|Changing Who I Am and Bring Back The Old Me|

--Jay Hwang's Point of View--

I caught a glimpse of two people talking inside an empty classroom.

It was Ji Eun and Jihyun alone in one room which means that they were gossiping again, and discussing their future 'plans' to become successful in what they do...

'Whatever that is.'

I then walked away from the area before looking back at my phone to see if Seokjoon-noona had answered the call already.

'But it is still dialing.'

"Listen, you have to change yourself if you want everyone else to change. It has to start with you..." of course, I couldn't leave so soon because I wanted to find out what it was about, I admit the fact that I am also as nosy as everyone else.

It is something that you can't control about yourself.

You simply can't help getting curious about things, Ji Eun spoke to Jihyun with encouraging words to make her realize that it was time to seize her moment.

And I assume that it's about Dan once again.

"How many girls exactly are fighting over him? Including the ones who have absolutely no chance." at some point, I couldn't stop myself from commenting out loud, it was quite interesting, and that is the reason why I'm so nosy.

"But I can't stand against Honey Lou, she is rich, beautiful, and nice too."

Jihyun had her face resting on the palm of her hand as she answered her friend, I actually can't stand it when my friends fight one another.

"There are plenty of guys out here, so why fight over one..?"

"Girls have always been like that, and of course, who wouldn't want someone like Dan?" someone was speaking yet I could not tell where it was coming from.

"That's strange." I remarked on the comment.

"Have you forgotten that you called?"

I looked at my phone in shock, seeing as she finally answered.

"I'm surprised at how you're sitting next to another guy." I scoffed at her reaction, she may have expected that I was shocked to see that she answered yet that wasn't the case, I do understand that she also has a full-time job at a hospital.

I might've overreacted but she knows it was a joke.

"Okay, since you are going to continue acting like that, I might as well do something about it again." Ji Eun added before walking out of the room.

Technically, I was hiding in a corner so she wouldn't see if anyone else was listening to their conversation, and because of this, I might as well do something.

"You better not be thinking what I think you're thinking!"

Seokjoon-noona reminded me that I am not allowed to meddle with other people's business, especially when it comes to our group.

"Noted, ma'am." I replied to her, raising the phone even higher so she could see me clearly as we spoke for the entire afternoon.

And I should probably warn Sihyeon since it could break their friendship with other people or human beings...

'It feels nice to talk like this in my mind, I feel like my usual self.'

It is such a waste of time if I continue acting childish...

I could see Seokjoon-noona more often when I graduate since she only works part-time at the clinic and overall, I have to stop being a burden to my grandparents.

Because of the expenses I have here.

"This may be confusing, but I'm still doing it."

Honestly, I shouldn't focus on helping others because I need to keep myself from failing the same grade level over and over again.

I cannot let my grades drop that low this year.

"Hey, Hyung..." before I entered the clinic as I ended the video call with Seokjoon-noona, Kim Young asked me to talk with him privately for a moment.

And so, I decided to reschedule one student's weekly check-up.

--Author's Point of View--

The game began as an hour passed by, the seats all around were mostly filled already while Honey and Dan had just arrived.

They had been together for almost the whole day.

"Oh, hello~" Riyanna Lee greeted the two as she sat in between Sihyeon and Yeonju, the older boy was frowning at the sunlight since he wasn't a fan of it.

He would choose the winter season rather than the summertime.

He had his arms crossed, showing only a little bit of attention to his friends nearby while his girlfriend also greeted the other two without any trouble.

They all watched the play together as it lasted longer than usual since both teams had quite rough players.

'This is getting boring.' Dan thought.

He looked at her and she was cheering for someone else, it turned out to be Yun Oh, the rival when it comes to his loved one.

They barely know each other which makes it even more difficult for him to figure out how to impress the girl since the other boy is also as popular, richer, and sweet as he is...

'Maybe I should just keep them from seeing each other.'

She was waving at him after he made a throw for his team, they were getting ahead with the points he earned and were close to ending the game...

Honey didn't show any concern to the others beside her as she cheered for a friend, Dan tried his best to divert her attention from Yun Oh to himself but unfortunately, it was too loud and crazy for her to notice him.

He sighed in desperation, thinking of other ways to make it work.

"Hey!" he called loud enough for the girl to know.

She gazed back at him before he took her hand, and then, they both departed together from the field as he brought her over to the music rooms instead.

'That is so unfortunate, I was still cheering for our friend although, I don't know who it was...' the girl thought as she walked with Dan.

The school buildings were mostly empty, and other than the cafeteria, library, clinic, and field, the rest of the places were soulless.

"I'm starving." she commented.

He was annoyed but he also couldn't say no to her.

He made sure that she had something to do while waiting for him to return, and he ran as quickly as he could to bring her snacks.

On the other hand, Honey was simply listening to music while lying down in the music room named 'Vintage' as she faced the ceiling, thinking about that one issue she still has.

"Should I try?" she asked herself.

'I know that they can help me but... I don't feel like I want it.'

The thought of her health condition has made her wonder about many things such as cooperating with her uncle and telling her friends about that.

Or even believing that she can get through this.

"I'm not someone who likes trying or speaking up."

She closed her eyes, knowing that this was all happening because of her stubbornness.

'I hate myself.'

The girl had thought as she sorted the memories that had come back, she remembered the fact that the only goal she had right from the start was to find meaning in life.

And that was to play a huge part in someone else's life which is being a really good friend, a reliable daughter, and a relatable sister.

"I have always placed myself last, everyone else's happiness and safety should be my priority..." Honey realized she was talking out loud.

She didn't want anyone to know what she was thinking about as well including the people around her who had no idea what she was going through.

'I should hide it, for now, they don't have to know... At least, not yet.' she sorted her thoughts before getting up.

"What are you thinking about?" the boy asked from the other side of the glass window as he returned, she shook her head from side to side.

Trying to distract him from ever asking about it.

"Let's just eat." she replied, taking the food from his grip.

"You know, it wouldn't hurt to trust your friends." he added.

Honey didn't show any bit of attention to what Dan said, she was attentively listening but would not look at him, she didn't want to risk telling anyone else about her secret.

'I can't trust them that much, it could also harm them.' she blankly stared at the other while he rummaged through the plastic bag that the girl was holding.

Honey realized that she was still bothered by the issue so she left suddenly.

"I only have a few months left to live so I must dig deeper once again, trying to find a cure would only be a waste of my time because being happy and satisfied is more appealing to me than acting all sick which is very annoying. I have to make sure that everyone will be fine without me..." she softly spoke.