|When it comes to love, it takes a lot of effort and thoughts|

--Author's Point of View--

Yua playfully hit her friend as he told a joke, she got off the motorbike which Moon used to bring her over to school since they both slept in because of the cold weather.

It was Saturday but almost all of the students at Seoul Global High had attended their morning class before heading to the field.

The two parted ways from each other as Yua had to leave quickly.

"Are you going to watch me play..?" the girl passed by her other friend Yun Oh who was talking to Honey.

"I will." the girl laughed at the childish movements he was making to convince her, and no one paid attention to them.

'It feels kind of nice today...' the girl described her morning consciously while speaking with Yun Oh who stood at the side of the entrance.

The rest of the students entered through the front while the people they were competing with went through the back.

They believed in this way, there would be fewer fights.

Jihyun walked herself to class, facing the ground for the entire time as she ignored whoever asked her about the rumors concerning Honey and Dan's relationship.

She kept on cursing and saying all sorts of mean words in her thoughts.

'Fools.' despite the fact that they grew up close, they've never shared the same feelings which made her feel insecure about the other girls around him.

Including the proper words that she should use when it comes to their relationship, she doesn't want Dan to find out about her feelings in such a ridiculous way, instead, she wants to hide it, and hope for the best which is highly impossible, in some cases.

"Well, I'll meet you later." Dan left Honey in their class while he went elsewhere, skipping another class. 'He is very lucky that he has me.'

'Up until now, they still expect me to ask them out, all because I was impressed by their parties.' Hyunjoo thought as he drove away from the school.

He didn't belong there, to begin with, and knowing that fact had only made him grow distant from the others.

"Hyunjoo!" he heard a call.

"Oh, what's up?" he stopped near the side road, and since there weren't any vehicles or people around, he was free from getting charged for parking on the road.

"Can we talk? I just have something to ask." he responded but I didn't think clearly before speaking again. "You're already asking me, just say it."

--Moon Hyunjoo's Point of View--

He looked somewhat serious though so I waited till he answered.

"No, like in a private place."

He said yet again, I replied without any hesitation or thoughts regarding my answer.

"We are alone anyway." but still, my friend wouldn't easily tell me about it, he was checking from left to right, trying to see if anyone else was around.

It must be very confidential since he wouldn't act like this if it wasn't.

"Fine! Hop on." I motioned him to ride behind so that we could have a conversation about this matter elsewhere since it might be personal, I guess?

"So, what exactly are we going to talk about..?" we ended up talking in their school.

It wasn't as important as I thought because my friend only acted like that since he needed a ride but still, we had something to discuss from what I remember.

"Ow! That is hot." I said out loud while everyone around had their eyes on me, they started squealing for some reason.

And all of sudden, girls began approaching me one by one, it was getting in the way of our conversation so we moved elsewhere, and tried the sports field of their school but it didn't work out as well, we also attempted talking inside the cafeteria but...

"Moon-Oppa~" a girl called.

Before they could even reach me, Yua was there to stop them, she had a craving, and since it was available there, she just had to come.

"Perfect timing, girl." I complimented her while she took a seat beside the two of us.

"We're kind of in the middle of a very important discussion." Song sternly said.

"Why don't we head to another private place??" he suggested.

Looking at Yua with that death glare...

"You are being a coward, just tell me already."

I replied from the annoyance that I could feel because we had been moving from one place to another, and there was a lot of disturbance.

"It's about that dream girl again, right?" Yua spoke as she stared at her food, Yua sounded like she also had the same thought as I did which is about Sora.

"Why aren't you exactly accepting my friend?" Yua added as she took a bite of her egg sandwich, she can always make one herself but why here..?

"Don't bother asking, it's not like he'll tell YOU." I emphasized the fact that she would never find out because Song wouldn't say it out loud.

Whatever his 'urgent' topic is...

"It's just complicated." he commented, slowly drinking the strawberry milk he had, Sora likes anything pink.

Especially strawberries and a lot more things that Song likes eating...

'She would like everything he prefers.'

"Oh, come on! Just spit it out."

Yua added as she hit the table, gulping down her cup of water.

We are dying to hear about his thoughts concerning Sora.

But something was stopping him from accepting her feelings which was that dream girl that would always appear in his dreams.

'He is such a bad liar.'

"Love is definitely complicated, and your dream girl isn't even real, don't have high hopes that she will appear one day in real life..."

Yua responded as if she knew it all along, how exactly did she find out?

"I never mentioned anything to you about Sky, does Sihyeon-noona know as well??"

He freaked out as the girl ignored his questions, she continued eating while Song tried to get an answer from her.

"I'll see you later, boys!" Yua bid farewell while clearing the mess she created, she threw the trash in the non-biodegradable bin before leaving for good, and so I sat closer to my friend, waiting until he spoke about that thing from an hour ago.

"I shouldn't be here since the team you are competing with isn't from mine, I'm kind of trespassing during school hours... You better make this worth the risk."

"Fine, fine! Okay, I sincerely like Sora but since I know about your feelings for her, I simply can't..." he sort of exposed himself by explaining in a higher tone.

Everyone was teasing him for saying such a cringy thing to me, and people started chanting Sora's name from every corner of the cafeteria.

"Sora Young! Sora Young! Sora Young!"

They slowly shouted as one, people here in this school are just as nosy and loud as the ones from mine, they're also very friendly to everyone.

And pretty much only some students aren't that plausible for their activities in both schools which is kind of the downside.

Sometimes, it's important to choose friendship over relationship, it hurts more to lose a friend than to lose a lover, there are many other fishes in the sea as they say, and so, I won't try getting in the way of Sora and Song's love revolution, who knows?

'The right one for me could be right around...'

But in my case, it isn't a lover, Sora is only a friend whom I seriously like.

"Don't think about my feelings for her, you should prioritize her feelings for you. I can't do anything now because it has been years since she started liking you, how deep do you think it is between the two of you?" I asked.

"Are you sure? It has also been years since you started liking her... I mean, you know?"

He answered very thoughtfully, unlike what I had expected from him.

I guess this conversation was worth it.

Sora deserves someone as sweet as he is, I'm only there to protect and avenge her but I can never treat her like how he does.

I'm more of a knight in shining armor rather than a Prince Charming which is basically the exact role in this situation.

"I've decided, I think I should move on." I replied with an honest expression plastered on my handsome face, it'll take some time but hopefully, I won't regret it.

"Hey, I'll see you guys tomorrow..."

I waved goodbye to my friend before taking off, Song was still the center of attention at the cafeteria but he didn't mind it because there were many times when the students around here forgot about him.

Mostly the people near Haesu-noona's group.

He is always hiding in plain sight, no one was able to find him during the time we played hide & seek since he does have a good eye for secret spots that only he can get into.

I sighed, recalling that I've already given him my word.

Sora isn't aware of my feelings so maybe confessing would not be a bad idea yet it might complicate things even more.

'I am just an extra, after all.'