|Should I be worried or grateful..?|

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

I deserve a lot because of the efforts I put in, nonetheless, I will never expect anything in return for what I do since everyone deserves my help, support, or whatever you call it.

"You are such a failure!!" the sound of someone yelling automatically made me jump in shock, I lightly walked around to see if there was anyone in need of help...

'The old me is back, and once again we're helping others.'

"Hi, there!" I greeted him, he was pretty messed up, it looked like he was having a mental breakdown or something like that.

At first, he didn't do much when he saw me, the boy looked back at me but he immediately fixed himself before laughing it off.

'Is he a psycho or what..? He is probably sensitive.'

"What are you doing here?" he asked me as if I wasn't supposed to see any of this, now I was curious about what had happened to him.

Although, it is none of my business...

"I was walking around the area when I heard you hit something and yell at yourself... I kind of saw all of it." I spoke.

He returned to his spot and sat there in silence.

'This is getting annoying but I want to help so...' befriending him isn't the worst idea so I should go on ahead, and just do it.

"May I?" I asked.

The guy looked at me once again, checking what it was that I was talking about, he nodded as I quickly took a seat beside him.

It took me some time to gather up my courage and talk to him.

"Why were you hurting yourself..?" he seemed a bit hesitant to say anything but I got it since the two of us barely knew one another.

We don't have any connections so I think it is fair enough, the field was empty unlike before, everyone must've left to celebrate whoever won.

"You don't need to know if you haven't even figured it out already..."

He spoke, having no intention to at least give me a hint concerning his issue, it seems like I really have to be honest with this person so that I can help him feel better.

"You're right, I don't need to know but I want to find out."

'I am not giving up my facade here, I will keep my mask on, at all costs.' because of what I had said, the guy slightly chuckled for a second.

But he quickly hid his face, I couldn't help but sigh based on his actions since I feel offended whenever such things happen.

I'm trying but it is simply hard.

"Don't you have anything else better to do?" he asked while gazing at me.

He sounded less arrogant this time and so, I replied cheerfully as I came up with a topic for the two of us.

"The name is Honey, how about you? What's your name?" he laughed as I reached out my hand over to him. 'Was I joking?'

He didn't stop there, the guy held onto his stomach while laughing even more wildly, what did he find so funny about my greeting?

Is he just straight-up insulting me?

"You know what, never mind." I said. "No, no. Wait!" he followed after me once I stood back up on my feet, leaving as quickly as I could.

"I apologize for my behavior, sometimes it's hard to resist laughing, especially since your name is..." he started to regain his sanity while he made fun of my name even more.

"You can call me Catherine." I added, crossing my arms as his giggle died down, he came to a realization that Honey Lou was not exactly my entire name.

No one else knew about this other than some of my friends, not even Dan.

"Okay, so you also have Catherine in your name? How come I didn't know about that?" he asked while spreading his arms in the air from the shocking truth.

Honestly, it wasn't that unexpected for me to have a second name because Honey Lou is simply short which is why my parents added another.

"Can you not act like that? It's getting irritating."

I commented while he rubbed the back of his neck as we both walked down the stairs, we were leaving the field.

However, I remembered that I intended to help him feel better about himself, I had no other plans for the day so I dragged him.

"Come on."

He was dumbfounded by the sudden rush but eventually got a grip of himself, we left the school side by side without anyone around to see us.

'I hope this doesn't get me involved in another rumor.'

"So... What are you planning to do with me?" he asked, taking out his shoulder bag from the locker.

"We're going out, I need someone who knows the entire city."

I excitedly answered him as I imagined the things that I have always wanted to do here in South Korea, for almost a month, I haven't gone anywhere else other than the school, café, my friend's house, and also the hospital...


"And says who that I'm following you wherever you plan on going?" he suddenly remarked at my plan, refusing to come along, and I understand.

"I know you don't know me but I also don't know you so..."

I attempted to reason with him yet it didn't seem to be working.

"Please, I want to go out."


'Finally, he accepted my invitation.' it took me half an hour to convince him that I could do a good job as a friend to help him cheer up from the match.

He told me about the fact that he dragged their team down by tying his shoelaces in the middle of the game.

"That sounds very funny but I won't laugh."

I held back the laughter because he might be offended since they lost for a silly reason.

"You can let it out, I don't really care."

