured into her drink, the others agreed again like always.

"Why do you always agree with her?!" she jumped in excitement along with Dan so I sighed in defeat.