I noticed that he looked away as we walked towards the park, he seemed pretty angry at himself for a moment back at the field so I wouldn't give in and laugh.

"Where do you plan on taking me?" he questioned me while impatiently tapping his left foot on the ground as we bought ice cream from an ice cream shop.

I waited for the seller to finish making my ice cream before responding to the guy.

"If we have enough time before 6:00 PM, you can help me finish my exploration here, for the time being, I haven't done any of my lists because of school."

"Is your ice cream more important than answering me sooner? That's harsh."

I couldn't tell if he was either overreacting about it or literally mad.

I was going to inform him about my Face Blindness but...

"Nevermind. Anyway, should we go?" he nodded as if I was entirely forcing him into this.

"Yeah, sure." he followed after me as he kept his arms crossed, it's either he does feel forced, or he could just be acting like that although, he also likes that I'm helping him.

"What are we doing here?" he asked me, refusing once again to head-on.

"Don't you use the public bus?" I questioned him back.

"Why would I when my family owns multiple cars? Get off, I'm calling my driver."

He gently pulled me as he took out his phone, and motioned to the bus driver that they could leave now.

"Have it your way." we both had to wait for about an hour since none of us knew where exactly his driver parked.

"I really thought that he was used to the city but I was wrong..." it was taking forever to find the man who drove my fellow student's car here.

He was obviously nowhere to be seen.

I couldn't wait anymore so I took a break from looking around, and simply used a stick that I found to play with some leaves.

'This is upsetting.' but it doesn't matter anymore even if we do get there since the tour was probably over by now.

I was really looking forward to visiting the nearest aquarium, but my plan is ruined now, and it is going to take long to get another chance.

'Plus, I don't have the time on my hands to do that.'

"You're probably wondering what my name is, I am just informing you so don't get any weird ideas... My name is Yun Oh."

Since I didn't want to be rude and cut off his sentence, I simply listened before answering him, and it became totally awkward when I did so...

"I know, you have a name tag."

'I feel embarrassed about what I did.' he stood there with his arms crossed again, looking elsewhere as he continually searched for his driver.

We didn't speak to one another till a car showed up...

"Let's go." he gave a signal that I could ride with him.

It was pretty much getting dark so I thought he might have driven me home already which was quite unfortunate...

"This was a waste of time, I should have gone alone."

Hoping that he didn't hear what I said, I mumbled nonstop while the man brought us to a fancy diner which was pretty unexpected from my perspective.

"What are we doing in front of a restaurant..?" the guy opened the door for me once we arrived at the place, he didn't answer so I simply went along.

Maybe he's trying to make it up to me because his driver was really late.

"I actually have plans but if you genuinely want me to feel better about myself, I'm gonna need you to act elegantly." he quietly spoke as he was leading me inside the restaurant yet I wasn't just going to trust a stranger like that.

"No way! If you truly need my help, you have to prove that you're not planning anything to harm me." he was taken aback by the remark I had as well as the words I spouted, refusing to go with him.

"Don't you remember the person who invited you to watch the game earlier? Because that was me, you have clearly seen me multiple times even before that also." he explained in a frustrated tone.

That is when I realized that he was the one who had always been watching over me from the very moment I gave him my spare scarf as well as the time I spent in New York.

He was there too, and last is that Yun Oh was also at the hospital when I was injured, he has always been there for me.

I was too stunned and grateful to even say anything back because of how naive I was.

"Thank you."

I smiled at him while pulling back the strand of hair that was getting in the way of my sight, I didn't notice the features he had were similar to the guy who drove me here in Seoul.

"I am kind of surprised to know that the spy from New York was someone younger than I expected." he shyly laughed it off as we both hastily walked inside.

There was only one table filled with people, and the diner barely had any other customers which means that they must have reserved the place.

"Am I shaking? I am seriously uncomfortable right now, this wasn't what I had in mind would happen." we both approached the table in the center.

There were only four of them but I was already nervous...

"Finally, you've arrived. And who is this?" the woman who seemed to be in charge asked.

"She's from my school, mom." he shortly answered her as he urged me to take a seat, there was a moment of silence before the other male spoke...

"So, do you mind introducing yourself?" I was about to stand up, and say something, however, my new friend stopped me from doing anything.

"Why do you look tense? She's not your girlfriend, is she?" he added.

They were both obviously glaring at one another but the adults were not so phased as if it was normal in their family.